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Re: Letter from the PvP Strike Team
Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 10:37 pm
by mrshad
morzyr wrote:I sertenly hope so ,what they can se what a blunder they have made.
Why, I am shocked..shocked I tell you.
It is just like Ms. Mulligan has always said: PvP is a great idea just waiting for the company that can do it right.
Woe to the unbelivers....
Re: Letter from the PvP Strike Team
Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 10:45 pm
by morzyr
Well im sorry if im rude, but with all the good balanceing we have had before, im abit unsure on what one.
Re: Letter from the PvP Strike Team
Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 10:57 pm
by vinnyq
lol mor, I think mmatto was being sarcastic.
But seriously, I think they are pulling each other hair out. Comon players, stop trying to make each other feel bad and start killing each other already! Why won't you guys kill each other? Kill!!!!!!
Re: Letter from the PvP Strike Team
Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 11:08 pm
by morzyr
Heh i know, was just trying to lay it easy
Then i hope they know we doing the same
"Why why why! no no no i don't for the 2001th time! want to enter a gladitor match or pvp area just to be ganked."
and pulls out the rest of the hairs on the head.
Re: Letter from the PvP Strike Team
Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 2:53 pm
by vinnyq
One thing for sure, Lawrence certainly have his handful with the thread locker these days
If PVP doesn't bring out the worst in pple (whose were all basically good), I dunno wut!
Re: Letter from the PvP Strike Team
Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 5:37 pm
by amitst
speaking of mixed messages, alegras statement about not hiding in fear (which might be towards infinity?) was locked as being off topic even though it was directly game related
finally some action is taken about guild alliances and wars, and a warmongering comment is locked
Re: Letter from the PvP Strike Team
Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 2:44 am
by svayvti
lawrence wrote:Adra, Twanaar & Sherca have published a first draft regarding several major pvp-changes.
PvP is fun sometimes, but if I was looking for a PvP game I wouldn't have come back to Ryzom.
I've also long been awaiting outposts in Ryzom, but not so that I can pvp and face the constant fear of getting our outpost squashed by malicious players. When I think outposts I think of the guild missions, tribe invasion/defense, kitin raids, etc. Can't say that I even like the idea of outposts with PvP and I hope PvP is only involved in some outposts. Perhaps outposts in the prime roots or a certain type of outpost.
Any plans for civilization vs civilication pvp?