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Re: ENDGAME Content for us highlevels- lets share dreams :)

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 1:21 pm
by clyne
kuroari wrote:*NB thinks the players and devs should switch places for a month or three >.>*
Honestly every descent programmer and graphic artist among us will jump at the chance, myself included. But that would never happen. :)

Anyhow the idea of kitten spires is intriguing however there has to be some safe-zones where players can feel secure especially new ones.

I really dislike the current static Atys, the slaughter week event was interesting and Olca participated as well as protected several of new homins throughout the week. Those who can seek the protection may not find the invasion too annoying, but those who wander around carelessly with not being even aware of their surroundings may feel this to be quite a pain.

Yes progression of story towards the Goo will be very interesting, maybe goo mobs will finally comeback then? ^^

Re: ENDGAME Content for us highlevels- lets share dreams :)

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 1:22 pm
by meloner
kuroari wrote:*NB thinks the players and devs should switch places for a month or three >.>*
Hell yeah !! Oh...wait...does anyone know something about programming ? :o

Re: ENDGAME Content for us highlevels- lets share dreams :)

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 1:39 pm
by kuroari
I know a thing or two! if the code was laid bare for me i'd be able to figure it out in no time :p (or, for safety reasons, we might wanna wait 2-3 years for me to get my programming degree FIRST... :D )

but i would LOVE to be allowed to help design new elements in the ryzom style O.o (i totally cheated and created a million towers/etc for a city i never painted once...all in the ryzom-style)

*jumps onto, over, and past olca to get in line to be first!*

Re: ENDGAME Content for us highlevels- lets share dreams :)

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 1:54 pm
by arfindel
targosz wrote:[...]
1. HoPos (Honour points) should be back IG - but their usage should be different tho- they should be gathered during all ur gameplay (not only for pvp) and could be used for access to special quests rewarded with unique titles, craft plans or skills - this HoPos could be accumulated by special missions, became a reward for weeks/months of subscribtion (this hardcore but this days hard to tell if one of masters is realy experienced player or just a hardcorely trained newbie who will leave game after few 250s gained in 4 weeks ).
Could balance hardcore players (lots of hours a day, typically stundents) and afternoon players (people with jobs, kids, etc). Interesting.
targosz wrote: 2. New Areas with rewards- yeah I know Kittin Lair is somewhere out there but the majority of us needs new goals and it doesn't need to be more xp or another 250- ie. use Ring for create area where we will get possibility to obtain rewards worth getting- mats w/o digging , special lighter ammo for ranged, special mats for dying armors we creating......
New areas deffinitedly will keep all community busy for months, depends how large they can support one, if. Reawards are a pain to compute tho as to not debalance crafting efforts, rewards as plans would be the best, same way as the actual NPC bosses give, but in hard fights that don't necessarily involve half a planet, rather more brains (Ryzom already lacks the damage type specifficity, at some point everything dies with whatever is hit if hard enough, what a waste). Expensive production: expand map, cheap production: instantiated maps.
targosz wrote: 3. For crafters - let us create shops/stands for selling guilds/crafters own crafted goods - so simply and would boost whole economy
This is something that could keep community busy for years, and it worth every single penny. It comes not only with shops, but with visitable appartmentas and guildhalls. At a higher (and more expensive) developpment, may come with droppable decorations and a new crafting branch to create them. Out of present day useless items, most mission mats that can be dug have nice icons that can be transformed in home decorations.
targosz wrote: 4. For money sink- add q200 or even q250 NPC ammo - make it crazy expensive but this should give us reason for spending/earning dapps
Inflation is not so deep as to need a new money sink, any of the above would boost commerce, and ranged is not tested enough. Untill the patch (and maybe after as well) there is no way to say if ranged isn't just an I win button.
targosz wrote: 5.For PvP hardcorers - give us ability to (this will shake few ppl lol) - loot opponents - lets try imagine we could loot all except for things we wear during fight (try imagine if Yaffle forgot to leave his shinny-thingies at packer ;p ) - of course this could be option for highest lev pvpers (vide HoPos)
Deffinitedly not. Looting opponent's corpse has been tried elsewhere and with obvious result: a nice ganker/l33t community. OPs already get the worst out of us, this will only "improve" the community life. But make death a collapse for 1 minute and immerison of pvp would be much higher, impact of people with 2 PCs and 2 chars less visible, make the pvp-er fight for his life not only for the best damage he can bring.
targosz wrote: 6. Raids! - every 2-3 months flood part of ATys with serious invasion- kittins, mad tribes or goo creatures ect - but make it worth joining- ie free FF of invasion or no digging there :) (or try imagine power inwasion at SNs )
This always worked. Cheap and funny. Keeps community busy as it lasts. But same as bug fixes :) won't make us incredibly happy. Will give the newer players tho a lot of fun.
targosz wrote: 7. OPs - allow crafters and diggers help to defend -attack - sounds wicked but how about owning guild+ allies could spend huge amount of time digging around to create kind of obstacles for attackers or sheilds or traps or anything else and ie few days before planned attack- attacking side could work on neutralising it ect.
Very good idea, but will change the map of the place, wonder if they want to invest so much, but would be a great feature to have.
targosz wrote: 8.WORK ON TRIBES - this could give us hundreds of hours to play with - whole tribes fame system working , quests, small campaigns for helping them conquering parts of Atys , hunting for bosses with NPCs for small rewards ect
Same as above.
targosz wrote: 9. Encyclopedia - make it work= dozens of oldies will come back
The whole mission system needs to be revamped in the same manner they changed the old islands to SIlan. Lots and lots of work. A majority of the players base now is composed by the people who finished by accepting that the ML doesn't have the mission system viable same as SIlan so only some percentage will have fun out of them.

