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Re: The Psykopla Knoll Trading is opening again.
Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 1:41 pm
by davrick
d29565 wrote:Windra, I thought you an honorable homin. I did not expect lies from you, as you so told me. I convinced KoO to leave the Outpost to you, because I was told that this outpost would serve basically to do the same thing we wished to do, helping young kami as well. Your lies and deceit are truly what I have come to expect from many of your fellow karavan. Do not that Kings of Oblivion again, because we let you keep the outpost, decieved.
Windra IS an honorable homin (just a little confused, Sorry Win). I am the one who received this OP in trust from another Karavan Guild to use for the good of all Karavan. I am the one who reminded Win of this trust and would not allow him to continue on this misguided path, he is simply doing as any good HO should, following the wishes of his GL. If KoO had shown up for the defense phase of this battle they would have been easily defeated anyways, (there was a surprisingly good karavan turnout) so KoO did not LET us keep our OP, we, the karavan, defended it, as we have on several occasions now.
So stop attacking Windra, it was not his decision, it was mine, and you can attack me all you like, I really could care less.
Re: The Psykopla Knoll Trading is opening again.
Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 1:55 pm
by raven41
*Stabs Davrick*...What you said I could attack you o.O ... there was a few Kami there to defend too.......
Re: The Psykopla Knoll Trading is opening again.
Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 2:00 pm
by rellis
I hope my above posts did not sound like i was attacking windra, i was merely showing my disappointment that the trade system has been limited. I dont think i bashed her or the KA.
All i did was call for a change in that law or those who make these decisions to make an exception. Every Law has an exception there are NO absolute laws.
So instead of letting this thread become a Flamefest, lets try and see if we can change the situation , convince the Kara. Its only a Q50 OP and can give some aid to people who are starting. I would even suggest an Atys-wide free trade on Q50 items.
Im in neutral guild so none of this affects us, but i can see that this needs to be changed!
Re: The Psykopla Knoll Trading is opening again.
Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 2:09 pm
by jamela
Windra wrote:...I must follow Karavan law and the states trade with Kami is forbidden...
I don't mean to stir things up, but I don't think I ever heard of this law.
The Kami are only interested in trading for dappers anyway, so I don't see them being involved. Did somebody forbid trade with Kamist homins? King Yrkanis enthusiastically encourages trade and - while treaty prevents the states from meddling in all matters pertaining to outposts - I'll bet his majesty will be very upset to find that someone is dictating false trade laws within his very own Majestic Gardens!
Re: The Psykopla Knoll Trading is opening again.
Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 2:11 pm
by sprite
The phrase "karavan law" is Windra's own words. Don't attribute them to anyone else.
Re: The Psykopla Knoll Trading is opening again.
Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 2:35 pm
by davrick
raven41 wrote:*Stabs Davrick*...What you said I could attack you o.O ... there was a few Kami there to defend too.......
Urph, *notices Red's sword protruding* Et tu Red?
Yes, there is no karavan law (Win getting a bit dramatic), hehe, just Guild rule that we can trade with friendlies, be they whatever, but we may not trade with enemies.
Re: The Psykopla Knoll Trading is opening again.
Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 2:51 pm
by raven41
davrick wrote:Urph, *notices Red's sword protruding* Et tu Red?
Yes, there is no karavan law (Win getting a bit dramatic), hehe, just Guild rule that we can trade with friendlies, be they whatever, but we may not trade with enemies.
Oh so you can trade with me

since I already stated that I'll defend this OP

Because of my mom rofl

Family before faction

[edit] and btw that dun mean I will give you any info on Kami actions lol

just defend the OP
Re: The Psykopla Knoll Trading is opening again.
Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 2:52 pm
by vguerin
jamela wrote:Did somebody forbid trade with Kamist homins? King Yrkanis enthusiastically encourages trade and - while treaty prevents the states from meddling in all matters pertaining to outposts - I'll bet his majesty will be very upset to find that someone is dictating false trade laws within his very own Majestic Gardens!
True, this is the same King we have that allows Kamist's to kill his people under the noses of his guards in Magestic Garden. This has nothing to do with civilization issues, our King stays in the shining light of Jena, but he is a politician afterall.
Re: The Psykopla Knoll Trading is opening again.
Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 2:56 pm
by acridiel
They´re not giving Cats away for free.
They provide a range of tasks for Newbes to do and/or sell them.
And also, they "sell" Items crafted by Homins especialy for Newbes to use.
Most of these are given freely and aren´t grind Items.
It´s a way for our Comunity to help new Players get what they need with RP and good Fun involved, without needing to commit to a Guild right away.
Re: The Psykopla Knoll Trading is opening again.
Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 3:55 pm
by legokid
OK yes I did loose it when I last posted and I'm sorry but I will not stand by and be called a lair and dishonorable. I follow the Forgive and Forget" type of life but somethings can't be forgotten so easily. In the case of the attack I have forgiven and forgot. It was an easy mistake he was fusterated and The Guardians of Jena and The Sacred Circle of Guardians can be mixed up if one doesnt pay adttion, but what was said cut a very deep wound in so many words.
It's hard to forgive and forget when I'm called a lair and dishonorbale homin after what I have done and try to do. In truth about Karavan law it is true there is no stated law about Karavan Trade but some higher members of the Karavan allinces aren't fond of me trading with Kami and I don't want to endanger their trust. I'll try and work this out but I can't promis anything.
Please note I'm going on what I know and what I have been told, I'm doing my best so give me a break. I also deeply applogise for my last post but what was said was very hurtful, I'm deeply sorry if I hurt anyones feelings, that's not who I really am and I'm sorry. *bows deeply*