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Re: Production: Proposed crafting changes
Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 9:28 pm
by bf649ztp
Marjo wrote:
The value of the degraded items will also improve a little. First, they won't be of such low quality anymore, and second their class won't be lowered either. Supreme will remain supreme..
I like this alot. It will will mean that degrades won't be as completely useless as they are now, if supreme stays as supreme. I don't much like the idea of losing the mats from a failure, but there again, taking something away from us will never be a popular change, it might however make the process more realistic, which is i think what they want.
Re: Production: Proposed crafting changes
Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 12:23 am
by akicks
Marjo wrote:Our tests in house proved that with the same quantity of mats you will progress faster after the change even with the losing mats rule, thanks to the lower penalty on the degraded items. Indeed, after the change, with the same quantity of mats "lost" in degraded stuff, the degraded items will make you gain more XP than now.
These changes can't just be tested by you guys, in-house. The ATS has to be brought back online so that the ATS players can make sure that the changes are good, working, and not over the top.
Nothing beats real players trying this stuff out to find flaws in it.
Re: Production: Proposed crafting changes
Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 6:32 am
by gillest
Just make it 90/10/0 or even better 95/5/0 for Q250 at lvl 250 and leave the rest as you suggested: 85/15/0 is good enough from lvl 240 to 249...
For the rest, why not: as aaj mentionned, at the moment we get some craft lower than -100 to quality crafted useless xp and items.
As long as the total xp for a bag is higher due to more xp per degraded, I do not mind losing a few mats.
Re: Production: Proposed crafting changes
Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 7:46 am
by setstyle
Even if (a) more important things can be given such attention and (b) master crafters are still not given the full abilities they deserve, I still feel this slight revamp is a step in the right direction.
Since crafting is one of the systems I cherish most in this game, I was considerably nervous upon seeing a change in production... reading through this proposal, however, leaves no outright objections from me. The changes made to partial degrades and failures doesn't seem to hurt experience, but would instead actually give more for the same amount of materials currently used, which has been confirmed and will, I hope, be fully tested -- the only clarification I seeks concerns the "grade" of degraded items: for instance will a max damage/speed weapon still be a max damage/speed weapon at a lower quality? If that's the case, even degrades on supremes wouldn't be as frustrating.
That being said, as I understand it, masters will end up with a flat 85% chance of success... while it's a welcome increase, and safe from any of the proposed material loss by failure, this still leaves masters degrading upwards of 1 out of every 6 crafts. Working off gillest's post, how about increasing that base success to 90% and perhaps then allow a rite that, when completed, bumps it to 95%? (Yeah, rites, remember those out-of-whack things with potential?)
Overall, I like what I see... all these "productions," when tweaked, could make for a nice patch in the near future.
Re: Production: Proposed crafting changes
Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 3:21 am
by stheno2
Well at first I had mixed feeling towards this, but with thought I came to a conclusion.
I like the idea that attention is being given to what is broke or not working as fully intended BEFORE new content is added and thereby creating a higher possibility of game flaws/bugs/(insert favorite negativity regarding game mechanics from other games).
There are far too many games out there that add content upon content and try to over sell itself when bugs and annoyances exist that have been there since game inception. Far too many companies focus on making money off adding instead of fixing THEN moving to new stuff.
But that being said, no game is ever going to please everyone at one time.
What one person sees as most important another might not care. It really doesn't matter if they started with crafting or with say my area of hope the endless dig grind that gets no where fast. Someone somewhere is going to think that one thing needs attn first. and will complain that they need to focus effort elsewhere. I am glad that they are starting somewhere instead of doing nothing and adding junk that causes more issues.
Hopefully they can do right by Ryzom and all will be tweaked/fixed/added in time. I just hope what they do isn't too little too late given the growing market of online gaming and serious contenders to the average gamers $$.
I keep coming back to Ryzom, hopeing that it will be anew, this IMO is enough to give the benifit of the doubt to GF and a hope that they keep going and swiftly enough to keep our world alive.
Re: Production: Proposed crafting changes
Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 4:16 am
by danolt
I like it.
Thank you.
Re: Production: Proposed crafting changes
Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 8:55 am
by frakel
My best crafting is still less than level 100, but for my inexperienced eyes these changes look good. I like the idea that failure really means loss of materials - not simply ´press the crafting button once more´.
Not surprisingly I still hope we one day will se homins
crafting in workshops and in teams
Re: Production: Proposed crafting changes
Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 3:05 pm
by neofyte
Any hint as to when we can expect these changes to be implemented? If the testing is complete can we expect it soon?
Re: Production: Proposed crafting changes
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 12:43 pm
by symolan
Thanks for thinking it over, but honestly, I don't like the proposed changes at all.
As I understood it, till now no material has vanished when a failure occurred. This meant I could try the 20 times necessary to craft a 5%-item and when finally I hit it, be it degraded or not, I usually get loads of xp. I could have done that with the mats for just one item. This will never be successfull under the new system. As experienced players used that method to level up low skills it seems to me that new players will be disadvantaged compared to experienced players who have done that games hundred times over.
To me it seems MUUUUUCH more important not to lose mats than non having degrades every now and then. I just loose some xp and bit of money if I get a degrade but I lose any opportunity for both when I don't have any mats any longer!
or please let us know when that not-loved change comes cause I'd need to level up some skills first
have fun
Re: Production: Proposed crafting changes
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 12:59 pm
by ffxjosh
symolan wrote:Thanks for thinking it over, but honestly, I don't like the proposed changes at all.
I would suggest not trying to overcraft so much, and i think its more realistic to not be able to use mats after trying so long. Its like if you play with somthing so much you break it, espc as i get the impression that materials are delicate. so brute force shouldnt be an option.