Pvp or no pvp balanced questions

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Pvp open or not.

Poll ended at Thu Dec 16, 2004 2:57 pm

Special area for open pvp? Great I like it!
Open pvp should be in an arena.
Pvp is ok but I dont want it open anywhere.
I dont like pvp and dont want it in the game.
I dont care ether way.
Whats pvp.
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Re: Pvp or no pvp balanced questions

Post by neofuzz »

I'm owning up, see the number of votes in the "I don't care" category? That's all me. You know the most people I've seen in the prime roots in the last week was all of 5, that's the most. Usually it's only 2 or 3, and you don't bump into eachother often, it's a pretty big place. I think everyone is seriously over-exaggerating the impact of pvp in the roots.
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Re: Pvp or no pvp balanced questions

Post by josephm »

I agree with Fuzz, consider many of the spots we harvest in the PR. I'm sorry, but to get near me when I'm harvesting Mortega wood you are going to have to make a few loops just to get within spell range of me. I'll have about 10 minutes of warning assuming you don't die on the way.

Many of you don't even spend time in the roots. You have a concept, but honestly, you traveled through there once or twice..to get to the other side, and now you TP back and forth. If all of you DO actually hang out in the roots. Consider it. Then re-read Fuzz's post.

At least you stand a chance against the players there. Vs a kitin patrol you got nuthin, and neither does the other player. Know someone's stronger? run a good route and make them get agroed and get DP. Then laugh about it.

Anyways, the best stuff is in the roots. It shouldn't be so readily available. Since it takes someone a few minutes to get to you excluding certain routes, you'll still be able to pull enough mats for two-six sets of armor before anyone reaches you. This makes prices go up and the use of basic-choice equipment much higher.

Right now basic is never used. Why is it there? to waste our time grinding our craft? THANK GOD FOR MONOTONY! Why not get rid of all the crap mats, lower the amount we harvest to 1 mat and just shorten our time to level craft?

Making the roots more difficult, gives us a reason to use inferior equipment.

And honestly, Fuzz knows what he's talking about. I rarely see him outa the roots. Once he told me 'gotta go, I'm dodging six kitin patrols at once'. He wasn't bragging. I venture out there on my own often. I'm still low forage because I'm constantly wandering looking for new spots and getting killed. Sitting at the teleport and harvesting endless Yana just isn't fun for me. All my xp goes to DP. I'm not Fuzz but with what I do know, I trust him completely.

I voted yes. I love PvP and think FFA should be put in the roots. And like Fuzz I really don't think it's going to affect people. Heck if I were against it but it mereley roused up the region chat with some more population I'd actually be grateful. PR can get boring once you know certain safe routes...and isn't it supposed to be this awe inspiring zone?

A lot of the arguments I also hear from people are 'you aren't considering what other players want and you're being a total megalomaniac.

me: OK fine. What you want. No PvP in the PR. I considered it. Now, what about what I want? PvP IN the prime roots. Consider that?

you: 'Yeah we did, we'll give you an arena or somewhere else'

Me: No you didn't listen to me. I want PvP IN THE PRIME ROOTS @#$)%@#$ so stop using that totally crappy hypocritical arguement.

Sorry for the rant. I had to stay OT at work.
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Re: Pvp or no pvp balanced questions

Post by zzeii »

neofuzz wrote:I'm owning up, see the number of votes in the "I don't care" category? That's all me. You know the most people I've seen in the prime roots in the last week was all of 5, that's the most. Usually it's only 2 or 3, and you don't bump into eachother often, it's a pretty big place. I think everyone is seriously over-exaggerating the impact of pvp in the roots.
This is mostly due to the fact there isn't open pvp in the prime roots. If they were to add it, then there would be motivation for people to goto the roots just for the thrill of pk'ing someone.

I spend MUCH time in the roots, I know it is mostly empty. And that's because there isn't much to do there beyond harvesting at the moment (I have had a couple hunting groups down there, quite good xp if you can field a decent enough group down there, which in itself, isn't easy at the current state of most players).

