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Re: Trykers and comparison

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 7:42 pm
by aude03
riveit wrote:However you have attacked Tryker guilds because you wanted Fyrosian or Zorai guilds to take their outposts in the Lakes.
Well to be honest, i dont see what you're talking about :p really getting old :p
riveit wrote:Your guild has declared on several Tryker outposts in Lakelands.
i did not mention that in my original post, cause i dont see any problem for a tryker/tryker challenge.

riveit wrote:I called for Tryker elections as soon as Governor Wyler died. Calling for elections is not dancing on Wyler's body but rather honoring the democratic traditions of the Lakelands that Governor Wyler upheld.
Rofl, the freaking thing is you really seems to think what you're saying.
I'm sure one of the "mister 3000 posts" can find the chatlog of the assassination, we'll see when and how you and your friends are "calling for election" and honorate Still Wyler :)

Re: Trykers and comparison

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 7:55 pm
by riveit
aude03 wrote:Well to be honest, i dont see what you're talking about :p really getting old :p
When the Riders on the Storm, the Sirens of Atys, and a few more guilds attacked the Fount.
aude03 wrote:Rofl, the freaking thing is you really seems to think what you're saying. I'm sure one of the "mister 3000 posts" can find the chatlog of the assassination, we'll see when and how you and your friends are "calling for election" and honorate Still Wyler :)
Hehe, maybe you are finally getting my humor. :) It's funny enough to make a dead Tryker roll in their grave laughing. :D

Re: Trykers and comparison

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 8:55 pm
by arfindel
Not sure who Madirrah and if he/she wants to be anomymous, I wouldn't be against it by any means...
However he tries to make us belive he is citing the "Being a Tryker" page from the lore. I am by no means against using those parts of the lore that suit best our individual personality (if I would of course would be a weird, very atypical tryker myself). But when the citation is not complete basic rules say that we have to give notice to the reader at least by the sign "[...]".

As Madirrah doesn't do it, I belive it's a duty to add and confront some parts here and there:

"Who is our chief?
Lady Ailan Mac'kean, she's the big boss. She is the governor of the Tryker Council. When she speaks, you jump! at least until you've worked your way up to be able to speak to her eye to eye. You make sure you stand by her, young Homin, our independence depends on our solidarity! Her right-hand Homins is her deputy, Rehn Kirran, he is an experienced Homin and provides her counsel. If ever you get the honour of carrying out a mission for the council, make sure you give it your best shot, you never know, our independence could depend on it"

This quote was left apart, probably because it may have been harder in the context to mention that the Trykers have two leaders while the other civilisations have only one...

"What are our goals?
Ever since we resurfaced from the Prime Roots we have been building solid foundations for our future civilization without tyranny or intolerance, where all Jena's children may live in freedom. Now we must:
- Develop our individual strengths and skills
- Build strong and closely knit guilds to spread the word of the Karavan and free the infidels of Kami possession
- Build alliances with the Zoraïs
- Improve our knowledge to make even better tools and weapons. During the Great Swarming, much knowledge was scattered throughout the land. Discovering this knowledge and more will open the doors to the secrets of the past.
- Live the good life."
Obviously this statement (mainly in the points underligned by me here), even if on same page of basic principles, was not so suitable to Madirrah's views but it's still there.

Later we can see Madirrah considering fellow trykers of different religion as "My brothers and sisters lost and fallen to the evil blight, possessed by demons!" But he/she might have omitted to read the very first paragraphs of the page so heavily/apparently quoted here, paragraphs that state:

"If you believe in a world without tyranny or intolerance, with neither masters nor slaves, come help us build it!! (the tryker world, my note)"

Finally Madirrah makes the following assessment:
"Only as one can we stand true to our spirit."

Which - I admit - sounds as a good slogan. Only has some slight problems with the same page that he/she quotes at the begining which sais:
"We Trykers live by the virtues of freedom, equality and sharing. We believe all homins are equal and should live and let live. We believe in nurturing the qualities of the individual, and not just the group as a whole. After all, our sweet Goddess Jena makes homins come into life one by one, not in elevens and nines!"

Possessed or not possessed by demons *grin* I never cease to wonder... those trykers ...- who think all trykers should belive in same gods, follow exactly same politics, vote same Governor, indulge in same Matis "protection", hate same Zorais or kamis, or... corsairs, never mind, who belive we should all wear same pair of same colour trousers... be "as one" as it stays well said... - those trykers, with whom are they "federated" with?

1. the act of federating or uniting in a league.
2. the formation of a political unity, with a central government, by a number of separate states, each of which retains control of its own internal affairs.
3. a league or confederacy.
4. a federated body formed by a number of nations, states, societies, unions, etc., each retaining control of its own internal affairs.

Re: Trykers and comparison

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 10:23 pm
by danolt
The Kami of Wylers day, the ones who followed the great spirit, who aided and befriended the Trykers are not the Kami of today. Wyler began his remarkable service in 2499 leading a band of warriors which harassed the Matis stationed in Loria. It would be a further nine years before he would be Governor. These dates are important, because during Wylers generation the corruption of the Kami began to become apparent. I have no doubt that the Kami use to be a force for enlightenment and peace. However that is plainly not the will of Ma-Duk the supposed Kami god.

