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Re: Can someone sum up all the outpost stuff?

Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 6:21 pm
by aardnebb
cyrish wrote:Correct me if I'm wrong then, this is what I've gotten the impression of from the thread...
OK :)

Right, all the alternative suggestions you made for non-PvP aquisition of the op stuff has been suggested before ;)

Secondly, some people don't like PvP. Thats the way it is, and no matter how much you love it, or even I enjoy a good PvP fight, some people dont, and PvP until recently was not a large part of this game. The complaint is not about PvP content, its about PvP ONLY content. Most if not all want to see an _equal_ opportunity for non-PvPers to aquire things in similar quantities (see below).

Thirdly the crystals churned out by OPs in such huge quantities create a huge difference between the Haves and the Have Nots. Outposts produce approx 18 stacks a day of crystals, thats the same as 1 800 000 xp effectively. OP battles take 4 hours max, per 3 days. So its not exactly a fair trade for "time spent". The OPs just churn em out by the bucket load, when we had an OP we often gave away crystals because we had more than we could use. Then we got bored of the hassle and just sold the dang thing ;)

In conclusion, you do seem to be repeating a lot of previous posts "OPs are PvP, if you dont like PvP dont get OPs" etc. Been there, argued about that ;)

There _is_ a problem for a large proportion of the community that dont enjoy PvP, and the Devs have said they are working on it... until then, its an unpleasant situation which we just have to look forward to the end of.

(PS: remove crystals!)

Re: Can someone sum up all the outpost stuff?

Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 6:28 pm
by cyrish
aardnebb wrote:OK :)

Right, all the alternative suggestions you made for non-PvP aquisition of the op stuff has been suggested before ;)

Secondly, some people don't like PvP. Thats the way it is, and no matter how much you love it, or even I enjoy a good PvP fight, some people dont, and PvP until recently was not a large part of this game. The complaint is not about PvP content, its about PvP ONLY content. Most if not all want to see an _equal_ opportunity for non-PvPers to aquire things in similar quantities (see below).

Thirdly the crystals churned out by OPs in such huge quantities create a huge difference between the Haves and the Have Nots. Outposts produce approx 18 stacks a day of crystals, thats the same as 1 800 000 xp effectively. OP battles take 4 hours max, per 3 days. So its not exactly a fair trade for "time spent". The OPs just churn em out by the bucket load, when we had an OP we often gave away crystals because we had more than we could use. Then we got bored of the hassle and just sold the dang thing ;)

In conclusion, you do seem to be repeating a lot of previous posts "OPs are PvP, if you dont like PvP dont get OPs" etc. Been there, argued about that ;)

There _is_ a problem for a large proportion of the community that dont enjoy PvP, and the Devs have said they are working on it... until then, its an unpleasant situation which we just have to look forward to the end of.

(PS: remove crystals!)

Well, then it sounds to me like the real problem isn't the crystals so much as the vast number of crystals... Maybe one temp solution would be to reduce the number of crystals made. Maybe the numbers being used now were calculated based on a larger number of people holding an outpost than really do. Maybe there should just be 1 crystal per holder generated every day... so if a guild with 5 people has control of the outpost, it makes 5 crystals a day. Or maybe every 2 days.

As bad as it sounds, the argument SHOULD come down to just "if you don't want to PvP, don't get involved with outposts" - maybe one day it will.

Re: Can someone sum up all the outpost stuff?

Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 6:35 pm
by aardnebb
cyrish wrote:Well, then it sounds to me like the real problem isn't the crystals so much as the vast number of crystals... Maybe one temp solution would be to reduce the number of crystals made. Maybe the numbers being used now were calculated based on a larger number of people holding an outpost than really do. Maybe there should just be 1 crystal per holder generated every day... so if a guild with 5 people has control of the outpost, it makes 5 crystals a day. Or maybe every 2 days.
2 problems with that.

1. Most guilds have quite a few inactive members. I think most OPs would actually end up producing _more_ crystals...

2. This does nothing for non-PvP people, and it's still effectively free. Unlike digging, which takes ages and most find quite dull, OPs just keep churning them out continuously, the OP holder only has to "work" for it for the 2 hours of attack and defense phases they get to spend doing what they enjoy (PvP).

Re: Can someone sum up all the outpost stuff?

Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 6:51 pm
by cyrish
Make the crystal count based on the number of people who are actually on when the outpost is taken.

Or... make the XP Crystals digable anyplace, with a very small % and leave everything else as it is, sellable to the players? It looks like the biggest point of argument are the XP crystals.

There has to be some sort of reward for taking and keeping an outpost (outside the RP aspect). But I think that no matter what that reward is, someone won't be happy with it.

Re: Can someone sum up all the outpost stuff?

Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 7:52 pm
by katriell
I don't see why a large number of crystals produced is a bad thing that makes a division between "haves" and "have-nots." I would expect people to give away more crystals because of getting a lot of crystals for free from their OP. The problem then becomes greedy guilds, not mechanics.