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Re: Nerfing Players and Grinding

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 9:07 pm
by rushin
alyssah wrote:I don't understand all this macho chat. I'm just a poor fyros girl whose melee has just topped 100 and ele is struggling at 90ish. I normally solo harvest and couldn't kill the least of the non agro mobs in PR.

I have to sneak around dodging the mobs and now I've got to watch for any other harvesters as well. No wonder my PR harvest is still 51.

On top of that I read that you are all finding the mobs too easy. Well bully for you. What's a poor Homin like me (who doesn't like to lvl just for the sake of it) got to do to to get some nice mats.

I would find it a nice experience for some of you big strong boys to invite me along and instruct me in the niceties of PR harvesting as we are all Homins together. I wonder what the chances of that are? Oohhh!! that was a nice pig flying past the moons.
for the pr bit, i never take an amp with me. have never killed anything there when digging, it's sneak all the way. I've never levelled for the sake of it either thank you very much, no need to jump to quite so many assumptions.
What pr tp's do u have? ur welcome to come digging with me. drop me a pm

Re: Nerfing Players and Grinding

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 12:32 am
by enemy123
Prime roots is hard and like rushin says its a case of doing your best to avoid mobs down there and if you do get an add its either use something like run or if your a pointy thing user activate your MPA, or prepare for mr DP to come give you an autograph ;)

Re: Nerfing Players and Grinding

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 3:18 pm
by zhidao
rushin wrote:for the pr bit, i never take an amp with me. have never killed anything there when digging, it's sneak all the way. I've never levelled for the sake of it either thank you very much, no need to jump to quite so many assumptions.
I agree with you fully here, doing just alike it since patch 1 and harvesting PR just because of that sneaking. Have actually just recently started to lvl mage and melee but it is stil boring as hell :( just stupid mobkilling without risk without challenge most time.

And besides, there was someone saying I am a most powerful Elemental but still cannot kill mobs allone in PR. I just wanted to explain why that is and why it is correct so as it is.

Re: Nerfing Players and Grinding

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 4:35 pm
by amitst
yay, lets get to a high level and still be little nubbies relying on everyone else.
count me out

Re: Nerfing Players and Grinding

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 4:40 pm
by mmatto
There is still challenge in moving around after lvl 250 is reached. If that was not case, we would see even less max level homins as they would get bored lightning fast.

Re: Nerfing Players and Grinding

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 4:43 pm
by zhidao
mmatto wrote:There is still challenge in moving around after lvl 250 is reached. If that was not case, we would see even less max level homins as they would get bored lightning fast.
There are only alternative ways, as you can continue lvling another tree.

And @ amitst. You are a highlvl superpowerhomin, but not everywhere against each mob/homin. A thought you should live with as it is the case ingame like rl. (hrhr a game you can learn lections for RL life, unbelieveable)

Re: Nerfing Players and Grinding

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 4:51 pm
by enemy123
one of the things i like alot about Ryzom is the fact that even if you do become really powerful you still have to be careful in certain areas and things like bosses still require a lot of teamwork, well thats what i think anyway :)

Re: Nerfing Players and Grinding

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 5:57 pm
by amitst
yay lets work really hard and not get powerful

my actions are alot more far reaching in RL than in this game

Re: Nerfing Players and Grinding

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 2:05 pm
by vutescu
I see you already starting to use RL arguments. OK.
"You are a highlvl superpowerhomin, but not everywhere against each mob/homin. A thought you should live with as it is the case ingame like rl. (hrhr a game you can learn lections for RL life, unbelieveable)"
In RL I can walk alone anywhere on Earth without fear. Because I am human and master of all that moves - animals - on the face of planet. No matter where you go, you just can't be hurt. Again. I'm talking about mobs / animals, not about other human. I used to hunt in the past, I taked down bears and wolves. I know what I'm talking about. No animal can hurt a human. Especially a well prepared one.

Back to the game... I just can't see how I can walk alone on Atys as I walk on Earth. So don't tell me that Atys is like RL. Is not. And now is becoming obvious that no matter how effort you put in training / leveling, no matter the equipment you wear, no matter the weapon you wield, you are and you will remain a wimp in this world. Somehow I start liking RL more.

Re: Nerfing Players and Grinding

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 2:41 pm
by myseren
vutescu wrote:I see you already starting to use RL arguments. OK.

In RL I can walk alone anywhere on Earth without fear. Because I am human and master of all that moves - animals - on the face of planet. No matter where you go, you just can't be hurt. Again. I'm talking about mobs / animals, not about other human. I used to hunt in the past, I taked down bears and wolves. I know what I'm talking about. No animal can hurt a human. Especially a well prepared one.

Back to the game... I just can't see how I can walk alone on Atys as I walk on Earth. So don't tell me that Atys is like RL. Is not. And now is becoming obvious that no matter how effort you put in training / leveling, no matter the equipment you wear, no matter the weapon you wield, you are and you will remain a wimp in this world. Somehow I start liking RL more.
aah but irl ranged is a bit overpowered imo :P
try griding CC with those bears hun :)