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Re: Where's the content? .... In front of you.
Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 12:52 pm
by hivewasp
borg9 wrote:I have heard that there is a quest in Matis which pays 100k for 3 items which means that the 'dapper' part of the Ryzom economy is already of no worth.
Check the overseers in Tryker lands, there are quests for 99.7k dappers... but they're a bit in the insane department since they're involving crafting a lot of different and pretty 50ish level things that few crafters have; but sure the crafter who spent the time to raise all 4 basic crafts to 50ish could probably make 100k with that mission; but you can make 100k pretty fast with harvesting or hunting alone. Probably in less time than you need to create all those items.
borg9 wrote:I can see people hit levels real fast (within a week of this comming patch!) We will see
One thing about MMORPG's; there will always be powerplayers and people trying to reach the 'end game' at release. Their fun is in being the most uber, high level or whatever, it's not the game they enjoy, it's the status of being higher than others; the game doesnt matter... it's just another game to beat. Now the majority of players are not like that, at least I do hope people play for fun and because they love the game, not just because they want to be able to say 'noob' to everyone else

Re: Where's the content? .... In front of you.
Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 1:10 pm
by mboeing
hivewasp wrote:Check the overseers in Tryker lands, there are quests for 99.7k dappers... but they're a bit in the insane department since they're involving crafting a lot of different and pretty 50ish level things that few crafters have; but sure the crafter who spent the time to raise all 4 basic crafts to 50ish could probably make 100k with that mission; but you can make 100k pretty fast with harvesting or hunting alone. Probably in less time than you need to create all those items.
Check the quests you might or might not get in Chrystabel. I won't say no more. And how long does it really take to do craft missions if the mat neccessary are sold by vendors?
I am just glad that to make sensible items with you ultra lvls you might get you still need high lvl harvesters to supply those.
Re: Where's the content? .... In front of you.
Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 1:23 pm
by borg9
hivewasp wrote:
One thing about MMORPG's; there will always be powerplayers and people trying to reach the 'end game' at release. Their fun is in being the most uber, high level or whatever, it's not the game they enjoy, it's the status of being higher than others; the game doesnt matter... it's just another game to beat. Now the majority of players are not like that, at least I do hope people play for fun and because they love the game, not just because they want to be able to say 'noob' to everyone else
I am not talking power leveling here - with shop mats of ql50 and some money (high fame + supplier = profit in craft) or a good mission. means we will return the the days of crowded raw mat merchants.
Simple equation ql50 mats + highest craft skill + high mat plan (hvt vest) = 2.5k ish per craft. one craft = 2 secs to do!
How many fighters/magic users can generate 1k XP a second?
The whole area of shop mats is a sore point with me.
Shop mat to me equals
- reduced need for harvest/hunting
- very high numbers of crafters
- ecomomy flooded with items - which means money/items have no value.
Just my view point but its a point of view I feel strongly about.
Re: Where's the content? .... In front of you.
Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 1:29 pm
by ayne31
webbear wrote:ayne31. Do you think your the only person that has RL or something?
I'm sure you enjoy your cats and breezy autumn days and I'm pleased for you. But please don't asume that people don't have lives because they're talking about how beautiful the environment is on Atys.
I did not mean to imply you have no RL, if it sounded like that I apologize.
I just dont get along with the concept of having to watch the screen of an MMORPG for a moment of contemplation OR that this is a real purpose for an MMORPG.
Re: Where's the content? .... In front of you.
Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 1:41 pm
by hivewasp
borg9 wrote:How many fighters/magic users can generate 1k XP a second?
Well those people can still be crafters as well... it's not mutually exclusive. But I aggree with you on the point that it will become too easy and will probably kill crafting as a whole.
borg9 wrote:The whole area of shop mats is a sore point with me.
Fast leveling is my problem
borg9 wrote:- reduced need for harvest/hunting
Well to buy the mats you'll still need a money source: hunting or foraging or missions
borg9 wrote:- very high numbers of crafters
- ecomomy flooded with items - which means money/items have no value.
That or every tank will just craft his own gear and we'll be in a massively solo crafting game

