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Re: Killing (ganking) in the PR

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 12:36 pm
by dakhound
guess I'm the strange one who runs past a kami in a pvp zone while in focus gear and am usually dissapointed to see them not nuke me.

*usually running back and punching them in the face works

Re: Killing (ganking) in the PR

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 12:39 pm
by qurzo
There is a difference between what Biskibis does and just ganking someone trekking a PvP area.

Ganking defenceless ppl just for fun is not my thing, but some ppl need that to boost their ego ;) Im not bothered when somebody ganks me like that, its part of the game, but the ganker would not get much respect from me...

Re: Killing (ganking) in the PR

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 12:43 pm
by tr808
Imo there is no difference by killing the one that treks, u prevent him from reaching the materials he wants to get after this trek.

Re: Killing (ganking) in the PR

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 12:47 pm
by dakhound
thats where the problem lies, many see it as "ganking a helpless person to boost your ego" where it is anything but.

the PR "ganking" is part of a wider more complex battle, it keeps the conflict flowing and makes battles more than some weekend sport. Those who want to dig in peace can do so elsewhere, those who are crossing should prepare to watch their radar like they would for sneaking, do a /who every few mins and if you see someone on your 250 dive into a herd of herbivores so your red dot is swallowed by yellow dots.

Re: Killing (ganking) in the PR

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 12:59 pm
by qurzo
dakhound wrote:thats where the problem lies, many see it as "ganking a helpless person to boost your ego" where it is anything but.

the PR "ganking" is part of a wider more complex battle, it keeps the conflict flowing and makes battles more than some weekend sport. Those who want to dig in peace can do so elsewhere, those who are crossing should prepare to watch their radar like they would for sneaking, do a /who every few mins and if you see someone on your 250 dive into a herd of herbivores so your red dot is swallowed by yellow dots.
True, as long it happens within that context its ok. We all know who fights within that context and who does not. Its not for me to judge what is good or wrong, but my personal view is clear, I don't respect the griefer ganking type player who kills low lvls just for fun.

Re: Killing (ganking) in the PR

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 1:08 pm
by dakhound
I believe the person who is being critisized (biskbis) does it in this manner therefore it is all good. Biskbis never runs from a fight from me, I've ganked him a few times at FH stables and always found him a pleasure to kill, if anyone has a problem with him they can always go hunt him down and make that point to him.

Re: Killing (ganking) in the PR

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 1:49 pm
by varelse
I keep telling people who complain to me about this 'ganking' in the roots, that there are several easy dig spots near Karavan tps and portals in the Wastelands and Underspring. And if *I* can get to those spots, anyone logging in to the game can! I've even offered to help with fame so they can buy the tickets and have our guild give em a trek and a tour...

Bottom line is, if you don't want to be 'ganked' you never have to expose yourself to the possiblity. But, if you do something to become attackable, be it tagging up, or entering a pvp zone, it's on YOU and not the rest of the community to 'fix' that situation and take your toon out of the way of virtual harm.

Re: Killing (ganking) in the PR

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 1:55 pm
by dakhound
hehe like -

if you want to leave the relative safety of Dyron and join the Pr digging community but you dont want to be occasionally harassed.

walk approx 500m to north portal from dyron to US, walk 50mtrs along the wall to the right, prospect.........omg dig spot to grind with no mobs/pvp.

Re: Killing (ganking) in the PR

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 2:08 pm
by audrimas
Common guys, stop this :)

What i wanted to say was:
I think all know who is Kimmerin. For those who don’t know ill tell, he is “Kara scum who kills innocent diggers in PR”. At least Kami thinks that way. But they forgot or try “not to see” Kamis have same people in their ranks. Biskibis, Piirihuone(spelling?). Double standards again? …
Faa replied:
And as far as I know when he goes kill in PR he is doing it to force KA pvp-ers to come and play.
This sounded so funny to me so i replied:
Oh, then he is not a ganker, he just want to pvp i see now. All who were ganked by Biskibis dont worry, it wasnt ganking it was an "invitation for pvp"
I am sorry, i should write "ganker" instead of ganker. It just funny to me when one side trying to justify their actions and calling same actions agains them ganking. I dont think killing in pvp area is ganking. It was discussed many times here, no matter how low lvl you are and no matter what you doing in pvp area, digging, trekking, in focus gear or naked, you must understand one thing, if you there - PREPARE TO DIE. Do you expect me to come and question someone " hey, do you mind if i kill you? you low lvl or high? you in focus gear or you a pvp ready nuker with pick in hand?" Hello!
I dont mind to apologize if i kill someone by mistake but when i get some whining tells it is open invitation to kill that person more and more. Lets face it, if you call others gankers look same at your own people, no need to disguise it as "he is doing it to force KA pvp-ers to come and play".

I didnt mean to offend Biskibis in any way.
Lets end this pointless flame :)

Re: Killing (ganking) in the PR

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 2:49 pm
by arfindel
Personally I would suggest GF to change the digging quality in LoU to q250 and make any part of a non-pvp area orange-red. With this we end the confusion that many newbies do: that they are supposed to grind digging in LoU and they have no other alternative.
Or easier: move supernodes in US or Wastelands and make that area pvp, leaving LoU only for treks and small level diggers. However I am at your disposition to walk, trek and show you very very nice spots in non pvp areas at any time.

While I came from SWG where pvp flagged means kill me before I kill you, I had to learn here other people's point of view, incomprehensible to me intially: how, for example you can craft while flagged pvp and expect others to not kill you. It's a point of view and I respect it, even if I never follow it.

As GL, overtime, from a complete intransigent attitude towards the war in the PR I had to learn to judge things from several points of view, and use all the empathy I have to really get inside other people points of view. So for now I am judging every such act on a one by one basis.

It's not an easy thing. While I personally never kill a digger, be him kimmerin or audrey herself, within some bondaries I understand some of my guildies views on the PR war, and I admit they might be tough but logical. While I personally won't go flagged for crafting HAs, I understand some of us may want to act that way, taking all responsability tho.

At the end of the day we don't need rules to distinguish a pvp-er from a griefer. I strongly believe all of us have the true rules of what's fair inside oursleves. I use that.