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Re: OP war today

Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 2:04 am
by raven41
davrick wrote:ahh, but you attacked in the morning when you knew your mom (Banestar) was at work and not able to spank her misbehaving son, lol

lol i didnt know about it till after it started :P

Re: OP war today

Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 1:39 pm
by rheda
lorac wrote:The current owner is me and I do take exception to this statement. CaraVia had no involvement in the events that caused this outpost to become available and a simple tell from someone in the area of "Hey, come look at this!" was all that was necessary for me to get to this banner first. And I was first only by a couple of mins. Our postion on this whole matter has been discussed with GM.

I've seen simular comments about our declaration on the Lost Valley outpost also. And this was simply a case of watching the banner and waiting for defence time only to see it unexpectedly return to peace. Both Void outposts sat in that state for almost an hour.

CaraVia has always been an honorable guild, but many of the recent comments on the forum have been slanderous and have cut deeply. And it saddens me when speculation is taken as fact.

(NOTE: not readed the whole thread)
[EDIT: Now I have read it]

You guys seem to be missing something, for what i've read. Those outposts were not attacked only by Yaff/Fas. Those two outposts were to be returning to Kami faction hands. An in-game event to discuss who should take over those outpost had to be held some time if defence rounds were won.

So now.... can you say the attacker was really Yaff/Fas only? I was in attack rounds, and I would tell you we were many kami faction players fighting to recover zorai lands outposts, and we HAD to fight, run, die, and waste 3 hours of gameplay on that. Not for fas, but for the kami faction. And we had some nice enough threasholds to try defence on both outposts... THAT'S what enrages me. The attack thresholds were lost just because the declaring guild's leader was messed up with something it's still not clear enough (and nevrax will enver tell despite all the rumors here in forums... yeah, let the confusion grow, nice thing, although i know it's a complex situation), but that's not a fault of the Kami faction, don't you think?

Cara via, I am not talking on behalf of my guild, as this is a completely personal thing. But i can now say you're just oportunistic. And I dunno how long you're gonna hold that outpost, but I will support every attacking guild, no matter how long must I stay out of bed (after all I don't mind trashing some more sleep hours), just to see you leave some day.

/tar Kali

Re: OP war today

Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 5:08 pm
by lexi44
rheda wrote:(NOTE: not readed the whole thread)
[EDIT: Now I have read it]

You guys seem to be missing something, for what i've read. Those outposts were not attacked only by Yaff/Fas. Those two outposts were to be returning to Kami faction hands. An in-game event to discuss who should take over those outpost had to be held some time if defence rounds were won.

So now.... can you say the attacker was really Yaff/Fas only? I was in attack rounds, and I would tell you we were many kami faction players fighting to recover zorai lands outposts, and we HAD to fight, run, die, and waste 3 hours of gameplay on that. Not for fas, but for the kami faction. And we had some nice enough threasholds to try defence on both outposts... THAT'S what enrages me. The attack thresholds were lost just because the declaring guild's leader was messed up with something it's still not clear enough (and nevrax will enver tell despite all the rumors here in forums... yeah, let the confusion grow, nice thing, although i know it's a complex situation), but that's not a fault of the Kami faction, don't you think?

Cara via, I am not talking on behalf of my guild, as this is a completely personal thing. But i can now say you're just oportunistic. And I dunno how long you're gonna hold that outpost, but I will support every attacking guild, no matter how long must I stay out of bed (after all I don't mind trashing some more sleep hours), just to see you leave some day.

/tar Kali
You are, of course, entitled to your opinion. However, I think you are also missing something. The fact is, OP's are held by ONE matter how many "pay" for it (in dappers, or virtual blood). It doesn't matter if one guild "bought" the OP or if ten guilds is still held by only ONE guild.

I can understand the desire to keep "jungle" OP's in the hands of Kami's. It is the same as me believing that Forest OP's belong in Karavan hands. I also believe in *fighting* for what I think is right. If you want the Jungle OP's in Kami hands....then fight for them.

And yes, you were correct - Nevrax will never tell us the entire truth behind what those who were banned did to deserve that punishment. It's none of our business, no matter how many rumors fly. It is only between Nevrax and those who were banned....I think if you liked Fasi/Yaffle/Keiko....then you should respect their right to privacy.

Calling CaraVia "opportunistic", as I said, is your opinion. It is my opinion that *any* guild that would have clicked that banner was taking advantage of the opportunity....but too bad, *someone* had to do it. It could have just as easily been clicked on by a Kami guild, but it wasn't. So are you saying it only would have been "okay" if a Kami guild had got there first...but it's "wrong" because it happened to be a Karavan guild?

Personally, I feel that in the future, if a guild leader of a guild that holds an OP is banned, then Nevrax should allow that guild to appoint a new GL to take over the guild and any OP in it's control. In this case, I'm not sure if that was possible since it could have been the entire guild that was banned (I don't know how much of Fasi's guild was just Fasi/Yaffle/Keiko and alts of them).

Re: OP war today

Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 5:41 pm
by lorac
I, like many others was waiting for the defense phase on the void OP's. I usually go to the OP in question early and grab the banner so I can keep an eye on the timers. I was in Yrk when Lost Valley defaulted to peace. I had time to discuss the situation with friends and send someone to declare. Lost Valley sat in peace for 50mins before we declared. Biestable, I heard you were actually in the OP when we declared. Why didn't you grab it for yourself?