But as time goes on, more and more people will have access to the roots, and it will become a problem, if not immediately, but definately as time goes on, as more people who are fond of rpk'ing gain access to the roots.

Dp is easy enough to work work off if you keep your forage near your level of fight. Takes me roughly an hour to clear out my max dp foraging. Once you hit max, who cares about dieing to mobs any more?
josephm wrote:A lot of the arguments I also hear from people are 'you aren't considering what other players want and you're being a total megalomaniac.
There's a difference between being a total megalomaniac, and posting their (and many others) concerns over a topic. Alot of people do not like the idea of opening up the entire prime roots to open-FFA style pvp in the roots.

These same people would have no problem if were set up like the factional pvp (Where on the test server it generally seems to be around an outpost, not an entire region). They would be more than happy to have it just around the outposts in the Prime roots, since they can still avoid the pvp areas and work on their PR forage.

Choice PR mats are no different than Choice lakeland/forest/desert/jungle except for their colour. Excellent and supreme are down there, true. But other civilizations have similair options for Excellent and supreme mats (I know the Matis have the Nexus as an option, and I've heard Fyros can find supreme mats somewhere, dunno about Zorai but heard rumors they did, and I bet no one has found supreme mats in tryker lands yet.)

They are trying to find a solution with the 'least possible negative impact' so if 40 people are for open pvp in the roots, but 80 people don't like this idea and would avoid the roots all together, and 80 people quit because of it, how do you think they should weigh their decission?

We are all just voicing our personal opinions on the matter. It's nevrax who makes the final decision on what goes and what does not go into game. So your conversation is kinda bunk in how its played out.

It's more like:

You :O K fine. What they want. No PvP in the PR. I considered it. Now, what about what I want? PvP IN the prime roots. Consider that?

Nevrax:We did, having seen the general public reaction over it we decided on <insert nevrax's alternate pvp implimentation here>.

You:<I don't know what you would say here>.
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Re: Pvp or no pvp balanced questions

Post by xcomvic »

PvP in completely seperate SERVERs. It wouldn't be hard to do AND there won't be anymore people upset about the whole PvP deal.

So one server PvE, with the current PvP setup.

And one server PvP, COMPLETELY OPEN PvP, except in Newbie Land and Cities.

I think that would accomidate everyone.
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Re: Pvp or no pvp balanced questions

Post by zzeii »

xcomvic wrote:PvP in completely seperate SERVERs. It wouldn't be hard to do AND there won't be anymore people upset about the whole PvP deal.

So one server PvE, with the current PvP setup.

And one server PvP, COMPLETELY OPEN PvP, except in Newbie Land and Cities.

I think that would accomidate everyone.
I agree, but I think they need to get a larger player base first ;)

Just remember though, in its current state, they would either have to create a specific pvp server for all (german/french/Euro-english/NA) groups, or have to create a seperate server for each community. With the first option, this could lead to either a)you could only play on the pvp server and no other(this would deter alot of people), or b)you could play on the world-pvp server and your communities (not a half bad idea, just hope it doesn't start a world war :D ). With the second option, you'd run into severely low player populations at the moment, not enough to justify having a full server for it for each community.
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Re: Pvp or no pvp balanced questions

Post by xcomvic »

zzeii wrote:I agree, but I think they need to get a larger player base first ;)
They MIGHT get one if they had this option... also I do not see why we cannot choose what servers we play on... I know the language barriers wouldn't be so good, but if FFXI could do it... :) I guess at account selection we could do this (i can't remember) but it would be nice to be able to do it at character selection...might be able to at least somehow get a playerbase SOMEWHERE, this REGIONAL thing might have been done to prevent lag issues, but if you give us the option, we could all flock to one main server and be happy... we might not understand each other but at least we will be in the same server... but to do that... you would have to special taylor it so the text would show up in each language depending on what language he choses during setup... that might be the only hold back...
In response to the ignorant players out there:

I have more heart than anyone would know :) I will let you in on a little secret... I am doing this for my newborn daughter... no one else... I like that game, but I do not have the time anymore. My first priority is to my daughter. End of story.

