The Atysian Subscription

Come in, pull up a chair, let's discuss all things Ryzom-related.

Would a "lifetime subscription" interest you?

Yes, that price seems fair.
Yes, because I want to help Ryzom.
Yes, but the price is still far too much.
No, I don't want to exceed a yearly or monthly subscription.
No, because it's far too expensive.
No, because I don't plan on staying with Ryzom in the long term.
No, because I don't have confidence in your transparency or the future of Ryzom.
Total votes: 140

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Re: The Atysian Subscription

Post by memiki »

This is a hard question really to answer. I have a LOTRO lifetime membership got it in Jan 2007 and it was $199.00 USD. I have never regreted it.

It is not like I have money to throw away but I am leaning toward a life one.
Only because I hate monthly bills, and if I am paying monthly I feel like I have to play all the time, too much. With life time I can play every day, every week when ever and not feel like I am losing my time.

I am hoping Ryzom will be around a long time, but even if I have lifetime and it folds in a year or two, I would think well that was a donation.

I believe they are trying really hard, I think they have made some good steps. But also I do have to agree, I often wonder about the what seems like High level secret is. I mean, this is a game, just not sure why no one wants to say anything. So yes that bothers me. I don't find not letting us know anything is a good thing. Unless it is cause if they don't follow through with something, where they say a date they will do this, you all know game forums are full of people whinning but you said you were going to do this on this day. you lied. So I can understand. But a little information would make everyone a bit happier.

But back to the poll. I would be willing to do a lifetime, only because of the pleasure Ryzom has given me and hope to give me for a long time.
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Re: The Atysian Subscription

Post by ajsuk »

katriell wrote:To all the people asking for transparency...I don't disagree with you, but what exactly are you asking for? Do you even know?
So...what are you really asking for? What mere words and/or media can prove good will, ensure the future of Ryzom, and attract a sustaining subscriber base?

I expected this community to be more interested in actions than promises.
That's just insulting.

I know I'm in the company of some nitwits when I express my distaste for your comments (which probably doesn't do me any favours while arguing my point), but that doesn't automatically = "Your Wrong!".

I mean seriously, in 'normal' circumstances, most successful games have websites/forums with proper information and regular communication, even when in beta.

Ryzom's circumstances however, are poor. With two bankruptcy's under it's belt, confidence is very low. So what do they do? Make the same old mistakes yet again. Piss poor communication. A couple of announcements just recently great, but previously? Nothing for weeks at a time. Not even a "nothing to report, but we're still here working away don't worry! =)".

They've got people who've worked on Ryzom before eh? Oh, is that supposed to make me feel better? Kinda depends what area they're in. If it's anywhere near management or marketing I'll probably not be overjoyed.

They also have people who haven't worked on Ryzom before eh? Cool, hopefully they can do what others have failed to before. But who are they, what do they do, and what's their experience?

A roadmap? Yeah sure I'd like one. I may actually have a clue on what they plan on doing to my game and with my money when billing returns. There doesn't have to be a timeline, it's good that they don't make promises they can't deliver. But they must have plans they can share, even if implementation is far off.

Go do marketing myself? I'm sorry, but get real. Nothing short of proper advertising campaigns is going to do. Telling your mates about it and adding a link in your forum sigs just isn't going to cut it. Ryzom has been almost totally reliant on word-of-mouth forever, where has that gotten to it? Maybe I could do more, but I don't have a marketing degree and I already contribute to the community in other ways. Anyway, I'm here to enjoy myself in my free time, not work, that's their job, k thanks?
Last edited by ajsuk on Sun Apr 12, 2009 2:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Atysian Subscription

Post by 901941 »

katriell wrote: Marketing? Get off your ass and do it yourself.
[font=&quot]The majority of us have been marketing Ryzom for four years and we all know where that has taken us. Don’t say get off your ass and do it ourselves, it isn’t the player’s obligation in the first place to market the game that falls on the company that is running Ryzom. Tell them to get off their ass and do some marketing. [/font]
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Re: The Atysian Subscription

Post by 0balgus0 »

"*knock knock*
Hello, nice, friendly Ryzom community. Are you still there? I'm a n00b player and want to know about the game, but you guys are too busy fighting so I'm gonna go mosey off to WoW instead. Toodles!"

