Re: Unhappy with the newly imposed crafting/selling "feature"
Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2004 8:51 pm
It allows you to filter chat. Please show me where exactly you can stop all /tells. Answer: You cant with this method.shazzy wrote:Right clicking the top left corner of your chat allows you to filter messages.
This doesnt stop /tells eithervin99 wrote:you can turn yourself /anon for as far as i know
Also, as mentioned before, this isnt only about /tells
As previously stated:p46985 wrote:Ozric you are a person of a very delicate psycological organisation if that makes you unhappy
You don't really want to turn this option off. Look at it from the perspective of your clients.
Perhaps i dont need or want clients as i dont need the money ?
Perhaps i just want to craft for guild and friends ?
Perhaps sometimes i would like to put extra items at the merchants so that other people may have the chance to buy ?
Perhaps i dont want to advertise the fact to everybody that i am (hypothetically) a lvl 190 Tryker harvester and would prefer that information to remain only known to members of my guild ?
Perhaps i dont want everybody knowing that i can make (hypothetically) Q200 jewelry sets with +100 hp and have to deal with all the /tells or beggars who now have that knowledge ?
Perhaps someone in a rival guild will not buy my items under any circumstances because of the guild i am in, or perhaps they dont like me personally (and vice versa) ?
Perhaps there are other reasons why i dont like this mandatory feature ?
Perhaps i would just like to remain anonymous ?
Perhaps a lot of people dont have a problem with this new system ?
Perhaps some people do ?
Perhaps if the devs had made this an option, rather than springing this on us compulsorarily i wouldnt be requesting this "option" in the first place ?
Anyway, ive made my request. Dont get me wrong, i actually think this can be a nice feature for those that want it. I doubt it will be changed and of course there are other more important things for the devs to work on or worry about.