Q&A Round IX

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Re: Q&A Round VII

Post by akicks »

sidusar wrote:I'd also like to know the answer to this, but that's not the only lack of aggro behavior that puzzles me:
Why do the predators of Atys not attack bandit NPCs or primitives (gibbai/cutes/frahars)?
Why do the herbivores that display social behavior (teaming up against you if you attack one of them) only display this behavior against players and not against predators?
Why do kitin soldiers only attack herbivores, and not predators, primitives, or even bandit NPCs? Aren't they supposed to be "a terror to all fauna living within its vicinity"?

As it is now kitins, predators, primitives and bandits all peacefully live next to each other, only to collectively attack any player that comes near. It's as if everything dangerous out there is part of an alliance to destroy hominkind.
You've not seen a kirosta attack a jug ;)
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Re: Q&A Round VIII

Post by alibasil »

We have already adressed the fact that melee warriors are at a disadvantage during combat in comparison with mages and that something is planned to change to even it out.

However it has been brought to my attention that melee slashers and melee smashers could be at a definite disadvantage to melee piecers. This is to do with the stanza Ignore Armour available to pikemen. I think its good that the 3 types of melee are more effective than each other at certain kinds of mobs, yet surely they should be equally matched when fighting each other PvP style?

If this is definitely the case then why would somebody ever want to develop sword or mace skills? It would appear that unless you are a pikeman you are obsolete in PvP!

Please correct me if this is hearsay because i havent had chance to test it :)

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Re: Q&A Round VIII

Post by sx4rlet »

alibasil wrote: However it has been brought to my attention that melee slashers and melee smashers could be at a definite disadvantage to melee piecers. This is to do with the stanza Ignore Armour available to pikemen. I think its good that the 3 types of melee are more effective than each other at certain kinds of mobs, yet surely they should be equally matched when fighting each other PvP style?
Disadvantage against melee piercers? Have you ever tried using close combat?
Now that is a skill that has a disadvantage. ;)

So will there be done something to get the close combat skill more even with the other melee classes?
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Re: Q&A Round VIII

Post by glipe »

I like shields.

A lot.

But I feel that they are underpowered. Any chance something is going to be done about them? I was thinking maybe make them like jewelry, with bonuses to your resistances and stuff. Which brings me to my second point. Jewelry already shows that a resistance is possible depending on the amber used. People on here have already expressed how nasty nukers are so how's about making warriors something to be feared by giving them jewelry protection from spells!

And nice stuff for shields.

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Re: Q&A Round VIII

Post by borguk »

OK Ive finally got round to making a suggestion and Ill phrase it as a question, which I will then followup with what Ive found to be the answer.

Do Nevrax ever intend to lower the point requirements to level up ?

Im in some big guilds outside of Ryzom and have had the chance to ask many of these people if they have played Ryzom or are planning too.

Three types of feedback.

1. No but now you've told me about it Ill take a look.
2. Yes, I thought the game was graphically pretty but it lacked content and I felt the levelling was a real grind.
3. No, because Ive heard that its just a pretty leveller, with lots of grind and not much content.

Now theres not much point going on about content, we know exactly where that is but how about addressing the problems about Ryzom being percieved as a grinder MMOG. In the guild im in here we all agreed that 100 was a barrier, that after 100 the grind did set in for even us.

So is there the possibility that the points per required level can be reduced, I know that its going to upset the ppl who in fairness have worked hard to achieve those titles but the fact remains that Nevrax are in Chapter 11 and need more customers.
I will be easier when outposts go in because then we will have something to work towards, like WoW levelling without the perception of grind.
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Re: Q&A Round VIII

Post by seawe »

heres a question about our ability to 'change and evolve' Atys as players.: I reaally like the idea of having Atys and history on Atys changable by players, and i'm wondering exactly how dynamic the world is, for instance, if Trykers put it to a vote and decided to go back to being Kami oriented, and everyone worked on their Kami fame, would we be able to switch culturally? Or are we stuck with the well meaning but obviously sold out confused Governor Denen Toen and his likes??
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Re: Q&A Round VIII

Post by thexdane »

do you have any plans on enforcing the rules of the game you've laid out to all the players in the code of conduct section of your website, http://www.ryzom.com/?page=legal_codeofconduct and in the kill stealing and harrassment sections of the support tool?

as it stands now the answer is no players can do whatever they want and the gm's and csr staff does absolutely nothing, there is a forum post that any csr staff or nevrax employee has yet to reply to.

i realise the game world isn't that populated but still this is a violation of the rules, so i'm just wondering if they will actually enforce the rules that have been laid down?
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Re: Q&A Round VIII

Post by mrozzy »

As all prime root harvesters know, the depoits in the roots get empty for a while after you've harvested 100-150 materials from a source. With the 2 servers merging there is a lot more activity in the roots and I can see a lot more depleted deposits. Does the software considers the online or active players when calculating how many materials can be harvested from the roots? How long does it take for a source to contain some materials again? Do they "pop" back like the mobs do, or are the amounts incresed graduatly? When a choice source is depleted, does it mean that there won't be any excelent or supreme materials, when the weather changes and vica-versa?
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Re: Q&A Round VIII

Post by rushin »

1) Does the software considers the online or active players when calculating how many materials can be harvested from the roots?
no, 72 supreme, 100something excellent, unlimted choice per spot (see #4)

2) How long does it take for a source to contain some materials again?

good question ;) server reboot would b my guess on supreme's

3) Do they "pop" back like the mobs do, or are the amounts incresed graduatly?

4) When a choice source is depleted, does it mean that there won't be any excelent or supreme materials, when the weather changes and vica-versa?

nope, choice deplete as they do above ground, ie they come back within 15-20mins but the supremes and excellents are on individual tickers
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Re: Q&A Round VIII

Post by b00ster1 »

Originally Posted by Xavier
Xavier, I've been wondering a bit about what the workings are behind the Bleeding Stanza. The public opinion is fairly varied on the topic, which pretty much proves the point that this Stanza is shrouded in a bit of mystery.

The bleeding stanza increases the damages you're doing to your opponent : it can double them. But all the damages are not inflicted instantly : when you touch the creature, your "normal" damages are inflicted, and the creature starts to bleed. The bleeding damages are then done over a given lapse of time (DoT). Also, bleeding only works with slashing weapons.
Description of the stanza, is more informative than this answer.
Please more digits, numbers, percents.
Is possible to get positive "Dodge Skill Modifier" in Heavy Armor crafting?
Armor crafted with '80%' Dodge skill modifier and '30%' Lightness and armor with '100%' Dodge skill modifier and '100%' lightness, in pre-craft window, in result have same "0".
This is whole number or still '100%' Dodge' armor more affect Dodge Skill than '80%'
Also Lightness modifier in pre-craft window affect other stats (like Dodge), or only Weight (which is not important at all in current case)?
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