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Re: TNN-Tryker News Network: Episode [Five] now posted

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 5:57 pm
by Mekos
Not that this is news at this point, but Juvi, you are a very talented writer.

Re: TNN-Tryker News Network: Episode [Five] now posted

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2004 10:30 am
by jenuviel
khaosoz wrote:I can't wait to see your report when Patch 2 comes.
zumwalt wrote:*shameless bump*
more more more
Well, my account expires on the 28th of November and I'm still trying to decide whether or not to renew the subscription. At this moment in time, I'm leaning towards not. I'll definitely write one more episode before I go, though. A lot will depend on what they do with the mini-patch on the 16th. I'll be going out of town from the 21st of November to the 1st of December, so I'll have to have my mind made up by then. I'm not really expecting the patch to do what I want it to, but I won't leave with any hard feelings if it doesn't. As always, I'll hope for the best, though. Cheers, and thanks for reading!