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Re: Pvp or no pvp balanced questions

Post by zzeii »

xcomvic wrote:They MIGHT get one if they had this option... also I do not see why we cannot choose what servers we play on... I know the language barriers wouldn't be so good, but if FFXI could do it... :) I guess at account selection we could do this (i can't remember) but it would be nice to be able to do it at character selection...might be able to at least somehow get a playerbase SOMEWHERE, this REGIONAL thing might have been done to prevent lag issues, but if you give us the option, we could all flock to one main server and be happy... we might not understand each other but at least we will be in the same server... but to do that... you would have to special taylor it so the text would show up in each language depending on what language he choses during setup... that might be the only hold back...
I believe the main reasoning behind this is, each server's story develops independantly from one another. FFXI had a set storyline that everyone followed, so it was easily done. I personally wouldn't want to try and follow 4 different stories, but that's just me.
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Re: Pvp or no pvp balanced questions

Post by dazman76 »

I don't really think multiple servers are viable. They'll be costing a fair amount to run (don't forget these servers can handle a few thousand players each), and are generally added when the player counts demand it.

There are also other reasons for avoiding multi-server PvP/PvE splitting being - it's not possible to go smoothly from a PvP world to a PvE one, since you'll need to disconnect from your current server, and reconnect to the other one.

Immediately this also chops the population into 2 groups. There's no chance the PvE people will meet the PvP people if they don't enjoy PvP themselves, and vice versa (although I think the PvP-faithful crowd is the minority, even if not by a wide margin).

To be honest, I'm not a huge PvP fan, tho will be looking forward to the new group stuff for teams and guilds. That said, if I had to endure the several painful minutes it takes to start and stop Ryzom, the 'quick session of PvP' wouldn't even be an option.

This kind of thing (surely?) has to be based on zones or areas, and the PR (which is, regardless of your opinions, the highest level area in the game) seems like a good area to me. Yes, gankers. Yes, l33t looters. But we have to remember the point made by several people - you can't just walk into the PR, annoy some people, and walk out - getting in safely can be damn hard, and even if you teleport in, getting to an interesting spot from the teleport can be just as hard.

However, the 'matter of time' point is also quite important - eventually, the PR will be more populated, more people will get the urge to explore there, and that may well lead to friendly players being annoyed by idiots. I guess we have to wait and see on that score - don't forget, you can remember the person's name, and come back with 30 or so friends to finish the meeting they forced on you :) Wouldn't that be satisfaction enough? :D
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Re: Pvp or no pvp balanced questions

Post by xcomvic »

dazman76 wrote:
However, the 'matter of time' point is also quite important - eventually, the PR will be more populated, more people will get the urge to explore there, and that may well lead to friendly players being annoyed by idiots. I guess we have to wait and see on that score - don't forget, you can remember the person's name, and come back with 30 or so friends to finish the meeting they forced on you :) Wouldn't that be satisfaction enough? :D

always worked in Shadowbane :)
In response to the ignorant players out there:

I have more heart than anyone would know :) I will let you in on a little secret... I am doing this for my newborn daughter... no one else... I like that game, but I do not have the time anymore. My first priority is to my daughter. End of story.

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Re: Pvp or no pvp balanced questions

Post by jackmor »

The idea of a seperate server is beside the point. The pvp in the roots seams to bother a few people. But, I can see why they chose the roots.

It is relativly unused by most players atm. (kind of an exclusive club). Open pvp would encourage others to go there to protect they forage sites.

I can imagine it turning into somthing like the hunting territories of the american indians, unwritten, overlaping, losely enforced and fiercely protected.

It could be pretty cool. If your guild and their allies hold an area/territory.
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