In 2483 Ma-Duk appears to a Homin for the first time, Hoi-Cho the great sage of the Zoari. In 2501 Hoi-Cho puts on the first mask ever worn by a Zoari which eventually leads to today with every Zoari child being physically taken by the Kami until they accept the mask.

Upon Hoi-Cho's death in 2504 Fung-Tun takes control of Zoari government, refuting the teachings of Hoi-cho and reinstates Jena as the Kami Superior. In 2506 the present leader of the Zoari, Mabreka Cho, the disciple of Hoi-Cho, deposes Fung-Tun. By 2525 Mabreka Cho has consolidated the teachings of Hoï-Cho throughout the Zoraï and Fyros lands.

The revelations are the basic foundations of the Ma-Duk faith. In them I can find no mention of Spirit, love, peace, trust, tolerance, caring, or faith. They are orders, dictates. Ma-Duk says he is at one with the Kami and that you must follow his/their will, and if you do you get to become a Kami and be swallowed by his will if you don't you get to be killed.

Ma-Duk wants to destroy everything that is not of Atysian composition and since Homins are not native to Atys, that means Ma-Duk is only about black and white, two options, lose our souls and become Ma-Duk or be destroyed. Read them for yourself and tell me that you follow tolerance, free will, and the overall good of homin kind. You would destroy us all for a bit of temporary personal power, I will stand against all who support Ma-Duk until the evil is gone and the Kami are freed.

Revelation 1)
I am Ma-Duk, the Genitor, the Life Giver who created Atys, I am at one with the Kamis, who are part of me, and thus you must adore them as you will the Genitor.

Revelation 2)
Follow the pathway of Kami enlightenment; it will lead you to elevation into the sphere of Kamihood.

Revelation 3)
To enter the sphere of Kamihood and be at one with the Genitor, you must follow the patch of enlightenment to attain merit.

Revelation 4)
Attain merit by worship and by caring for Atys.

Revelation 5)
Provided you are on the pathway of Kami enlightenment, I will rekindle your spirit if you die before you have reached full merit.

Revelation 6)
Don't be tempted by false gods, they cannot be of Atysian composition, they have no place in my design, they create imbalance.

Revelation 7)
Be the enemy of excess and your journey on the path to Kamihood shall be plentiful.

Revelation 8)
In the same way as I have sown the seeds of existence to the wind to prepare for your life on Atys, so you must disseminate Kami enlightenment to the four corners of the world.


Re: Trykers and comparison

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 11:33 pm
by scarazi
riveit wrote:When the Riders on the Storm, the Sirens of Atys, and a few more guilds attacked the Fount.

who was the first tryker guild to attack another tryker guild, smug idiot.
who was the second tryker guild to attack another tryker guild, double idiot, dont quote your bias may+ story when you know the occurance

tryker history is special, dont dismis it, getting some random guilde to post that zoari are enemy of the tryker

Re: Trykers and comparison

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 11:54 pm
by vguerin
arfindel wrote:As Madirrah doesn't do it, I belive it's a duty to add and confront some parts here and there:
Good post Faa, your post exposes the more literal nature of Tryker lore. Someones interpretation which some may have taken as fact, was misleading.
scarazi wrote:tryker history is special, dont dismis it
Every homins history is special, even when rewritten by new generations.

Re: Trykers and comparison

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 1:42 am
by sprite
aude03 wrote:I'm sure one of the "mister 3000 posts" can find the chatlog of the assassination
Actually, I couldn't give a bodoc's behind :o

Re: Trykers and comparison

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 2:45 am
by riveit
scarazi wrote:who was the first tryker guild to attack another tryker guild, smug idiot.
who was the second tryker guild to attack another tryker guild, double idiot, dont quote your bias may+ story when you know the occurance

tryker history is special, dont dismis it, getting some random guilde to post that zoari are enemy of the tryker
Hehe, I'm quite familiar with Tryker history.

I take it that you are Icenn and kiexa also? Yes, AA attacked Band of the Hawks and we cancelled that war. We also attacked Atys Ghosts outpost which they gave up peacefully saying that they didn't need it since the guild was largely inactive then. The superb diplomacy of you and a few your friends goes a long way to explaining the current state of the Lakelands. :)

Re: Trykers and comparison

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 7:09 am
by scarazi
wow, you must be last to know again :P

i just think sometimes you and you guildies posts are leaning towards preaching, especially that post esplaining what it is to be a tryker, then in fact AA`s acton has been the least tryker, dismissing the tryker alliance to join the matis alliance, attacking many tryker guilds, Nexus, Evolution, Band of Hawks, Atys Ghosts. Being the first and ONLY guild every to attack the guild that have given them an outpost. Publically boasting about blowing up packers.

theres more to Trykers than just thier history, there is the present, we are writting that.

Re: Trykers and comparison

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 7:57 am
by thlau
riveit wrote:Yes, AA attacked Band of the Hawks and we cancelled that war.
Yes you canceled that attack, but I am too old to remember if you helped the Matis to attack the outpost, or if AA only defended the Matis against an attack of the Band of Hawks.

And to decribe the current state in New Trykoth you have to go that far back, sometimes even farer back in history.

Tryker Refugee