Less than making oldies come, retaining the players who come now to the game seems more important. Oldies after all loved a complex lore game, a new map, a non pvp game. Ryzom is none of the above anymore. But new players who chose to come and didn't leave the gamne as soonas they relaised the huge gap between Silan and ML are those who enjoy the game as is. It is this "as is" that needs to be expanded.

All in all in the short run: action. Whatever action you want is good, from Kitin Patrols to invasion. In the long run I know nothing to keep people longer than housing, be it GHs, appartments, shops, any of these.

Re: ENDGAME Content for us highlevels- lets share dreams :)

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 3:49 pm
by vguerin
acridiel wrote:Does anyone remember the outcry last Halloween? ;)
Sadly, I fear that everyone will be more saddened this Halloween when NOTHING happens...

Endgame content is a pie in the sky and I welcome it just like Ciri stated in the first post... any ideas are good. The status quo is nothing happening now and no hope being given, those that complained about the Halloween event should have been happy that something fun and outside the norm was going on. Right now the future looks bleak...

I would love to be swarmed/killed by a kitin pack during another hell week !

Re: ENDGAME Content for us highlevels- lets share dreams :)

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 4:57 pm
by graysky
General aura of awesome for this thread, and big cheers to meloner and acridiel!
meloner wrote:Adapt the spires project as a Kitin versus Homin thing. Everytime we fail to preserve a region from the kitins they take over it !!!
Yes, yes, a thousand times YES! This is the answer to changing the Spires from a horrible mass-unsubscribe idea to a natural part of Atys! Xtarsia's original suggestion of letting /everyone/ have a shot at them -- factions, civs, tribes, marauders, and kitin -- would add a whole new dimension to territorial combat: do you want to capture this area for all homins, or selfishly only for your faction, civ, or perhaps even guild? A group of players could try to turn an entire region against their homin adversaries, but then they'd be on their own when the creeping horrors came calling! Outposts could be included in this system, which would give them strategic significance in lieu of cat production and consistent with their lore. Watch the bickering over outpost wars turn to whispers of fear! Nothing brings people together like an outside enemy; just remind everyone that the kitins are still around, and they're hungry...
vguerin wrote:I would love to be swarmed/killed by a kitin pack during another hell week !
Ooh, it's the next hot controversial poll topic: who else wants to see DT swarmed/killed by a kitin pack? :D

Re: ENDGAME Content for us highlevels- lets share dreams :)

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 5:31 pm
by jared96
targosz wrote: 1. HoPos (Honour points) should be back IG - but their usage should be different tho- they should be gathered during all ur gameplay (not only for pvp) and could be used for access to special quests rewarded with unique titles, craft plans or skills - this HoPos could be accumulated by special missions, became a reward for weeks/months of subscribtion .....
Faction wars throughout histories both real and imagined cycle through periods of escalation and relative peace. We've "been there done that" with the escalation. It's old, it's become boring.....give it a rest. Let Jena / MakDuk focus on the kitin for a while giving missions to acertain and impede the mounting kitin threat. Let the rest of us have a shot at some of this stuff.
2. New Areas with rewards - yeah I know Kittin Lair is somewhere out there but the majority of us needs new goals and it doesn't need to be more xp or another 250-..... obtain rewards worth getting- mats w/o digging , special lighter ammo for ranged, special mats for dying armors we creating......
How about special rewards touched by both the so called gods which are imbued with increased ability to kill kitin ..... not just more and better ways to kill homins.
3. For crafters - let us create shops/stands for selling guilds/crafters own crafted goods - so simply and would boost whole economy
Not with the T,M & E (time, money and effort) IMO. Good for the newly arriving player who may have heard say that OotN makes good stuff. But after 2-3 weeks in game and a few "who makes good yadyadayada " tells, no longer needed. I haven'tused a vendor since my 3rd day on mainland.
4. For money sink- add q200 or even q250 NPC ammo - make it crazy expensive but this should give us reason for spending/earning dapps
Why "just for ranged" peeps ? Why not just npc mats that ya can make your own ammo (or anythinge else from) ?

