But we didn't outgrow them, they were always this easy!kay22626 wrote: Your idea is interesting though, sounds like fun but still, making existing mobs more difficult in order to please the players that have outgrown them is not a good idea. New, more difficult content is the answer for them.

(Some did, but I'm speaking in general, and specially the herbies.)
Have you ever killed Bodokin and seen how that works? Or (I hear, never actually seen them myself) Crakin or Shooketh? Well, that's how bosses were supposed to work. The current system of "just dump the boss down in an open field and surround it by mobs of the same species with enhanced sight range" is nothing but a placeholder because they didn't have the time to implement every boss properly. How can we expect them to add new, more difficult bosses if they haven't even finished the current bosses yet?
I'm all for adding new content without taking away existing content in the process, but that's like saying "No, don't add the modifiers to 1h weapons, instead add in new 1h weapons that do have the modifiers." There's a difference between changing existing content and finishing half-implemented content.