wow you can copy and paste what an achievement i alrdy said i care not for these events so why would i want another example? the events have little reward and lots of armour/weapon dura to burn and you cant even go hide somewhere and harvest when there is an invasion as the mobs come get youzzeii wrote:I'll point this out, since you couldn't grasp it on your own.
okay, look at where I said its an example....
Yea, that word... example
Main Entry: 1ex·am·ple
Pronunciation: ig-'zam-p&l
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin exemplum, from eximere to take out, from ex- + emere to take -- more at REDEEM
1 : one that serves as a pattern to be imitated or not to be imitated <a good example> <a bad example>
2 : a punishment inflicted on someone as a warning to others; also : an individual so punished
3 : one (as an item or incident) that is representative of all of a group or type
4 : a parallel or closely similar case especially when serving as a precedent or model
5 : an instance (as a problem to be solved) serving to illustrate a rule or precept or to act as an exercise in the application of a rule
Let's look at #4, shall we?
4 : a parallel or closely similar case especially when serving as a precedent or model
Okay, if you need that further explained, please post on it. I'm sure someone can simplify it even more for you.
wont waste my dura/time for a silly title lol tried both the last 2 events the first one was pretty good as it was stuff most people could fight and not have to die in 1 hit but the kinchers was a bit extreme considering i had a bug right b4 the event that wouldnt let me get my armour out of my packer so i had to go naked with a pair of mag amps best reward i got from the event was spawn points to link up my access to nexus =/