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Re: Just one question?
Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 4:54 am
by d29565
Edit: Double post oops

Re: Just one question?
Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 6:43 am
by sehracii
Pause for a moment and take this in....
Outposts are won by political and diplomatic means. Not PvP.
When you come to terms with that, it will be clear why there was such tremendous support for Guardians of Jena at Whirling, and why it can't be repeated without more Kamist political blunders.
Now I'll ask a question.
Why do some believe crystals should be won by those that are best at PvP?
How could that possibly result in better distribution than a system where crystals are won by those who can rally the most support to their cause?
Neither method is perfect, of course. But if you think its bad now where the majority holds most of the outposts, imagine if the minority held all the wealth.
That's what would happen.
Now, I'll consent that 20 v 20 battles would be hella fun.
If you're one of the 40.
What about the other 100 people that don't get to participate at all?
What about the recruits that won't be allowed to participate for months? "Sorry, you can't play. Go grind."
What about the casual players that have been around for over a year and still no combat over 200? "Sorry, outposts aren't for you."
Or what of the people who just plain suck at PvP but want to participate in an epic battle first hand with their friends? "You're not wanted, you have no uber gear or leet skills"
That's what would happen.
Our current system does result in some lopsided battles. But there are close ones as well. Sai-Shun first stage was fun, a shame I missed half of it.
Personally, the actual battle at Whirling was putting me to sleep. But the weeks of preparation, planning, rallying of support, finalizing of tactics and strategy were fun. And I'll take a few weeks of fun over a few hours.
Re: Just one question?
Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 6:57 am
by mithur
Most of people speaking here have been figthing OPs for more than a year. I've been only for a few months.
Noone here have thinked about the consequences of the most important neutral forces leaving the game?
The neutral forces were equalizators. They used to figth in the defender side. So, the result usually was defender winnning. No OP changes.
In the last month I've seen OPs changing from hands, twice more than in the last 6 months.
So, AFAIK, there is a new schema, caused by the lost of neutral power. Nothing more. The faction that first adapt to it, will have a very good weeks.
BTW, two weeks ago, and for two months before, the Kara don't won nothing, and lost an OP. I see no reference at forums. After the saturday one I've seen references in three threads. That's a fact, a sad one.
About numbers, I've been thinking for months that there are more kami than kara. When I'm harvesting (In Forest) I find more kami than kara. When I'm hunting, I see more kami than kara.
MAybe the problem is not numbrers, but disorganization. You were in a good winning line, and then you have some internal problems and Pum! One guild changed, another don't figth anymore, some individuals don't go battles, and your morale go floor level.
But you don't have to blame Kara for that. We have disagrees too, but don't let it broke us. Try to amend it, and you'll be a formidable opponent.
And yes, yesterday, you wipe us a lot of times. After every wipe we return all. When you get the first wipe, the numbers returning to OP in your side was lower. You can't blame us for that. If you have maintained the numbers, surely we could archieved the threshold, but we have taken a 6, more than a 12. Who knows, maybe we even't taken the threshold.
Re: Just one question?
Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 8:23 am
by dakhound
the kami are there, just not showing/motivated at battles
My 2cents really lies with an old battle, in fact my last battle as a kami was the MoM (then AP) defense of their outpost in FF, The kami had over 100 players and it even got to the point where many were just stood at the back chatting instead of fighting the fight was so 1 sided. It sent shockwaves through the kami ranks as many saw what could be achieved if things worked so well again but unfortunately it didnt happen and lots of things changed.
I have to emphasise last nights battle as a fine example of a major difference, we wiped numerous times yet switched tactics and prevailed, sure GoJ put in a late show to bump the numbers up but we still wiped once after they did show. Non of the karavan went back to levelling or just gave up even after 4 wipes, the battle commanders realised what changes we needed to make to win and acted upon it and it worked.
Its bad when I see a kami battle line 1/2 in number after 1 wipe, 2 wipes and you are down to 1/3 and after that the only thing we need to worry about is the guards and the occasional inv rush into our lines.
I'm not going to pretend I know all the answers to your problems though, although I think the above is the biggest you have.
Re: Just one question?
Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 8:30 am
by downdale
downdale wrote:I would like to know what the balance situation is on people faction'd to Karavan and Kami.
Over to you GF?
I have a question, simple as that, if you want to make this into a 20 page flame then go ahead I did not ask for it hence "Over to you GF"! I directed the question to them and nobody else.
If there was another way I could get an answer to my question then I would have asked there, not here as it can be seen quite clearly (and oh too often) people jump the gun and show what a great community base we truly are and flame, flame flame.
So unless you are GF please don't post your curiousity is the reason behind my question and nothing else.
If they cannot tell what the numbers are then so be it, at least I would know.
And yes I meant all servers.
Re: Just one question?
Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 10:53 am
by naratuul
downdale wrote:I have a question, simple as that, if you want to make this into a 20 page flame then go ahead I did not ask for it hence "Over to you GF"! I directed the question to them and nobody else.
If there was another way I could get an answer to my question then I would have asked there, not here as it can be seen quite clearly (and oh too often) people jump the gun and show what a great community base we truly are and flame, flame flame.
So unless you are GF please don't post your curiousity is the reason behind my question and nothing else.
If they cannot tell what the numbers are then so be it, at least I would know.
And yes I meant all servers.
GF wont tell you the numbers

if they were going to they would have by now.
Re: Just one question?
Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 12:17 pm
by sprite
downdale wrote:I have a question, simple as that, if you want to make this into a 20 page flame then go ahead I did not ask for it hence "Over to you GF"! I directed the question to them and nobody else.
If there was another way I could get an answer to my question then I would have asked there, not here as it can be seen quite clearly (and oh too often) people jump the gun and show what a great community base we truly are and flame, flame flame.
So unless you are GF please don't post your curiousity is the reason behind my question and nothing else.
If they cannot tell what the numbers are then so be it, at least I would know.
And yes I meant all servers.
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