/agree with kwhopper suggestions
edit : xenofur post addendum
xenofur wrote:also, the level the attacker reached to take over the outpost will be the minimum threshold, not the level the defender managed to reach, so there will have to be a certain amount of effort to be put in by the attackers. this effort will have to be at least as big as the effort of any guild the would-be-exploiters are trying to prevent take-overs from
Not in case of friendly take over : defenders let attackers reach insane level and let them control an insane-min-level outpost, and vice versa
/edit end
grimjim wrote:Couldn't you find a friendly guild to declare war on your outpost and then not show up?
Then you could annihilate the attacking force of NPCs and ramp up your defence value to a stupid level for several days making you harder to attack for other groups.
Also, couldn't alliances of guilds constantly declare war on each other's outposts to prevent anyone else from declaring war and trying to take them?
Sorry, just seeing potential exploits.
- add cost per war declaration as thebax said
- set up that outpost reward is enabled only after x days of peace time
- set up war declaration tax to raise up if war is declared always between same guilds too often...
- and for others, let GM monitor guild activity...
Oh, about "friendly outpost war" : one guild wanna give its outpost to another... defenders PC will not help npc squad, even more they could join attackers (members join temporarily the attackers guild) to help raise the threshold ... exploiiiiit ! allow an "abandon outpost" instead
I just think of something :
.there is squad (spawn) level
.there is also outpost overall level (who depends of how many investments is made in by guildies... it allow better rewards) - big guilds would not have any interests into them, beside bothering small guilds -
.the outpost overall level limits the maximum squad (spawn) level attackers could reach (so it avoid insane min threshold on weak outpost) - that have to be fine tuned. if strong guild deliberately let their outpost be weak, they could always win the counterattack battle... solution : when counterattack battle reach the max squad (spawn) threshold of current outpost's level, the outpost's level increase at end of war!... what ? "free" outpost level improvement w/o dappers expense ? not really since daily outpost upkeep increase with outpost's level -
so there is : delay between fight, cost of war declaration, tax growth rate of war declaration between same guild, max squad (spawn) level, decrease rate of min threshold, outpost level, outpost level's improvement cost, upkeep of outpost's level, outpost reward interesting enough to justify improving outpost level (ouch so many factors here), global upkeep malus when a guild control many outposts (and avoid "all ur outpost are belong to us").... ....
omg devs must have an hard time to fine-tune gameplay
andy707 wrote:On the othere hand, if the attackers get a few levels, does the defense even have a chance? After all, the attackers were able to win PC vs. PC + a few squads worth of NPC's. When the roles are reversed, the defenders, it seems to me, would not have a chance, the battle is already over.
True, very true and very concerning. There must be a "malus on npc+pc team" and "bonus on pc team only" somewhere. And it's prolly a kinky one to equilibrate sides... ?!!?