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Re: More Startling News
Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 12:39 am
by jamela
khyle wrote:... while we all know the Goo is spreading like a cancer, and responsible for horrendous mutations among homins and animals alike....
These are common myths. In all my years the goo-ridden areas have never ever spread, nor retreated. In Witherings I once found gibbai infected by the goo, but frankly, they were far more like the gibbads than the gibbai, being unaggressive - and unfortunately listless. I have never come across any other infection or mutation. Lets not get all into a panic over an unfounded myth, please? That said, goo is undeniably deadly, and as such deserves research to better understand it, for protection at the least.
Re: More Startling News
Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 12:46 am
by arfindel
A Goo weapon or at least goo ammunition killed Still Wyler... now we are required to help the Yrkanians (we are not even sure which yrkanians, I've not seen any of the royal family) to fight an unknown army for unknown reasons upon the pretext of a piece of armor found in the build even more goo weapons.
We are told about matisians fighting "them", who obviously are not the kitins. So no homin solidarity is required. The weapons have to be blessed by Jena or they won't work... *shrug*
The Yrkanis government should really give more information before any other nation truly believe them or take the threat they keep talking about serious.
Up to now we haven't seen any army, invasion or even piece of special armor. We've only seen some daggers equipped trykers (maybe 3 of them, hardly an army) and some so-called scientists ... Takes a bit more than that to call all nations solidarity in such a serious matter as free use of goo.
Re: More Startling News
Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 6:40 am
by ffxjosh
khyle wrote:
The way I understand it is the event team are volunteers, aided by and aiding the CSR team, but that's only my impression.
I don't see your point about "disrupting people's gameplay"; as for "upsetting people who aren't into RP", would those be upset if someone dare to walk by "their" levelling spot or asked for a rez or maybe directions? Sorry, I can't seem to follow you there.
(even more [ooc] )
Maybe i didnt phrase it right, what i ment was, by having a member of the CSR team running about as an event character they no longer are CSR's - they become event people. By beomming event people for several hours to 'spread the word' tickets start to pile up, peple remina stuck for longer etc etc. Now that would be upsetting to anyone, even more upsetting to them if they hated events // RP.
Make sense?
Re: More Startling News
Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 9:26 am
by katriell
OOC: I think what khyle was trying to say is that CSRs and the event team are separate. I don't know if that's the case.
ffxjosh wrote:(even more [ooc] )
Maybe i didnt phrase it right, what i ment was, by having a member of the CSR team running about as an event character they no longer are CSR's - they become event people. By beomming event people for several hours to 'spread the word' tickets start to pile up, peple remina stuck for longer etc etc. Now that would be upsetting to anyone, even more upsetting to them if they hated events // RP.
Make sense?
Re: More Startling News
Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 9:26 am
by khyle
jamela wrote:These are common myths. In all my years the goo-ridden areas have never ever spread, nor retreated. In Witherings I once found gibbai infected by the goo, but frankly, they were far more like the gibbads than the gibbai, being unaggressive - and unfortunately listless. I have never come across any other infection or mutation. Lets not get all into a panic over an unfounded myth, please? That said, goo is undeniably deadly, and as such deserves research to better understand it, for protection at the least.
An old Fyros passing by gives a friendly smile, blinks an eye: "You must have been really busy then
, keeping watch over the Goo wherever it appears on Atys, at all times, in all places at once, without blinking. I have come across lush places, only to see them infected by the Goo a few months later. I don't say it's the most pressing problem we have at the moment, but it may well be the most important, threatening and lethal..."
(OOC again)
The Lore as of 2007-04-20 wrote:The goo is a mysterious form of pollution that seems to be consuming the planet Atys. The kami are actively trying to resolve this problem. For now, the Goo continues to expand.
It first appeared in the prime roots, but it has been observed on the back of the planet and some pretend [fr. prétendre ~ claim] that it is already reaching the Canopies.
It uses the network of sap veins within the planet to travel, and bursts out on the new territories it reaches.
Creatures and homins can seriously be contaminated by the Goo. A creature infected seems to become a lot stronger. It also looses its self-control and seems to be under the control of the Goo.
I as the player do of course know that the mechanics for letting the Goo expand aren't there "yet", and maybe won't ever.
Re: More Startling News
Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 3:01 pm
by drachle
Sitting under a root shooting out of the Enchanted Isle bark, oblivious to his surroundings, lost in his thoughts and in communion with Atys, Drachle ponders on the events as of late...
Marauders... what kind of appelation is that?
I am a nomad, of tryker and zorai origin, brought up by the fyros...
The only contact I have had with the Matis is a close companion of my childhood in Zorai lands called Sigio Nirini who is a hawker. hmmmm.... Hawkers have easy access to all lands and a matis camp near zorai and the goo infested lands speaks loud and strong.
The matis "found" a goo-strickened armour piece in PR. hmmm... Was it planted by the marauders so as to let them "find" it? Is it a test of sorts to see how we homins react to the idea that an overwhelming power could exist that is above and beyond the established forces as we know them? the kamis and the karavan... hmmmmm
For some reason, it comforts The Nomad to know there could be such a force, an independent one at that.
If this is a test, then maybe uniting with the matis to destroy what we do not know of is the worst of all reactions possible. Of course, if this was a test for hominity, they WOULD have chosen the fierce warriors that are the matis, more so even than the Fyros and definately more so than the fun-loving cunning trykers or the pondering zorais. If this is a test, we may have already failed lamentably by uniting to gather materials that can only serve the purpose of our own destruction or failure as hominkind.
Of course, marauders have appeared all over Atys and have also acted like spies with all their questioning but...
What if that was to raise our suspicions and was also part of the test?
I dare hope not for failure on our part can only mean failure for hominity and treachery against Atys.
Drachle lies down and puts an ear to Atys' belly. The soft grumbling sound does not reveal what Atys is thinking.
Even SHE is quiet at the moment.
A hand softly brushes against the bark while a quiver is felt within
Re: More Startling News
Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 4:13 pm
by ffxjosh
katriell wrote:OOC: I think what khyle was trying to say is that CSRs and the event team are separate. I don't know if that's the case.
Considering that GF has to rebuild from scrath i'd be supprised if the CSR and event team (at least for this event) we not the same.