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Re: Had GREED become you?
Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 7:46 am
by audrimas
Kamis, lets face situation we have now. Both kamis and karas are strong enough to attack and take any OP they want. Days when kamis were outnumbered are gone. Recent battles show both sides can muster enough ppl to attack or defend. Karas got Woodburn, kamis got Malmont. OPs are changing their masters like it should be. OPs here to be fight for. One community OP is enough to give cats for all those who dont like PvP and dont care to attend any OP battle. Today we have more than one OP in community project. Lets face, mostly ppl who fight for kamis benefit from this project. Why you want to fight for new OPs and still get cats from community? You still keep fighting and want to have a secure supply of cats? Is not it greedy? Do KA has any "safe" OP? Yes, kara have more OPs atm but who hold you from taking some for yourself? The Community project came out of control. Please dont dare to accuse me for attacking Brave. She works for community and no one can deny it. But today i see The Community project as propaganda against KA and tool used by some kamis. Are you men enough to not to take any cats/mats from this project and leave them to ppl who really can use them, ppl who dont fight and dont want to take a part in any politics? Or are you little girls who yell and cry how bad and greed KA are while constantly attacking KA OPs and taking cats from "safe-kami-cats-bank" ? Please dont start same "greed-theme" cause it laughable. We all fighting for OPs, kamis and karas. I didnt see kamis lose all OPs yet. When its a critical time you can get enough ppl to defend. Its kamis problem if they cant get enough people for attacks when they get enough for defenses. Kamis propaganda about KA greed and evilness destroys game for yourself. Many new players dont want to be as "greedy" as KA so they not coming to attacks and some of old kamis players are happy to be on losing side(by losing i mean OPs count only, i dont mean a weak side like some of you want to show on forums) cause they can feel they are on good side. Many newbs fell into this propaganda nets and now you have what you have.
If kami will win all OPs so be it. Ill say grats and keep fighting to get them back. If some karas will leave the game cause they cant use cats anymore so be it, maybe they are playing wrong game if cats are everything for them.
I call all kamis, stop using The community project for your gains. Start to fight like a man. Dont hide behind it like little girls. I constantly hear KA have enough cats. Cats cats cats .... Are cats only thing you want in this game? Does it means game is not enjoyable without cats? Does it means if KA have cats and some kamis dont have you cant enjoy the game?
Some people just want a free stuff and cant understand you must work for everything. Cats and OP mats too. You want them go fight for them. Do you cry and get upset when you cant get a PvP jool set or boosted weapon or boss armor set just because you have nothing to give back?
I am 100% sure ill hear how evil and greed i am, so be it. Go ahead.
Re: Had GREED become you?
Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 7:47 am
by komissar
KA has NO leaders... none.
All important decision are done by all memeber's voting.
I hope that clarifies things a bit.
I have been in KA since day #1 and trust me I know what I am talking about.
Opinions of: neva, DT, jayce, tel, pero, MJ, aswell as mine or those of any other KA member are individual opinions only! There is no such thing as "voice of KA"
I don't know what you have been told and by whom but it certainly isn't true.
I hope this clarification hlps.
Re: Had GREED become you?
Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 7:57 am
by dakhound
lol, ace multi flaming threads, not seen these for ages
*spriteh where are you man we have a replacement for jyudas*
political boob I think the term I'm looking for to describe this.
*Waits nicely for TH jacking friendly attack*
Re: Had GREED become you?
Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 8:07 am
by fiach
Just out of curiosity, as I dont get involved in OP politics, Is there a Karavan Community OP?
Re: Had GREED become you?
Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 8:18 am
by gillest
vguerin wrote:She raffled away to "those that showed up for their guild's attack" an OP she was entrusted to manage for the community. Yeah, top notch character there...
Hmmm, if you have spare time, you could always come in game with your Milord attitude and stop all the negative posting you have been doing since a month (since 3 years yes but becoming even more bitter lately...).
/Tar Brave
/Love deeply
Big thank you to you and to Zysha before for all the time spent helping people
Now, even though, there should be no need to defend someone who dedicate her time to help other for nothing in return and spending time at Pyr TP all Saturday not doing any xping...
