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Re: To all the naysayers, as well as fans of this genre, PLEASE READ THIS POST! Thanks!

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 3:31 pm
by zumwalt
I guess the best way to sum up why we all complain is within the consumer expectations.

You purchase something with the expectation of getting what is both advertised on and in the product.

If what you get in return is something other than what you purchased, you have a right to complain.

Consumers purchase a product based on the advertisement of that products features, likewise, if those features that are advertised do not exist or then are subsuquently later explained as 'future features' this then upsets the consumer.

The reality of Ryzom is that all of the players in the game, on all of the servers, can list every missing 'feature' that is advertised on the website, in the box, and on the box.

Every player has been promised the release of these missing features that are advertised as being already implimented in the game, that the features will be released very quickly, and that they were unable to get them into the live environment before product release.

The fact that the majority of player base is adult in Ryzom is why there player base is tolerating the lack of release of these missing features.

This however, is wearing thin on all of the current player base, and keeping residual players on the game is starting to wane.

Yes, the GM's can come back with they see the number of daily players, the number of new players, and the number of leaving players and state that the game is growing based on these numbers.

However, if you have no player base that is willing to stick with the game more than 3 months do to missing 'core' elements, it won't matter how many new players you get, you are burning your life out of the game, all of the leaving players have nothing but complaints about the game.

One complaint reaches 10 individuals ears on average (statistics show this), rumor spreads from those 10 individuals about how bad a game is to another 100 individuals, and it propogates from there.

Likewise, you have one user who likes the game, and this reaches 10 peoples ears on average, and so on, does Nervax want 100 comlaints per 1 good word? You do the math.

Re: To all the naysayers, as well as fans of this genre, PLEASE READ THIS POST! Thank

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 3:36 pm
by raynes
zukor wrote:Good post, raynes. I would add to your comment on #5. I don't care all that much about the Goo. The more important omission is the "your choices" part. Right now the things you do, and the choices you make, don't affect the fate of anything except your toon.

Doctor Z.
I agree... didn't really read the end of that last line. The whole point is that everyone of us (especially those of us who have been here since the start) bought the software and have been paying a monthly fee based upon an expectation. Not an expectation based upon something we made up, an expectation based upon the promises that were made to us months ago. That expectation has not been met. It's not unreasonable for us to demand that we get what we paid for.

Oh and to the people who tell us that if we aren't happy we should just quit.. We bought a piece of software. That software has yet to offer what it promised. We shouldn't have to quit because the things we paid for aren't available. It should be the other way around... we stay and demand we get what we paid for.

Re: To all the naysayers, as well as fans of this genre, PLEASE READ THIS POST! Thanks!

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 3:46 pm
by zumwalt
That and since we have yet to receive what we paid for, we should be compensated with free months = to the number of months we have paid + free more months until the game matches the advertisements in the box, and on the box, then and only then a month regular charge should be expected.

We are not getting what we paid for yet.

Re: To all the naysayers, as well as fans of this genre, PLEASE READ THIS POST! Thanks!

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 4:12 pm
by dakhound
zumwalt wrote:That and since we have yet to receive what we paid for, we should be compensated with free months = to the number of months we have paid + free more months until the game matches the advertisements in the box, and on the box, then and only then a month regular charge should be expected.

We are not getting what we paid for yet.
if thats what you really think

cancel your current subsciption. wait 12 months, start subsciption again then you wont have paid for something you feel you are not getting a full service for.

I dont get it tho, you know you're not getting the content soon, you know when you get it it will be bugged to hell (see health bars if they cant get that right what chance do we have with outposts) but you still pay every month, to me that means your either mad or enjoying whats in the game now

Re: To all the naysayers, as well as fans of this genre, PLEASE READ THIS POST! Thanks!

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 4:19 pm
by dazman76
Well, I won't say anything about Americans and their imaginations, for 2 reasons : 1) I don't agree with the comments, and I personally know lots of people with no imagination - I don't need to go to the states for that. 2) Any comments of that kind (about americans or anyone else) are purely born from annoyance or frustration on the poster's part, and thus should be discounted for that fact alone.

Also, you make some good points. Raynes, Zum, Doc Z - all good points made. However, the 'retorts' in this thread are related to comments like this:
raynes wrote:Maybe if they would get off their butts...

My assumption here is that this comment (as above) was born purely from frustration. If your opinion is truly that Nevrax need to 'get off their butts', you have misunderstood several fundamental things. Of course, I'm assuming this was just a 'hands in the air' frustrated comment.
raynes wrote:...relating Ryzom problems to MS selling a faulty/unfinished OS...

I can't even believe you said that Raynes :) It's wrong on so many levels, to the point where it's totally irrelevant. MMO and OS are worlds apart, MS dev team and Nevrax are worlds apart, where's the link that this comment was based on?