5.For PvP hardcorers - give us ability to (this will shake few ppl lol) - loot opponents - lets try imagine we could loot all except for things we wear during fight (try imagine if Yaffle forgot to leave his shinny-thingies at packer ;p ) - of course this could be option for highest lev pvpers (vide HoPos)
Ya remember that 1st time ya sold that amp by accident ? Did ya do it again ? Would be at best a one shot occurrence. Heck I'd carry Level 10 basic set of everything just to annoy my killer at that point :)
6. Raids! - every 2-3 months flood part of ATys with serious invasion- kittins, mad tribes or goo creatures ect - but make it worth joining- ie free FF of invasion or no digging there :) (or try imagine power inwasion at SNs )
Major raids every 2 or 3 months would be better than now but as part of the every day story line would make more sense. See my post on "scouting patrols" hitting each region per season whereby eacah region gets invited by a signiifcant kitin patrol each season. 3 of the 4 shall be designed to be completely wiped out.....the last shall have a few stragglers get away and these "scouts" will get back to the lair. The region which has the escapees return from will be the one invaded that year. The KO's at each city could report on where observers are seeing kitin activity and give a message such as "Kitins seem to be massing at the portal near Dyron....and attack is expected within the next ..."
7. OPs - allow crafters and diggers help to defend -attack - sounds wicked but how about owning guild+ allies could spend huge amount of time digging around to create kind of obstacles for attackers or sheilds or traps or anything else and ie few days before planned attack- attacking side could work on neutralising it ect.
The advertised "building or defenses" was what attracted me to the game in the 1st place. It was the plan but seems to have been dropped. In the meantime, how about reversing the situation whereby the larger a faction becomes, the easier it is to to take more OP's ? As either side starts to reach a position of dominance, that faction god's resources get spread thinner and thinner. Upon claiming a faction and doing the rite, each member would receive a special necklace that amplifies their abilities. However the god's power is limited and is divided among those participating in the battle. Not intended to equalize, just lessen the advantage such that the outcome is not necessarily a foregone conclusion.

Or give the gods more power in their own native lands. Make it somewhat harder to take OP's in a faction's non native lands. Or is all these claims of wanting a "challenge" just blowin smoke ?
8.WORK ON TRIBES - this could give us hundreds of hours to play with - whole tribes fame system working , quests, small campaigns for helping them conquering parts of Atys , hunting for bosses with NPCs for small rewards ect
Tribe relevance would be nice.
9. Encyclopedia - make it work= dozens of oldies will come back
I don't know that that would be enough but it might help bored peeps put off that decision to leave. But make the rewards meaningful. Most of the rewards (other than focus and durability) aren't anything to get excited about.

11. Fame caps - Make them movable for special actions / missions. It makes no sense to me at all how gaining fame in one region or with one tribe reduces possible fame in another. Making all the tribes in Atys like me could keep me busy for weeks.

Re: ENDGAME Content for us highlevels- lets share dreams :)

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 6:19 pm
by odyvek
Regarding the spires and kittin invasions. and hopefully addressing acridiels valid point of people moaning of invasion being too long.
Here goes...
If say after 2-3 days of invasion, the queen boss shows up, and our dear npc kittin spotters shout to anyone who is willing to listen of these wonderfull news. Once Queen is there she sustains kittin spawn in the region, (hopefully you followed my train of thought and reached the conclusion that once queen is dead kittins stop spawning, and once homins wipeout the remaining ones they take control of the given region (doesnt have to be a wipe to the last just say 90%, otherwise i can immagine the nightmare of trying to find the very last elusive insect).
From my limited understanding of programing this will not be very hard to acheive with a basic triggers and make the process automatic ala boss spawns, but with the longer time between invasions.
This in my mind solves the problem of ivasion beeing too long and lasting a predefined amount of time. Since after the queen shows up its upto comunity to stop the invasion. Also before anyone says its gonna be too easy.....has anyone killed lixie yet? nuff said.

also on the subject of spires, why kittins only, xtarsia had a valid point of allowing marauders as well.... marauders come in and take over a spire, region gets infected by goo and we have goospire :) once homins take the region back goo retreats.

Just too thoughts on making the world even more dynamic and alive and putting more fun into game. also i do agree that the goo suggestion could be a nightmare to program/test/implement/troubleshoot

Just my two cents Ladies and Gents.

Re: ENDGAME Content for us highlevels- lets share dreams :)

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 9:30 pm
by acridiel
kuroari wrote:*NB thinks the players and devs should switch places for a month or three >.>*
Uh? And what would I do with all that free time? :D ;)

Naw, sorry, I do not want to be in thier shoes right now.
Appart from that I do know zip about programming an MMO :p


Re: ENDGAME Content for us highlevels- lets share dreams :)

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 9:39 pm
by viper579
kuroari wrote: *NB thinks the players and devs should switch places for a month or three >.>*
id do it, there are already people working with the ring and nel the open source game engine ryzom is built on.