rushin wrote:Life is about choices, Ive never played a game that leaves your options so open, but surely having some uniqueness to our characters is ok?
-Well Life is about choices, but we RP to escape life no ?
-And again, the choices you talk about IRL are called "racial discrimination" and are against the law.
-As you said, Ryzom uniqueness is about having what you are saying is kill Ryzom's uniqueness by becoming more like every other game.
rushin wrote: If you want to do all the rites then you can simply renounce your citizenship and return to neutral
-If you are going to use the word "simply" to describe bringing fame up from 1 to 100, we don't have much common ground to talk about.
And think about the reality about that....we are talking "fame here". How much fame should a person who renounces his citizenship 4 times be able to get ? That would make soemone infamous, not famous.
There was talk about rites requiring much higher fame and faction rites, these I would like to see, especially the 100 kami/kara ones
Yeah, that's the ticket. You had character up to 100....then you renouced citizenshio 4 times and went back to your original fame with original race.....whoops new rites introduced for level 80 fame.....lets do it all over.
And with that specific example, 100 focus? That is a meaningless amount. I have a little over 5000 (maybe more actually, havent dug with all my new jewels yet *hugs goupi*), you can in theory get somewhere over 5300 (cant remember how much the faction picks give off the top of my head). 100 focus will make zero difference to a high level digger, with or without boosted la and jewels.
Meaningless.....would you consider 1/4 of your Goupi set meaningless ? Faction picks are + 220
Just woke up and coffee hasn't set in yet but I'll try the math.
2600 + 165 x 5 + 165 x 10 + 220 = 5,295 plus flowers
But the real effect of this rite is on the level 60 player not the 250 player....having that extra 100 all the way up can mean 1 extra mat on every dig. Even a master, if he has 265 focus left and needs one more stroke that uses 270, ya don't get it.
We haven't got what you asked for the variety or uniqueness....what we have is a meaningless grind. You CAN get whatever you want you just got to do meaningless and tedious tasks over and over and over and over again.
And again as to uniqueness, your preferred solution works against that as we add better rites at higher levels. Let's say there is a write to make Fyros players do 10% more damage with swords, Zorai to do 10% more with spear, Matis with axa and Tryker with mace. What we would have is every Fyros runninga round witha sword, every Zora runninga round with a spear.....and so on.
Or we would all be doing the meaningless grind, repeatedly renouncing citizenship which throws any lore or RP stance into the toilet.