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Re: Retired!

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 7:54 am
by gillest
Enjoy your newly found gaming time Brave and thank you again Millions for the time you spent helping all of us despite the sometimes rudes IG tells that I know you received.

Thank you again for sticking up for so long :)

TPM.... After this, you are not even worth of any comment.

/Tar Brave
/Bow deeply

There is surely a lesson to be learned here, too bad I have a feeling it will not be.
I would have love to help but situation since 2 weeks does not really give me the urge to log in ryzom :(

Re: Retired!

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 8:12 am
by xtarsia
This game is getting screwed so hard by hatefull fools it wont last long.
This game is getting screwed so hard by hatefull fools it wont last long.
This game is getting screwed so hard by hatefull fools it wont last long.
This game is getting screwed so hard by hatefull fools it wont last long.
This game is getting screwed so hard by hatefull fools it wont last long.
This game is getting screwed so hard by hatefull fools it wont last long.
This game is getting screwed so hard by hatefull fools it wont last long.
This game is getting screwed so hard by hatefull fools it wont last long.
This game is getting screwed so hard by hatefull fools it wont last long.
This game is getting screwed so hard by hatefull fools it wont last long.
This game is getting screwed so hard by hatefull fools it wont last long.
This game is getting screwed so hard by hatefull fools it wont last long.
This game is getting screwed so hard by hatefull fools it wont last long.
This game is getting screwed so hard by hatefull fools it wont last long.
This game is getting screwed so hard by hatefull fools it wont last long.

Point made yet?

Congratulations. Idiots.

Re: Retired!

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 8:15 am
by philu
Sad to see your gaming experience spoiled by those pathetic few.

You have done a great job with the Community OPs Brave, you should be proud of your efforts. Thanks for giving so much to the community, I am only sorry you got grief for it.

I guess you wont be afk as much now. ;)

Re: Retired!

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 8:33 am
by fiach
This game is getting
screwed so hard by hatefull
fools it wont last long.

Thats more or less a Haiku :D

Gratz Xtar, you're a poet and ya didn't know it :D

Re: Retired!

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 9:28 am
by cloudy97
Braveganzar, you know that the majority of the players support your work. And I agree with Valda - ban the griefer with the parody name! The game is not about this kind of childish drama, it's about rebuilding the lost civilisations of Atys IIRC.

Re: Retired!

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 9:35 am
by maccer16
Braveganzar sad too see you go you have been a good freind of mine for along time. be you kami or karavan even neutral no person in game needs the crap the brave has got the last few days

Re: Retired!

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 10:38 am
by camlost2
cloudy97 wrote:it's about rebuilding the lost civilisations of Atys IIRC.
People forgot that a long time ago, and are now trying to rip it apart again to the best of their ability.

I don't know what to say Brave. You did an incredible job for the community that few did before you. And those few are long gone by now. Funny how the community change isn't it? No need to dwell with that now anyway.. I hope all the best for you, and that you finally will have time to enjoy the game the way you wanted to. I know I did, and there's tons of fun to be had if you look for it :)

Hats off and my deepest respect. May the higher powers' light shine bright on you for all eternity :)

Re: Retired!

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 10:44 am
by sunsh
Bless you, Brave. I've said it before and I want to say it again....


Re: Retired!

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 10:55 am
by aude03
iwojimmy wrote:"If we exclude stupid and immature people, we will never match WoW's numbers !! "
dont worry....we are on a good way...
less Brave's, more TPM....

Re: Retired!

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 11:31 am
by moyaku
aude03 wrote: dont worry....we are on a good way...
less Brave's, more TPM....
Didn't want to answer that post but this made me laugh (I always loved sarcasms)...

Regarding what Brave just reported... Well I haven't been playing for that long, but I can remember a blessed time when the community (apart maybe for infinity at the time, but at least they were a fun lot) would welcome most player's suggestions as improvements to their gaming experience. That time is over (according to me ofc) since OP war turned out to be nothing more than "faction greed" expression tool... (regardless of the faction)

We are going WoWish, and it s not a compliment in my keyboard... actually Some of you are... I know some and I aren't...

have a good day.