- Has was mentioned, Brave did say that the Community OP will go whatever the issue from the battle was.
- Stop your Kara/Kami crap as you all know that the community OP is away from faction and cater for guilds from BOTH sides...
- Now, seeing the crap brave get on her thread on forums, it is easy to figure out that she probably did get MUCH more than that IG from ppl who would not even have to guts to express themselves here....
Think about that: Could it be possible that Brave decided to give one of the community OP out BECAUSE of some members of the community who were unhappy to see 3 OP they could not attack? ....
Then stop blaming Brave, blame yourselves: she kind of only did what you wanted.....
Re: Had GREED become you?
Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 8:28 am
by dakhound
gillest wrote:Think about that: Could it be possible that Brave decided to give one of the community OP out BECAUSE of some members of the community who were unhappy to see 3 OP they could not attack?
tbh Gillest and I dont hide behind this veneer of respectibility I've always been unhappy with 2 OP's we cant attack, or even 1
(disclaimer: that is a not a KA statement thats just me)
Re: Had GREED become you?
Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 8:29 am
by gillest
Hmmm, an idea taken from another thread:
For all the Unhappy log time OP olders: why not nominate one representant of your guild to help Brave standing at Pyr TP all Saturdays and help here receive some of the flaming msg she probably have...
Speaking is easy but seems the flamers will never want to help in the community OP program... They too busy flaming on forums ...
Re: Had GREED become you?
Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 8:51 am
by great83
komissar wrote:KA has NO leaders... none.
All important decision are done by all memeber's voting.
I hope that clarifies things a bit.
I have been in KA since day #1 and trust me I know what I am talking about.
Opinions of: neva, DT, jayce, tel, pero, MJ, aswell as mine or those of any other KA member are individual opinions only! There is no such thing as "voice of KA"
I don't know what you have been told and by whom but it certainly isn't true.
I hope this clarification hlps.
I am sorry if i maybe seen the KA differently and been told wrong by other KA members but i always been told there is a set leadership on the forums... and a pecking order in the alliance.. but i guess i been told wrong, sorry
And well for you saying there is no "voice of the KA", that is something you need to discuss with others sense i can remember at least 5 posts where people have spoke for the KA as a whole... They may of been wrong doing so but no one stepped in and said differently so i was led to believe what i believe.
Re: Had GREED become you?
Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 9:11 am
by audrimas
gillest wrote:For all the Unhappy log time OP olders: why not nominate one representant of your guild to help Brave standing at Pyr TP all Saturdays and help here receive some of the flaming msg she probably have...
Speaking is easy but seems the flamers will never want to help in the community OP program... They too busy flaming on forums ...
Here is an opposite suggestion:
Why not to take those OP from Brave and do it yourself(not you Gillest, i mean any guild who would like to do this)? Distribute cats to all kamis , neutrals and whatever guild you think is ok to get cats? By this you can save Brave's time so she can enjoy the game.
But maybe it became too easy for some of you? Why to bother with cats distribution and waste your time when you can /tell brave "we want our cats, asap!"
and its safe, no one dare to attack community OP.
Think about it.
Re: Had GREED become you?
Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 9:17 am
by gcaldani
great83 wrote:I am sorry if i maybe seen the KA differently and been told wrong by other KA members but i always been told there is a set leadership on the forums... and a pecking order in the alliance.. but i guess i been told wrong, sorry
And well for you saying there is no "voice of the KA", that is something you need to discuss with others sense i can remember at least 5 posts where people have spoke for the KA as a whole... They may of been wrong doing so but no one stepped in and said differently so i was led to believe what i believe.
Many peeps simply doesn't answers in some kind of topic because they are not interested in flaming and useless statements.
I agree with Kom and I can tell you that there are no leaders of the KA. Any member is free and speak for themselves. Anyone is entitled to tell his opinion and personally I agree with people that said BGZ has all the rights to play as he want.
I think Community OP was, and is, a great idea and I have nothing against BGZ.
Also, if BGZ is able to make many friends and want to turn them against KA for whatever reason, he is entitled to. It's part of the game.
So, if you need someone stepping in and say differently, i'm here too.
But remember, i'm a karavan and I will fight for Jena, so if u attack KA, stay away from my spells