(Pls don't fight here, go fight in PMs)

Oh, back to the topic: I'd go w/ monthly + donation button instead. I can give (or not), depending on what direction I see the game going. Back when there was the "free Ryzom campaign", we had a massive pledge drive to accumulate capital to buy Ryzom outright. If we could get some of those pledgers back w/ donation option, that might be a good thing.
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Re: The Atysian Subscription

Post by kay22626 »

fiach wrote:Why are my questions silly and how do they reflect a lack of common sense, when your "answers" are not based on any facts available.

How are these questions silly :

1. Will they create new maps.
2. Will there be an increase of the level cap.
3. Will there be new skills to learn.

1. Most if not all MMO's release expansions and new maps.
2. Most if not all MMO's raise their level cap.
3. Most if not all MMO's implement new skillsets.

So please, in future, if you dont know, then dont answer with lies and insult genuine posters in the thread.
If you played other MMOs, you must know that only most successful of them get expansions, new maps and skillsets. Programming new content is very expensive and takes very long. So its obvious Ryzom wont get this in the near future. I think thats what katriell wanted to say and im sure there was no offense intended.
The present Ryzom team made updates and fixes while the game was totally free, i think that proves their dedication so we can expect great things from them once the game starts making money.
Anyway, back to the topic, i will pay the monthly sub to support this game but i wont get the life sub, its too much money to invest in a game in one shot.
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Re: The Atysian Subscription

Post by odofitzg »

kalindra wrote:To be honest, I'd rather pay the monthly subscription at full rate, since it gives more regular income in the long run than a one-shot life time subscribtion. Also, I won't risk as much money as I did last time. (subbed for 6 months, Game Forge France went bankrupt 2 months after.) Also I just can't afford to spend a couple hundreads at once on a game... I'd rather buy a couple Ryzom t-shirts, posters or a RL yubo plushie.
Yes! Plush stuffed Yubo!

I vote no, a lifetime sub wouldn't interest me (but not for any of the reasons given so I didn't vote). I'm willing to sub at the quarterly rate.

If the game is still here in two years and a few months, I will continue to subscribe at the quarterly rate and consider it payment for time enjoyed. (Or I won't, if it isn't. I'm a real curmudgeon that way.)

If there was a donation button in the subscription form, I'd probably send a few USD in the direction of the devs, just because I wouldn't mind paying for the five months that I've been back on, discovering new friends and things to do.

I enjoy Ryzom. I enjoy beer. I will pay some of my hard-earned cash for beer. I will pay some of my hard-earned cash for Ryzom. (I note that there is no option from my favorite brewery for a "lifetime subscription" to beer.)

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Re: The Atysian Subscription

Post by orbdragon »

I would buy physical merchandise in a heartbeat. And lots. Real-live yubo and gubani plushies (<3 gubani), and hard plastic many-jointed kitin toys (not figurines... Proper toy-size).

I would put those bugs under a magnifying glass and LAUGH. I would, of course, buy multiples, just to have a pristine version and a melty version...


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Re: The Atysian Subscription

Post by whiterider »

Oy, you! Get your blue arse IG.

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Re: The Atysian Subscription

Post by katriell »

Pleased to see that some clarification and justification has been posted. Doesn't matter even to me whether I agree with the details; all I wanted was definition and that has been provided. Thank you Valda, SunCe, and Jayce.
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Re: The Atysian Subscription

Post by maccer16 »

a few things came up in uni chat about will you be using paypal as an alt payment as some people dont have debit and credit cards ?

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