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Re: Patch 27 content???
Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 3:48 pm
by helbreat
zzeii wrote:I'll point this out, since you couldn't grasp it on your own.
okay, look at where I said its an example....
Yea, that word...
Main Entry: 1ex·am·ple
Pronunciation: ig-'zam-p&l
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin exemplum, from eximere to take out, from ex- + emere to take -- more at REDEEM
1 : one that serves as a pattern to be imitated or not to be imitated <a good example> <a bad example>
2 : a punishment inflicted on someone as a warning to others; also : an individual so punished
3 : one (as an item or incident) that is representative of all of a group or type
4 : a parallel or closely similar case especially when serving as a precedent or model
5 : an instance (as a problem to be solved) serving to illustrate a rule or precept or to act as an exercise in the application of a rule
Let's look at #4, shall we?
4 : a parallel or closely similar case especially when serving as a precedent or model
Okay, if you need that further explained, please post on it. I'm sure someone can simplify it even more for you.
wow you can copy and paste
what an achievement i alrdy said i care not for these events so why would i want another example? the events have little reward and lots of armour/weapon dura to burn and you cant even go hide somewhere and harvest when there is an invasion as the mobs come get you
wont waste my dura/time for a silly title lol tried both the last 2 events the first one was pretty good as it was stuff most people could fight and not have to die in 1 hit but the kinchers was a bit extreme considering i had a bug right b4 the event that wouldnt let me get my armour out of my packer so i had to go naked with a pair of mag amps best reward i got from the event was spawn points to link up my access to nexus =/
Re: Patch 27 content???
Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 3:59 pm
by zzeii
Oh, I'm sorry, if it wasn't clear, your opinion isn't at debate here. It's your attitude and the tone of your posts. Your mis-information.
I was doing this for the benefit of others, an idea that seems to be foreign to you.
These boards are open to the public to read. So your useless tirades showing your general level of intelligence and forsight (or the complete lack there of) to not only the paying customers, but to all those people who might think about playing.
To complain about something is one thing. To repeatedly do it, over and over because you dislike your own circumstances in life, is just plain wrong on any level of human decency. You pay to play the game, not to be a jerk-off to the rest of the people paying the same money.
To post incorrect or inaccurate statements about the game is just messed up. If you say you see so much possibility for the game, then why do you do things that are counterproductive to it.
Learn some consideration for people on the boards, please.
Re: Patch 27 content???
Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 4:04 pm
by helbreat
zzeii wrote:Oh, I'm sorry, if it wasn't clear, your opinion isn't at debate here. It's your attitude and the tone of your posts. Your mis-information.
I was doing this for the benefit of others, an idea that seems to be foreign to you.
These boards are open to the public to read. So your useless tirades showing your general level of intelligence and forsight (or the complete lack there of) to not only the paying customers, but to all those people who might think about playing.
To complain about something is one thing. To repeatedly do it, over and over because you dislike your own circumstances in life, is just plain wrong on any level of human decency. You pay to play the game, not to be a jerk-off to the rest of the people paying the same money.
To post incorrect or inaccurate statements about the game is just messed up. If you say you see so much possibility for the game, then why do you do things that are counterproductive to it.
Learn some consideration for people on the boards, please.
im complaining about downtime and bugs if you dont like it tough
no matter how many times you post telling me i should just shut up and go with the rest of the sheep i wont you can insult my lvl of inteligence all you like too im vry thick skinned
i just hope you are when forced pk comes because ill fry you if you arent
Re: Patch 27 content???
Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 4:18 pm
by zzeii
helbreat wrote:im complaining about downtime and bugs if you dont like it tough
no matter how many times you post telling me i should just shut up and go with the rest of the sheep i wont you can insult my lvl of inteligence all you like too im vry thick skinned
i just hope you are when forced pk comes because ill fry you if you arent
I'd like to see you come 'fry' me in pvp. Really.
You are complaining and attacking other people. And then complaining again.
Saying the same thing.
I'm not saying to go as a sheep, I'm saying stop being a broken record and jumping at anyone who has a difference of opinion. I'm saying follow
Re: Patch 27 content???
Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 4:21 pm
by helbreat
zzeii wrote:I'd like to see you come 'fry' me in pvp. Really.
You are complaining and attacking other people. And then complaining again.
Saying the same thing.
I'm not saying to go as a sheep, I'm saying stop being a broken record and jumping at anyone who has a difference of opinion. I'm saying follow
i think youll find i complained got flamed and then returned the favour
maybe you should fall off your chair and stop replying and let the topic drop to the bottom
as i am going to do so dont want to be still replying to this when the server comes up as i want to make the most of what little play time will be left