Indeed, that game is really special. There are also some guilds that will hunt you down for every PK you do on your own. While other guilds actually expect you to do as many PK's as possible. It is certainly a strange game, but one just can't get away from it.
But to add some more thoughts to the subject of PvP in Ryzom:
As expected, this thread has already received a lot of replies. What was NOT expected is, that in the pool the extreme anti PvP choice will be the single most chosen one, even though I have expected that the majority will be for restriction of PvP
Even though I don't do it, I can understand that some might find interest in fighting other players. As long as this is in a form of duels or in arenas, I have nothing against it either. My problem with open PvP areas is, that there will always be people who will abuse it. Or at least not behave like a sensible person. As for having to accept that I *might* get attacked in a PvP area, I would like to point out that every day you step out on the street, or get in the car, you have to accept that you *might* get hurt there. But I hope we all agree that it is still a very big deal when someone *does* get hurt out there.
Some people can't understand why getting killed in PvP area upsets people this much, since it doesn't give death penalty. Yest the way I see it, DP is never a really big deal. The big deal at any death is when you see people on your radar that can't be bothered to rezz you. It is of course usually not due to indifference or malice, but the bad feeling remains. Therefore the bad thing about the death, any death, is not the DP or even the bit of wasted time, but the people who let it happen. Or made it happen in case of PvP. It is emotional, not rational. And, as one of the posters here puts it: people can't stay friendly and unemotional about open PvP.
The argument has been raised that there is a serious number of people who won't play Ryzom without PvP. Even that more PvP would bring a lot of new players to the game. Well, based on the pool on the top of this page, I would say more PvP would also get a number of current players OUT of Ryzom. So the net result might not be that great you one would imagine. But the argument itself is rather thin, as you can see in the
article that has been mentioned already in this thread.
Some point out correctly, that it is not the possibility of PvP itself, but the players that turn it into a problem. So how could players be sensible about PvP in Ryzom as it currently is? Here is something I have thought of just today: The Prime Roots hold something of value- the good materials. It is quite understandable that people would like to secure those for themselves.
A guild could very well declare an area there their property in forums and in region chat there. It would set guards and patrols to make sure only their own harvesters would dig there. Then, if a harvester would trespass, he really shouldn't be surprised if he gets killed for it.
Of course, other guilds wouldn't watch idly for long. They would challenge the first guild, there would be alliances and guild wars ...
Come to think of it, this is exactly what people expect to see when the Outposts come. Yet they could have it already, if they wanted. Si why don't they? Could it be that there are *not* that many people who are looking forward to such wars?