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Re: The Dictatorship of New Trykoth

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 11:04 pm
by danolt
I see. So an election was held where no one voted and no one was informed of the results? Have there been any other such elections? Are the results of these elections available to the citizenry, or is information only made available to those who you think supported your elections?

I look forward to reviewing the list of our "elected" assemblymen.


I brought this to the saga forums, because this is an in character issue. If the lack of elections is not part of the storyline and is simply something that just got overlooked, I'll drop the issue and go back to navel gazing. Otherwise, I am just getting warmed up.

Thanks for the response. I am having alot of fun.

Re: The Dictatorship of New Trykoth

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 8:36 am
by grimjim
danolt wrote:I see. So an election was held where no one voted and no one was informed of the results? Have there been any other such elections? Are the results of these elections available to the citizenry, or is information only made available to those who you think supported your elections?

I look forward to reviewing the list of our "elected" assemblymen.

Just a thought Pero, but if there were no challenger candidates for the positions, what would have been the point of going through the electoral process?

'And now the results for the town of Windemeer, central ward... the candidates are as follows... Drunkard McWeeny (Rum and Cake Party)... that is all. Now, the votes cast... Drunkward McWeeny (Rum and Cake Party) 842 votes. May the record show that Drunkward McWeeny was duly elected representative for the Windemeer central ward.'

Re: The Dictatorship of New Trykoth

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 10:05 am
by norvic
Brother Pero, Lady Ailan was freely elected by the Tryker people in a perfectly Democratic manor and we must have faith in the judgement of the people in this and Ailan to maintain a suitable High Council.

If its the election of a new assembly that irks you so then we must be patient since the pre-requisites to elect a new one do not seem to be met at present.

With regard to your addendum on other matters the time may come when we must stand shoulder to shoulder with the Matis should Ma-Duk or his minions set foot on Atys but that time is not yet apon us and I see no reason free Trykers should allow Matis, allies or not a toehold in our land. Freinds yes, your issues on hunting rights etc would trivialise this issue, but the resources of the lakes Flowing to Yrkanis and not Fairhaven I think not.

Lady Ailan speaks of being firm allies but also need for religous tolerance and giving up our resourse to Yrkanis seems like enslavement by deprivation to me, not the actions of allies who happen not to be so tolerant.

Re: The Dictatorship of New Trykoth

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 1:45 pm
by aardnebb
ajsuk wrote:I shall not lower myself to your level and continue this pointless discussion or retaliate with personal attacks.
Oops, make your mind up would ya?

ajsuk wrote: I said what I felt needed to be said after you had attacked a guild I like and respect. That is all.
If you like and respect them they _must_ be impartial and neutral. Obviously.
*tries to smother laughter*

Re: The Dictatorship of New Trykoth

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 12:01 am
by danolt
Why are the citizen time requirements valid, but the constitutionally mandated election process is not?

If we do not protect our own rights, someone else will.


Re: The Dictatorship of New Trykoth

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 2:17 am
by riveit
norvic wrote: the time may come when we must stand shoulder to shoulder with the Matis should Ma-Duk or his minions set foot on Atys ..
That time is already at hand, Crythos. Ma-duk and his minions, the Kamis, are among us. They even stand on the hill outside of Fairhaven. You would do well to read it's revelations. The Kamis are one and the same as the archdemon Ma-duk. ... n=&id=1315

Revelation 1)
I am Ma-Duk, the Genitor, the Life Giver who created Atys, I am at one with the Kamis, who are part of me, and thus you must adore them as you will the Genitor.

Re: The Dictatorship of New Trykoth

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 5:31 am
by grimjim
danolt wrote:Why are the citizen time requirements valid, but the constitutionally mandated election process is not?

If we do not protect our own rights, someone else will.
Pragmatism? Why would you waste resources and time if they're unnecessary?

Re: The Dictatorship of New Trykoth

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 5:32 am
by grimjim
riveit wrote:That time is already at hand, Crythos. Ma-duk and his minions, the Kamis, are among us. They even stand on the hill outside of Fairhaven. You would do well to read it's revelations. The Kamis are one and the same as the archdemon Ma-duk.
Whatever the Kami or the Karavan really are they're hypocritical and dangerous, in the long run, to homin. This 'choice' of yours is the choice between being shot, or stabbed.

Re: The Dictatorship of New Trykoth

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 9:45 am
by norvic
You have a point Riveit, and while the Kami who are present may be an unsettling influence for some and store up problems for the future, they do not aggresively influence the lives and choices we have at present.

For the time being I prefer Tolerance, I face each new Atys day with the events it holds and at present these are largely shaped by us Homins, the future is the future.

Re: The Dictatorship of New Trykoth

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 10:55 am
by grimjim
Hey, why not put ALL teleports in neutral and non-factional hands!
After all, they train some homin to tend them, I'm sure some neutral party could be found to ease everyone's problems ;)