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Re: Ceremony o fmerging

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 3:39 pm
by tigrus
xtarsia wrote:all the Kamist are saints :) - except Sunce lol


Going by the ceremony that has just passed, not a single mishap (besides a nuke or 2 involving sunce - of course ;) ) and i found the entire event very joyous and happy =)

<Removed due to closed topic and personal discussion - Tydamus>

I rest my case :)

Re: Ceremony o fmerging

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 3:42 pm
by ajsuk
_zzZZZ - Isn't this thread locked yet? :p

Re: Ceremony o fmerging

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 3:53 pm
by d29565
strife74 wrote: Keiko, sweety, I have to say that I am another pleasantly surprised Choian who is happy with the move. Though I most likely will not use that ugly title :p .
You and and your RP friends were the main ones I was thinking about when I typed what I typed.

Re: Ceremony o fmerging

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 5:02 pm
by fasinuss
tigrus wrote:
<Removed due to closed topic and personal discussion - Tydamus>

I rest my case :)

*sigh* Sunce, are you really that blind, or cant u see she didn't pick on you?

you anywhere see: *"name" invokes a spell on you* ? she just used a bomb spell... if she wanted to kill she would probably nuke after the first spell too but *sigh* nvm

Re: Ceremony o fmerging

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 5:24 pm
by tigrus
fasinuss wrote:*sigh* Sunce, are you really that blind, or cant u see she didn't pick on you?

you anywhere see: *"name" invokes a spell on you* ? she just used a bomb spell... if she wanted to kill she would probably nuke after the first spell too but *sigh* nvm
I opened sys info AFTER I killed her Fasi, I reacted on instinct, and my issue wasnt that it was a mistake, it was her crap in region right afterwards.
It would have been easy for her to say, im sorry that was a mistake.
And i wouldnt have killed her, because as you see, i didnt GO there looking for a fight, I was talking to Michellexx.

And i had to EQUIP my amps, so she had plenty of time.

My point is, It was not MY fault that pvp ended there, no matter what the server say.

Re: Ceremony o fmerging

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 5:34 pm
by dakhound
jared96 wrote:No argument with most of the post, but this one did hit a small nerve.

The standard which I have always used and believed to be in accordance witht he ToS was no "kill stealing". If a team had engaged a boss, I consider it bad form to enter the fray afterwards with the original team at a disadvanatge. This was always the "way of the world" with the established players going back to even pre FBT days.

Kiroyka is probably the most desired boss and a couple of months back I had a few "Void N00bs" up there and as luck would have it he popped while we were on the jabs next door. Our team near wiped 5 or 6 times before we knocked him off and though word got out and the "kiroyka tp" was popping homins like jiffypop, none engaged and let us work our way thru the kill. We took some good natured ribbing for the near wipes as most in team were fighting a "real" boss for the first time, but the 20 or so peeps did what I have come to expect from the Ryzom community and gave us "our shot".

A month later 3 of us were on ocyx boss when our healer backed away from the fray too much and attracted the blue monkeys at the same time that 3 or 4 minions decided to visit. We went down and another team came in, left our dead bods rotting, and jumped the boss. They wiped in seconds.

Luckily we had guildie in thesos who ran out and rez'd us and, tho I was darn tempted, we didn't leave the other team to rot as they did to us.

Back to kiroyka, our 2nd shot at him in 4-5 months . We had whole team assembled with one or two other peeps arriving as we engaged. TP started popping players again and they all jumped in late. While we had a melee and healers in team, the new team all went ele. Stood next to our mages and grabbed our bomb heals and of course needed no tanks to keep mob off them as they used ours. With all on ele, tho we started first, they were able to lay more damage and got loot.

This is "competition" ? To me the word includes the concept of sportsmanship, courtesy and fair play which were not exhibited in 2 of the 3 examples above. Of late I am seeing somewhat less of that and that is disappointing. I also play the game with my kids and this is behavior I'd rather them not emulate.
fair enough thats your take on the rules, I've seen many ppl with different versions but wont get into this and I judge each on the indiviual circumstances (also if 2 teams at same boss I always offer to join together or compete). My point was he got KS'd and that then represents how the whole of arispostle is bad......

Re: Ceremony o fmerging

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 5:36 pm
by gillest
fasinuss wrote: she just used a bomb spell...
Warning to new players: dont use a bomb spell, when u see Sunce around (even a heal bomb, u silly) :)

Jking only, Sunce at least has the courage to challenge ppl in PvP, never heard of him pulling aggro or doing any bad move on anyone :)
He is just in love with PvP :) so its easy, u see him around, you equip ur pick or u be rdy :)

Re: Ceremony o fmerging

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 5:45 pm
by wardone
I know bille well and you would need to travel a long way to find as nice a person in real life or cyberspace.

But i would urge other players that left aris to join cho to consider how they can truely affect the balance on aris and just maybe address the balance situation.

A sad sight to see this thread end up with the usual suspects replying with little of note to add.

Chase another paying customer away from the game that will help ryzom :/

Re: Ceremony o fmerging

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 5:54 pm
by martl

Re: Ceremony o fmerging

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 7:15 pm
by zanthar
wardone wrote:I know bille well and you would need to travel a long way to find as nice a person in real life or cyberspace.

But i would urge other players that left aris to join cho to consider how they can truely affect the balance on aris and just maybe address the balance situation.

A sad sight to see this thread end up with the usual suspects replying with little of note to add.

Chase another paying customer away from the game that will help ryzom :/

Hey War, Billie was the first to draw blood, calling an entire server <Edited for content - Tydamus> or what ever choice word the mods edited out is not the way to win friends! Also haveing the attitude of a spoiled child that just had it's favorite toy taken away also does not bode well! If he had come here and said his piece in an adult manor, he would have been met with more compassionate replies! Just my two dapper on the topic!