Re: Where's the content? .... In front of you.
Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 3:49 pm
by ahremark
ayne31 wrote:I just dont get along with the concept of having to watch the screen of an MMORPG for a moment of contemplation OR that this is a real purpose for an MMORPG.
Well, the real purpose of a roleplaying game (RPG), massively multiplayer (MMO) or other, is to assume the personality of a character in whatever world the game takes place.
The whole purpose of roleplaying is to act and react as the character you play would in it's (fantasy)world.
So it seems that you have confused the real concept of an RPG with your personal way of playing an RPG without roleplaying.
Re: Where's the content? .... In front of you.
Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 4:28 pm
by ayne31
ahremark wrote:Well, the real purpose of a roleplaying game (RPG), massively multiplayer (MMO) or other, is to assume the personality of a character in whatever world the game takes place.
The whole purpose of roleplaying is to act and react as the character you play would in it's (fantasy)world.
So it seems that you have confused the real concept of an RPG with your personal way of playing an RPG without roleplaying.
You mean if I play a character that is NOT interested in the beauty and tranquillity of the landscape I am no roleplayer?
Have I attracted one of the RPG-police who solemny knows what is roleplaying and what is not?

. and even better which roles are *allowed* to play.
There are easier ways to get your post count up than walking on paper-thin ice, belive me....but if you need it please enlighten me about the "real concept of an RPG" as you call it...and if you REALLY need it BADLY then shove the quotes into my surprised face that prove that i confused *the real concept* and my *personal way of playing* (which obviously must be a TERRIBLE sin).
Oh...and while were at it - this thread is about that content lies also in a beautifull landscape where cute animals roam. CONTENT - not ROLEPLAYING.
Have fun and take your time

Re: Where's the content? .... In front of you.
Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 11:10 am
by moobol
Just wanted to respond generally to this thread
1) MMORPGs are not "games" in the traditional sense of a single player game where content is laid out in front of you, its an alternative reality. This sounds obvious and people reading this are probably thinking "durr!" but theres still a lot of people who still seem to half expect buckets of scripted content to get waved under their noses daily.
Its an alternative reality, and as such requires imagination to make it fun. When your imagination runs out, thats when its time to cancel that subscription.
2) Level 50 items/mats.... theyre still only BASIC, therefore even though they are suitable for higher levels they still cant beat an item crafted from similar level higher quality components... yeah so the market is flooded with level 50 items but they are BASIC level 50 items... think cheap and cheerful clothing retaillers... if anything its a small boredom shortcut and stops people selling "average" wares to each other. Who is going to buy standard lvl 50 gear when you can just pop to your local vendor for it? Its keeps the player trading fresh by letting them concentrate on the sought after stuff.
I say keep the generic stuff easy to buy and leave the player trading for the special stuff.
3) I often see people saying things to the effect of "this isnt right, things shouldnt be like that they should be like this...." etc etc and they do it in a way that sounds like its the end of the world. Its an ever evolving game.. if something doesnt work out it can be changed if its really spoiling the game. Make your point heard for sure but dont treat it like its the end of the world.
I can guarantee that in 12 months probably every aspect of the game will undergo some kind of change to make it work better but its a continual cycle of learning and improvement both for us and the development team not to mention all the networking people and support staff.
Re: Where's the content? .... In front of you.
Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 11:23 am
by hivewasp
moobol wrote:yeah so the market is flooded with level 50 items but they are BASIC level 50 items...
Yup but it also means it's much easier to chain craft junk items for XP with QL50, bringing crafters to higher levels that much faster as long as they have money; but with missions money is not a real problem anymore in case of powercrafting.
It's a good thing as crafters will be able to make more items for the tanks who only leveled in fighting; but on the other hand you'll have people reaching the cap in a given skill sooner as well.
Re: Where's the content? .... In front of you.
Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 11:28 am
by ayne31
Whats so darn funny about this is that although every RL poll says that of people thinking about the future (regarding all kinds of topics) about 50% are optimisic and 50% pessimistic.
It never seizes to amaze me that a certain breed of posters expects the game to get only and ONLY better.
Seriously, is it really SO bad atm that it cant get anything but better or do you truly rule out that it could get even worse?