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Re: Nevrax doesnt get the hint

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2004 12:51 am
by zzeii
amitst wrote:I dont understand why people who didnt really study the mechanics before the patch keep making observations like...."oh its just like prepatch1 now"

silly people

sitting and waiting is boring, you have to do that alot, and you have to be prepared to die alot right now...not being able to ddge 50% of the time against things your level is realyl stupid if you have max dodge armor
Having studied the mechanics pre- and post-patch, it isn't just like pre-patch1. In general, it's a tad bit easier in most situations for fighters (with the exception of some carnivoes/kitin).

And you can dodge something more than 50% of the time now in max dodge armor. This coming from someone who smoked a 3kxp mob in the Trench of Trials because the dang thing couldn't hit me. And yes, it was done solo. Pre-patch 1, this thing would have whooped me down EVEN IF I USED BLIND, since blind could be resisted, and they were hitting HARDER then. (To be honest it was a close fight, and I did nearly die, but the dang thing gave me 3k xp for crying out loud).

For those who are having problems (Alot of these people tend to be matis, which if you keep running out the north side of town, its your own fault for dieing to the packs of gingo/ragus, go out the south side of town, alot less there) with getting mass aggroed by carnivores, stop going to where there are carnivores! You can go from one end of any capitals region to the other without getting aggroed, if you don't blindly run forth into the paths of aggressive mobs. They aren't everywhere.

As for mages, well I'll sum it up with this /gu comic quote 'You're a wizard Harry!', 'Dangit! Now I'll never get a good xp group!' (EQ humor, but under the current resist system, it still applies). They do need to tweak resist a bit more I think (Especially player resists to mobs attacks, kinda silly a vigorous kipee keeping a lvl 135 2h pierce fighter, with his pike out, stunned for 20-30 seconds from consecutive stuns, but then again, thats why I don't solo kipee's unless its for missions, same thing for gingo and their blind).

Re: Nevrax doesnt get the hint

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2004 1:34 am
by tinpony
thexdane wrote:as for tinpony, try SOLOing without the healer. you would go down.

Soloed a malicious ragus and a scary ragus together with no danger last night. Soloed two scary raguses without even breaking a sweat. Soloed a dangerous ragus without much problem but that was cutting it close and I did need self heal. Scary torbaks and scary raguses don't even register as threats and they are a good 10-20 levels higher than scowling gingos. Read the list of the stuff I was soloing. I would die in about 10 secoonds if I took on a Menacing pred, but they are 10-15 levels higher than me, and I wouldn't be surprised. A menacing torbak with a healer is a tough fight for me. But at the same time, there were times during combat that the healer would get no XP because I'd killed the creature before he'd managed to get a heal off in my direction.

However, without a healer, I would not hunt preds. In my opinion, you get higher XP and mat drops from them because they are harder. You can't expect the benefits without the accompanying risk. Preds are too unpredicatable in range and hits. I'd take a herbie any day. As of the patch, I was finding pred aggro ranges to be far more manangeable. We walked the entire outer boundary of Maiden Grove (and you can take a look at Raynes' maps in another thread to see the map) from Min Cho, to the far eastern border of Umbra/Maiden when we snuck past Huge Gingos that from 30m away did not aggro us. We then went through Maiden up to Mull of Despond and Void and then back down to the western boundary of Void and Maiden. Basically, a full circle of the area. We didn't die at all and we did take on preds and herbies as we found them. We completed about 20 or 30 fame missions each which necessitated killing a wide variety of creatures.

As for herbivores, the little stuff gives no XP, so the two hit vigiliant stuff wasn't worth killing. Had to go up to gluttonous and grunting to get XP. Gluttonous bawaabs and messabs were fine solo. Grunting was too hard, but at L85, I was getting 1900XP from a gluttonous bawaab (as I remember) so I didn't need the higher levels. Scavenging izams were no problem.

Every person's experience seems to be different. From my perspective as a melee (I can't speak about magic), combat seems to be fine both solo, and duo with a healer. You have to be careful and take on stuff your level, but the less than your level stuff single or duo isn't horrific, in my opinion. Your mileage may vary. Maybe gingos are completely different from raguses and torbaks, they seem to be the standard by which everyone is judging combat. <shrug> If I'm in Pyr tonight, I'll try it out.

Regen gets to be an issue for me in regards to stamina because heavy armour uses a heck of a lot of it and I (whoops) forgot to buy stamina self heal after respec and I have no stamina boosts on weapons, armour or jewelry. Still, sit for a minute every so often and I'm good to go. Again, your experiences may be different.

And I'm not in a guild either. I and my friend make everything we have and, with other friends in the game, we work out trades and barters for the stuff we need.