I actually agree on the sensible points made in this thread, and to be honest I'll be taking a Ryzom break myself. I really want to play a game with more content at the moment, and more surprises. I want to play a game with obvious, quick rewards. Heck, I'm a casual gamer 50% of the time. However, instead of shouting for something I know isn't going to come tomorrow, I'm going to buy and play another game for a while, and see what happens. Don't hammer these complaints to the point where they make you bitter about the game itself - it isn't worth it.

Re: To all the naysayers, as well as fans of this genre, PLEASE READ THIS POST! Thanks!

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 4:35 pm
by brackish
dazman76 wrote:I'm going to buy and play another game for a while, and see what happens. Don't hammer these complaints to the point where they make you bitter about the game itself - it isn't worth it.
I agree with you Dazman. The more i was playing, the bitter i got. I also agree that most of us playing are adults and tend to have more patience than those that left for other games.
[Arnold voice]
I'll Be Back
[/Arnold voice]

Re: To all the naysayers, as well as fans of this genre, PLEASE READ THIS POST! Thanks!

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 4:38 pm
by zukor
dazman76 wrote:Well, I won't say anything about Americans and their imaginations, for 2 reasons : 1) I don't agree with the comments, and I personally know lots of people with no imagination - I don't need to go to the states for that. 2) Any comments of that kind (about americans or anyone else) are purely born from annoyance or frustration on the poster's part, and thus should be discounted for that fact alone.

Also, you make some good points. Raynes, Zum, Doc Z - all good points made. However, the 'retorts' in this thread are related to comments like this:

My assumption here is that this comment (as above) was born purely from frustration. If your opinion is truly that Nevrax need to 'get off their butts', you have misunderstood several fundamental things. Of course, I'm assuming this was just a 'hands in the air' frustrated comment.

I can't even believe you said that Raynes :) It's wrong on so many levels, to the point where it's totally irrelevant. MMO and OS are worlds apart, MS dev team and Nevrax are worlds apart, where's the link that this comment was based on?

I actually agree on the sensible points made in this thread, and to be honest I'll be taking a Ryzom break myself. I really want to play a game with more content at the moment, and more surprises. I want to play a game with obvious, quick rewards. Heck, I'm a casual gamer 50% of the time. However, instead of shouting for something I know isn't going to come tomorrow, I'm going to buy and play another game for a while, and see what happens. Don't hammer these complaints to the point where they make you bitter about the game itself - it isn't worth it.
Agree 100% with your post, dazman. Stereotyping nationalities generally doesn't add much to any conversation, as you point out. And our ultimate way to send a message if we are unsatisfied is to cancel our subscriptions (I'm very close to that now, I've been playing since right after beta ended). I do however understand the frustration from players who have invested tons of time in this game (I myself am a very casual gamer). They were hoping that by now their efforts would be rewarded, that they could parlay their hard-earned skills into something that would affect the game. That there would be a bigger picture they could be a part of.

I was actually glad that there was no content when the game first came out. I figured this was the "honeymoon" period to build up my toon before the kitin invaded, or something else happened that would test my skills. Unfortunately, that "something else" has never come.

Doctor Z.

Re: To all the naysayers, as well as fans of this genre, PLEASE READ THIS POST! Thanks!

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 4:40 pm
by madnak
dakhound wrote:I dont get it tho, you know you're not getting the content soon, you know when you get it it will be bugged to hell (see health bars if they cant get that right what chance do we have with outposts) but you still pay every month, to me that means your either mad or enjoying whats in the game now
Or you're very hopeful because you can see the potential in the game, and you want to lay foundations for the future. Or you have friends in the game and you don't want to up and leave them. Or you've invested over a thousand hours and you might as well stick it out and see what happens.

Re: To all the naysayers, as well as fans of this genre, PLEASE READ THIS POST! Thanks!

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 4:45 pm
by dazman76
I'd also like to say, that while I'm playing this 'other' game (no prizes...), I'll still be paying my Ryzom subscription :) (stands back and waits for the impact of rotten vegetables and fruit...)

And, I seriously hope that when I do visit the Ryzom forums for my catchup fix, that I still see the likes of Raynes, Zumwalt and Co. posting around here :) The game and the community need players like you, even if you're complaining about something - you're still here, and that's why Ryzom is still here...

I have to take a break at the moment - I've clocked up around 7 or 8 months of Ryzom since Open Beta last April, and at the moment it feels stale. However, I still think it has lots to offer to new players, and until all of the 'old school' players have left, this is the most important factor (in my opinion).

Re: To all the naysayers, as well as fans of this genre, PLEASE READ THIS POST! Thanks!

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 4:46 pm
by zumwalt
Reason why I don't cancel right now, is because I have patience, put countless hours into the game in beta and live, and I think the devs should get paid, I don't think the company should make a proffit yet, but there should be a break even point to keep the employees around to finish the job.

Am I mad? good question, I think I am past the mad point and into the comfortably numb point.

The grass is not greaner on the other side, all MMO's have there problems, and frankly I don't want to walk into another duck soup.