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Re: DEVS: Magic XP for Healing??

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 6:47 pm
by aelvana
I agree that wandering healers should get some experiance for their services, but... to avoid players using this to power level defensive magic there should be a timer for experiance gain for raising the SAME character(s).
Lets say that one could gain experiance for raising someone every 5 mins or so. This way Bob and Bill wont duel eachothers to gain defensive experiance far more safely than Jim who's advanturing with a party.

Any other toughts on this?
I would object strongly, because it would hurt players like me that accept that healing is not a soloable skill, and play healers as they're meant to be played in Ryzom.

If you want a skill based system, you're going to have some skills that fall under the category of 'usable only on others'. While some may not like it, if you think about it, it's working exactly as designed.

Re: DEVS: Magic XP for Healing??

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 6:57 pm
by yy48n19
aelvana wrote:If you want a skill based system, you're going to have some skills that fall under the category of 'usable only on others'. While some may not like it, if you think about it, it's working exactly as designed.
I'm not sure that anyone has suggested that healing should be a soloable skill as you define it here. Certainly, in creating this thread, I was not suggesting that players be able to level up simply by healing themselves. My question was, why limit healing others strictly to combat? Certainly being grouped with a forager, who is being burnt by mat explosoins or who is gagging on toxic clouds, and healing them, falls in the 'usable only on others' category. Obviously, too, ressurecting a fallen character, as so many have posted on, falls into the 'usable only on others' category. No one is suggesting that players be given the power to rez themselves. That's just absurd. :rolleyes:

So, although the opinion may not be popular, I'm not as certain as you that the current healing system is totally flawless.

Re: DEVS: Magic XP for Healing??

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 7:07 pm
by daleknd
Back to the whole risk versus reward thing.

If healing experience is only meant to be gained by healing during combat on members of your group, fine.

However, if rezzing someone is not meant to give experience should it not also be without the risk currenlty associated with it? It is one thing to be attacked by dangerous creatures when approaching a fallen comrade. This is to be expected.

How does it make sense that as soon as you rez him you have instant aggro from whatever normally non-aggresive creature(s) killed him? You are not grouped. You will not share in the reward of any experience generated. How does the guaranteed hazard of inheriting his former aggro play out as being equitable?

humble forager of the Fyros