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Re: Loria Stronghold

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 5:42 pm
by raven41
Thats all propaganda from the Karavan...

Re: Loria Stronghold

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 6:28 pm
by arfindel
riveit wrote:...I can not blame the Karavan for not trusting us with more powerful technology. For I know, and I think you will admit as well, that Kamist homins would turn that technology against the Karavan themselves in the blink of an eye. Or consider, given the record I mentioned, would it be responsible of the Karavan to give powerful digging technology to Fyros miners?
Faa made a sign to the bartender to bring her the addition with a sadly amused smile. "So that much were the Karavans trusting their Karavaneers, as to leave them without knowledge in time of war for fear they would give that technology to the kamists.... Even beeing her opponents, their spilled blood should have been rewarded with more trust by the tall cloaked aliens".

She slightly shook her head while going to the stables to take her mount. At Avendale her friends were waiting for her to tell them a battle doesn't mean the war...

Re: Loria Stronghold

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 6:47 pm
by riveit
arfindel wrote:Faa made a sign to the bartender to bring her the addition with a sadly amused smile.
Sitting on the other side of the bar, Riveit chokes on his dark Windermeer Ale. Coughing and sputtering, he tries to take in the news. A supposedly Tryker guild has just given away one of the crown jewels of the Lakelands, Whirling Stronghold, to a Kamist Fyrosian guild? The same Fyrosian guild that we all scrambled to keep out of the Lakelands those many Jena years ago. The same "Tryker" guild that raised the banner to Tryker freedom to kick out a fellow Karavan guild and later a Tryker guild? Riveit starts laughing and just can't stop. Faa just declared war to keep the "Matis government", disguised as Aeden Artisans, out of the Lakelands - a laughably assertion by the way. Will she now fight to drive out the Fyrosians in the Lakelands? What about all those Tryker patriots that fought so long and hard to drive out the Matisians? Will they rise up to push out the more foreign Fyrosians? :D

Re: Loria Stronghold

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 8:04 am
by sehracii
*Sehraci in conversation with a friend amidst the bustle of Yrkanis*

Yes! Whirling was just handed over. Perhaps the Fyros are working the "protection" racket gig again.... No, I haven't heard of any "free Trykers" up in arms over this. Which just proves what we knew along- Concern over feeing the lakelands of "Matis oppression" is pure lies and deceit to feed their own greed. I'm sure Ma-Duk is proud of their treachery, always was his way.

Re: Loria Stronghold

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 2:17 pm
by raven41
---As I over hear a convo about Loria stronghold, I shake my head sadly and continue to drink..."How things have changed..." I say as I whipe the alliance emblem from my arm...

"Yep, They sure have." Riviet says as he cleans himself up.

"Let me buy you another drink Riv." I say with a smile, And make a sign to the bar keep.

Re: Loria Stronghold

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 5:00 pm
by komissar
Another Matis walks in. He's dressed in red zorai light and has a large leather bound tome of "zorai pictograms research" hanging from his belt.

- Free drinks for everybody! It's on me guys :) I just sold another MA so ain't that reason enough to celebrate, eh?

- Oh my good old friends Riv and Red are here ;) - shouts the matis as he waves to Riveit and walks up to Redslaers table, pulls a chair and thumps Redslayer's shoulder...

---but most people in the bar understand that this is just another dirty matis Public Relations trick and they keep staring into their ale in silence---

Re: Loria Stronghold

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 6:50 pm
by arfindel
Day order fallen from a mektoub's saddle...

"The Fyros division "the Soul" will march upon Whirlwing Outpost in Loria to increase the security on the border and check the water resources from Loria Ponds Reasearch Center that has been reported to be a matis spynet objective.
The "Nexus" division will be retreating for the time being to our Flaming Forest garrison to rest and rebuild their numbers heavily affected after the last clashes.
All kami units will be on alert and ready to give help and reinforcement for the two major military groups in the movement. Civilian population (of any religion) that need to pass through these areas will not be evacuated but on the contrary encouraged to continue their activities and maintain a normal commerce area...."

Re: Loria Stronghold

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 7:11 pm
by riveit
Downing his fourth Windermeer Ale and perhaps getting too boisterous, Riveit turns to Redslayer and remarks, "You know, I have to sort of admire those Tryker Kamists entrenched in Woodburn Stronghold now. Several of the largest battles on Atys were fought there when we Trykers and then Matis tried to storm that place. We failed but now Trykers control the vedice supply anyway. Where brute force failed, other methods have succeeded! A toast to Tryker ingenuity!" The homins at the raise their glasses and down their drinks. Glancing at Redslayer, who is sweating profusely in the summer heat, Riveit adds, "We Trykers have nothing to worry about, Fyros can't take the humidity here." :D

Re: Loria Stronghold

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 7:45 pm
by raven41
---" Hey you evil Matis!" I shout as Komi sits down next to me... He just laughs...

"We Trykers have nothing to worry about, Fyros can't take the humidity here." I then hear Riv say.

"Bah, Trykers." I say with a laugh.

"You know you love us!" Riv says with a drunken smile.

"That doesn't mean that you don't annoy me sometimes." I say as I watch Riv stumble a bit.

"Trykers are crazy." I Komi says.

"Maybe thats why I like em." I say. Komi just laughs, then Riv falls on his face, and everyone in the bar starts laughing...

"Nice one Riv." I say.

"Oh shut up Red, Id like to see you walk! You've been here just as long as me." Riv says as he tries to sit up.

"No problem." I say as I stand up and take a step... then fall right on top of Riv. "Well atleast you broke my fall, thanks." I say laughing.

"Wow, good job Red." Komi says laughing.

"Yeah...No problem Red." Riv says and starts laughing... Then we both jst sit in the floor laughing.

Re: Loria Stronghold

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 9:49 pm
by cielchan
Arcueid watches the crowd from the distance and mumbles "strange folks", she didn't have much sleep either, so sits down and falls asleep with the voices slowly vanishing in the dark ...