Is it really that awsome?

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Re: Is it really that awsome?

Post by gillest63 »

zythik wrote:You can finance me for mine if you want xDD
I did put only one condition; "as soon as I can log in"

Do not worry: as universal chat spammer, whenever Gillest (ingame name) is on, you will know about it :)
You are the first on the list for Christmas gift :)

Might also take you on a 15 minute chat to give you advise on weapons, stats and so on.....
Strange thing in this game......
You may discover than I am not the only one: most of the experienced players you will come across will spam you to hell with advices and nice tools :)

Very different from most game where experienced players would ignore you if you do not have cash for them: all Ryzom experienced players do not need your hard earned money and would on contrary give you some :)

Remind me of one time when I was spied-checked by GM's in the game :)

Was advertising some free supreme lvl 100 weapons on universal chat to empty my storage and was spammed by this guy only asking me why I would give free uber low lvl weapons....
- I answered: need to make space in packers; please take one.... Axe, sword, mace, what do you want please take one :)
- He answered: it is ok Gillest; I am just a GM making sure you are not spamming in vain; please carry on .... :)

Loved it lol :)
Hmmm: Found one of the story that made Gillest what he is/was...
Remember the old man
Gillest was there in the first week one odd day of Sept 04 and will never leave till life makes us apart
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Re: Is it really that awsome?

Post by zythik »

Cool, thanks mate, one thing that in was wondering about the game after seeing a comment on youtube saying "The only mmo you could pick people out just by looking at there face and gear" is the custermization, is there big custermization in ryzom or does everyone who's your level more or less wear the same cloths? and at character custermization is there a lot of choices to make your character unique?
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Re: Is it really that awsome?

Post by eriu3 »

loads of customation, tatoos, hairstyles (extra ones available ingame only)
tonnes of diferent types of armour. Hish level players have no restriction on what design of clothes they can wear, and yeah players can be identified by just thier style of clothes they wear and thier faces, and to prove it, can anyone name these 5 lovly looking tryker babes? :)
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Re: Is it really that awsome?

Post by karmelit »

Faa is the Trykerette to the right, last picture! :)
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Re: Is it really that awsome?

Post by zythik »

Custermization sounds nice, I like people to look different in games even if its just a slight difference.
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Re: Is it really that awsome?

Post by katriell »

Top-middle: Drakfot
Top-right: Kyerna?
Bottom-left, a.k.a. the one next to Faa: Trini?

We should make a trivia game out of this. ^_^
Jelathnia, Kasarinia, KianShi, Maethro, ShuaLi, and OPaxie (Arispotle)
TeiJeng (Leanon)

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Re: Is it really that awsome?

Post by eriu3 »

all four correct so far, just top left to go :)

think I proved my point tho :)
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Re: Is it really that awsome?

Post by zythik »

Lol, yup :D
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Re: Is it really that awsome?

Post by rensu »

I think it's really awesome that you can do that! Just makes me more excited to actually go and play now. XD
I'm torn now- whether to start a new character (which would most likely be Tryker) or to continue with my Zorai that I had played on Silan with...Ah well. Maybe i'll do both.
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Re: Is it really that awsome?

Post by tcircuits »

gillest63 wrote:Houses are good and nice but are nothing compared to packers:

Packers make you enjoy the game socially much more..

- inside apartment (which more or less are nothing but big storage space) you can not craft direct but need to take stuff out of house storage...
- You can not invite anyone in apartment so it's a pretty lonely place

Packers on the other sides are usually parked inside stables and most players are there for crafting direct from packer storage; changing equipment, storing stuff....
Or just standing there endlessly (hiya Ratara :) )
So stables is the place to be :)

I strongly recommend to buy 3 packers before any apartment :)

Also as soon as I can login; I am fully willing to finance anyone asking who does not have enough cash to buy his-her first packers :)
Financing would be nice, but if you know of any good guilds for new players to the game, that would be more appreciated. I'd like to find a friendly, casual playing guild that wants to have some fun & hang out in this beautiful game.
Character: Morred - Matis
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