Last place I saw Pandorae was Bounty Beaches. I'm sure that was exploiting a Trykers spawn point bug too
That and the place where I most often run into anyone from Pandorae's guild is in the prime roots. Funny that.
When I talk about uber guilds being necessary, I'm a president of the 3rd largest Zorai guild.
Raynes has rather selective reading, and obviously an agenda to attack any other Zorai guilds than his own. In event threads, in region chat, or even if it is following people to kill-steal at spawn sites.
Pilgrim of Atys are a Zorai roleplay guild. We support the Kami, and as Zorai are closest to the Kami teaching and want to promote it everywhere. Just so happens one of the other Kami lands is Fyros. Unfortunately recruiting in Fyros is creating to seperated populations of our guild.
Raynes please take a gander at the
Zorai history
2483 - Ancient multiracial guild of Atrium Keepers reformed.
2489 - - Legendary fighter Leng Cheng-Ho arrives from old lands with new methods of combat. He shared the road of the exodus with great fighters of other peoples collectively known as the guild of the Force of Fraternity.
2491 - New trade routes traced and opened into foreign lands.
2496 - Zoraï-Matis summit. Hoï-Cho signs Trade Treaty with Matis King.
2499 - Fyros try to intervene by passing through Zoraï lands but Mabreka persuades them to avoid war.
- Dexton leads Fyros contingent through Zoraï land with the intention to reinforce Tryker front. Mabreka warns him of the danger of all out warfare.
Beyond this, note how few Tribes in Witherings are Zorai only? None yet that I've seen. Very few also only give Zorai race fame, I get more Matis fame than Zorai in fact. Also read the history of other races and you'll be shocked to see even more interaction. Did you read the part that Zorai are hosting in exile the rightful heir to the throne of Matis?
You've indicated a few places that the Kamis like the Zorais because of their isolation, this is not supported in the literature or the in-game reality.
Zorai are not some isolated tibetan monks. Australia might be more remote just like Witherings, but they still trade, commerce, and politic with other countries.
and even if it was, the idea of Ryzom is a changing game where we could have the impact to change this tradition if enough players so choose to do so. Failing even that, your argument about Zorai being isolated... wouldn't apply to 3 other races your trying to shut down as well here.
A realistic approach needs to be taken to travel. It needs to be done so that people don't have to be forced to join my guild, or Pandorae's, or anyone else's. It should be for the sake of players who want to travel other lands before joining foreign guilds.
Unfortunately all I see is another petty feud with a very thin veil of pretending to be roleplay.