Re: OP war today

Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 5:47 pm
by raven41
He is not complaining about having to fight for them ..he is complaining about ahving to fight again for them ..because after winning the attack round the attacking guild was deleted so they waisted 2 hours of fighting just so the kara could take it back without the being able to defend ...

Atleast thats how I read his post ...I could be wrong...But if im right I agree with him ...that its not right... likewise if roles were would still be just as wrong ...So don't try to make it look like he is ONLY mad because Kara got it ... He is mad at the way they got it after waisting 2 hours winning just to lose without being able to fight...

Now its over ...If kami can take it im betting they will ...If not im sure they will try anyway ...Lets move on please this is getting old now we cant change it so lets deal with it ...


Re: OP war today

Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 7:29 pm
by rheda
lorac wrote:I, like many others was waiting for the defense phase on the void OP's. I usually go to the OP in question early and grab the banner so I can keep an eye on the timers. I was in Yrk when Lost Valley defaulted to peace. I had time to discuss the situation with friends and send someone to declare. Lost Valley sat in peace for 50mins before we declared. Biestable, I heard you were actually in the OP when we declared. Why didn't you grab it for yourself?
First of all, Redslayed was the one who interpreted my words well... sorry if it wasn't clear enough.

On the other side, yes, i was right next to the Lost Valley Outpost flag Because we noticed it was back in peace... and know what? I did not hit declare, and know why? Because although we were about to do that, we felt it was wrong... that's something that happens when you see a guild banished all of the sudden on those circumstances... And I would have spoken to your guildie if i weren't busy talking rithe when he came speeding to hit the declare button.

You did precisely what we felt it wasn't the right thing to do... just remember we got NO news for what happened right then.

That's what happens, i immagine, when you try to do things being reasonable. And know i feel like a dumb because we should have declared only to protect it from such oportunistic declarations until things were settled.
Just read the mail our leader Xeraphim sent to Nevrax. He wanted to have those two outposts blocked from attacks until all that mess was finished, and try to decide the fair thing to do with those outposts.

To me, that's common sense, i know that to some others, i will just be a fool.

A proud fool.

Re: OP war today

Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 7:31 pm
by dbritt
I just wanted to say one thing, and like Red says, lets move on..

All I keep hearing about is 'wasted time'. Well, you've only wasted two hours, maybe a little bit more on this. Compaired to alot of people that have wasted hours upon hours upon HOURS because of people declaring on 4 OPs at a time. I personally can remember 5 times myself i sat in an OP, just in case someone showed up. So compaired to me and quite a few others, your still kinda an amature at wasting time.

Goodbye forums, maybe someday I'll return


Re: OP war today

Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 7:35 pm
by rheda
dbritt wrote:I just wanted to say one thing, and like Red says, lets move on..

All I keep hearing about is 'wasted time'. Well, you've only wasted two hours, maybe a little bit more on this. Compaired to alot of people that have wasted hours upon hours upon HOURS because of people declaring on 4 OPs at a time. I personally can remember 5 times myself i sat in an OP, just in case someone showed up. So compaired to me and quite a few others, your still kinda an amature at wasting time.

Goodbye forums, maybe someday I'll return

well, yes, and i hate those false declarations, and i'm against them, precisely for what you stated above. I agree with you.

But that's not the only thing. It's more the fact than making a successful call to the Kami community to help in outpost battles is often not that easy, as well as finding a suitable time for all of us to come... But that's a completely different thing.

Re: OP war today

Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 10:18 pm
by lexi44
I apologize if I misunderstood what happened. I had thought that Fasi already held the OP (bought from Samsara). I didn't realize they were *in* the attack phase of claiming the OP they "bought" when all of the bannings took place.

Or am I still misunderstanding the turn of events? lol

Even if the above were true - what could have been done about it? Have everyone stand around until someone from MoV arrived to click on it (I think they've said they paid half the 'purchase' price)? Which kind of brings me to the question...why *wasn't* someone from MoV there to do it?

Anyway, I think there's been enough nastiness between players/guilds lately...and calling CaraVia "opportunistic" isn't doing anything but inflaming an already messed-up situation (which actually you can all blame on Fasi/Kye/Keiko and Padawan in the first place). If they hadn't broken the rules, none of this would have happened.

Re: OP war today

Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 11:07 pm
by lathan
lexi44 wrote:I apologize if I misunderstood what happened. I had thought that Fasi already held the OP (bought from Samsara). I didn't realize they were *in* the attack phase of claiming the OP they "bought" when all of the bannings took place.
Just to clarify, Fasi held the one OP (in FF) on his alt guild KoO. This was due to be given to The Soul the day (iirc) after all this happened. The two OPs in Void were owned by COM, but a kami alliance had decided to reclaim them for the zorai guilds some days before. The attack phase had been completed on both OPs, with the kami reaching thr 14 on LV and 11 on Zo-kian. If won, the OPs would have gone to kami guilds voted for by the participants of the attack afterwards.

When the abhorrant act of clearing out two accounts and using the same access to effectively delete the OP attacks as well as the guild holding the OP in FF, the kami went from owning one OP, and having a very good chance of reclaiming at least one more in void, to having none of them.