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Re: Unhappy with the newly imposed crafting/selling "feature"

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2004 8:51 pm
by ozric
shazzy wrote:Right clicking the top left corner of your chat allows you to filter messages. :)
It allows you to filter chat. Please show me where exactly you can stop all /tells. Answer: You cant with this method.
vin99 wrote:you can turn yourself /anon for as far as i know
This doesnt stop /tells either

Also, as mentioned before, this isnt only about /tells
p46985 wrote:Ozric you are a person of a very delicate psycological organisation if that makes you unhappy :D

You don't really want to turn this option off. Look at it from the perspective of your clients.
As previously stated:
Perhaps i dont need or want clients as i dont need the money ?
Perhaps i just want to craft for guild and friends ?
Perhaps sometimes i would like to put extra items at the merchants so that other people may have the chance to buy ?
Perhaps i dont want to advertise the fact to everybody that i am (hypothetically) a lvl 190 Tryker harvester and would prefer that information to remain only known to members of my guild ?
Perhaps i dont want everybody knowing that i can make (hypothetically) Q200 jewelry sets with +100 hp and have to deal with all the /tells or beggars who now have that knowledge ?
Perhaps someone in a rival guild will not buy my items under any circumstances because of the guild i am in, or perhaps they dont like me personally (and vice versa) ?
Perhaps there are other reasons why i dont like this mandatory feature ?
Perhaps i would just like to remain anonymous ?
Perhaps a lot of people dont have a problem with this new system ?
Perhaps some people do ?
Perhaps if the devs had made this an option, rather than springing this on us compulsorarily i wouldnt be requesting this "option" in the first place ?
Anyway, ive made my request. Dont get me wrong, i actually think this can be a nice feature for those that want it. I doubt it will be changed and of course there are other more important things for the devs to work on or worry about.

Re: Unhappy with the newly imposed crafting/selling "feature"

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2004 9:37 pm
by parisg
Persons who dislike the feature: 1
Persons who like the feature: everybody else who wrote here.
Pages used: 4

Don't you guys think we discussed it enough? He obviously dislikes it, everybody else tries to convince him otherwise and fails. I only see the waves getting higher for no use.

Re: Unhappy with the newly imposed crafting/selling "feature"

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 1:35 am
by ozric
parisg wrote:Persons who dislike the feature: 1
Persons who like the feature: everybody else who wrote here.
Pages used: 4

Don't you guys think we discussed it enough? He obviously dislikes it, everybody else tries to convince him otherwise and fails. I only see the waves getting higher for no use.
One reason i started the thread was to highlight the fact that, for me at least, Choice is a good thing, and No Choice can be restrictive and cause problems. I thank the other posters for the discussion here, without flaming my opinion and request. Maybe i was the only person to post about this, but im not the only one with this opinion. But anyway enough on this already.

(As an aside, the thread also bought up another issue, for which i have sent in another suggestion. That of the ability to turn off /tells, an "option" which i would also welcome)

Re: Unhappy with the newly imposed crafting/selling "feature"

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 7:44 am
by p46985
Guyz Ozric has a point if he does not like it he can post about it so that developers know that there is at least one high level crafter that would like to make it an option. For role playing sake I can hardly see lots of quality items coming out from nowhere, produced by a mystery crafter :D

Re: Unhappy with the newly imposed crafting/selling "feature"

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 8:07 am
by borg9
p46985 wrote:Guyz Ozric has a point if he does not like it he can post about it so that developers know that there is at least one high level crafter that would like to make it an option. For role playing sake I can hardly see lots of quality items coming out from nowhere, produced by a mystery crafter :D

This is not a get a Ozric thing. I really hope the Devs can find a 'toggle switch' solution. However I really great that they Devs read the 'We want this' and added it. It does a weight to the 'Devs may not say much, but they do listen!' camp.

In the mean time - People who send tells asking for stuff, respect the 'crafter'. They may be the best crafterer in Ayts, but you may find they just don't want to be pestered.

Use the 'Sorry I am busy.' line, then if they are persistant, report then. For enthusiatic harrasment, rather than abuse.

I know that are CSR have ways and means of sorting out 'pests'!

*** Supporting the community, even if my opinion differs ***

Re: Unhappy with the newly imposed crafting/selling "feature"

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 12:15 pm
by helbreat
k look there obviously must be a way to not have your name on items maybe try the /anon thing because i have some items i bought from an npc that are excellent/supreme and they dont say the crafters name and if there npc items id like to know why matis has excellent/supreme items as npc sales and nowhere else does at 100q :P

also if ozric has a problem with the thing and thinks there should be a way to turn it on and off shouldnt he use the suggestions ticket thats available to him in-game that doesnt eat forum bandwidth? :) btw to turn off all tells is /afk some commands arent made clear in game maybe patch 2 could be called "chapter 2 (things weve taken since creation to fix)" instead of adding more new bits fix what we have alrdy =/

Re: Unhappy with the newly imposed crafting/selling "feature"

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 12:26 pm
by ozric
helbreat wrote: also if ozric has a problem with the thing and thinks there should be a way to turn it on and off shouldnt he use the suggestions ticket thats available to him in-game that doesnt eat forum bandwidth? :) btw to turn off all tells is /afk some commands arent made clear in game maybe patch 2 could be called "chapter 2 (things weve taken since creation to fix)" instead of adding more new bits fix what we have alrdy =/
I have also used the in-game suggestion ticket, as i already mentioned.
As for /afk yes it turns off tells, until you move or do an action. Not exactly very useful in this instance.

Re: Unhappy with the newly imposed crafting/selling "feature"

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 12:30 pm
by helbreat
ozric wrote:I have also used the in-game suggestion ticket, as i already mentioned.
As for /afk yes it turns off tells, until you move or do an action. Not exactly very useful in this instance.

if you actually try it youll find out its bugged (like 90% of the stuff we have) and even if you move they dont come back on you have to relog to turn them back on :)

Re: Unhappy with the newly imposed crafting/selling "feature"

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 12:40 pm
by mboeing
ozric wrote: Perhaps i dont want everybody knowing that i can make Q200 jewelry sets with +100 hp and have to deal with all the /tells or beggars who now have that knowledge ?
Ozric can you make me a set please =P

Comeon its very easy to get rid of people. And if you want to keep your lvls secret just dont put any wares in for resale or only degrades.

And if people don't like to buy your wares for who you are. Bad luck for them.

I really dont see this as an issue.

Re: Unhappy with the newly imposed crafting/selling "feature"

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 12:40 pm
by ozric
helbreat wrote:if you actually try it youll find out its bugged (like 90% of the stuff we have) and even if you move they dont come back on you have to relog to turn them back on :)
The last time i tested this wasnt the case, but ill certainly test again. If this is the case tho, and you want to turn them back on, typing /afk again should do this without the need to relog. Thx for the tip tho, will be happy if this works :)