Typical excerpt from region chat a wednesday afternoon..
"OMG can some1 REZ me + help me get GOOOO"
"Quest X is bugged ffs!!"
"Free q45 AMPS for free at magic trainer!"
Almost as bad as World of Warcraft
euw, that sounds... painful. I have seen one or two people like this on the mainland in all my time playing, they never seem to last more than a week though
arthemas wrote:Typical excerpt from region chat a wednesday afternoon..
"OMG can some1 REZ me + help me get GOOOO"
"Quest X is bugged ffs!!"
"Free q45 AMPS for free at magic trainer!"
Ouch ... that's bad.
I'm just happy I'm yet to read something like or even close to that. Seems like 7-12 pm GMT+1 is a rather good time to play
woqqqqa wrote:I'm just downloading the game to give it a try in hopes of getting away from "leet speakers". Please tell me the chatbox has an ignore command....
|-|1! W31c0m3 t0 4ty5!
Sorry coudlnt resist, took me some minutes to figure out how to write it *grin*
So far the ONLY time I have almost used it was not at a leetspeaker... but rather at someone who got all high-and-mighty about how "this is not WOW," and I thought she was being very rude.
I'm not a WOW player. From what I know of the game, I probably wouldn't like it. I agree with her in principle, that the game WOW seems to attract shallow players who don't want to think much in a game. But there was no call to be rude about it on the channel.
This only happened once, and it's the only time I was tempted to use the ignore command.
yes theres an ignore list. I've only had to ignore 1 person in the week or two that I've been around, and that because he was going on and on in italian.. dunno if he was spamming or just conversing.. but it was annoying
Ive only ever put one person on Ignore, and that was during the episode 2 wars. Since then I have met that person during 'normal' play, and found them no worse than anyone else so my ignore list is empty once again.
Typical excerpt from region chat a wednesday afternoon..
"OMG can some1 REZ me + help me get GOOOO"
"Quest X is bugged ffs!!"
"Free q45 AMPS for free at magic trainer!"
Almost as bad as World of Warcraft
The last line in the chat was me. ;p But frankly i see nothing wrong about giving away free equipment to new players. I enjoy harvesting and crafting and don't see reason why not share. Moreso i find it rather distasteful that some players put items on traders for 1000 times their real vaule
As a returning player, Ive been spending a little time on the Ruins of Silan trying to re-learn the basics, and all the new players i have met have seemed fine, eager to learn and occasionally a little excitable, my only gripe is with the existing community being quite rude to some of them.
With our 'mature' community sure its easy enough to let the GM's get on with their jobs and tell the new players when theyre in the wrong?
But noo, this is not what is happening, I was constantly seeing the same 'high and mighties' blaring out to the new players when they were in the wrong, almost as if they were GM's.
"Please dont talk like that", "you must do this", "you mustn't do that"
"dont use this chat channel for this"
This is funny, isnt the main tag line for Ryzom all about Freedom?
Just my 2 dappers and im sure it probably wont go down too well.