raynes wrote:Right now it's becomming almost impossible to roleplay becuase many of us don't have a clue what people are roleplaying as. .........
If nothing else becomes of this meeting we need to set some definations that can not be broken. ........... It's simple, in order to play a game there has to be set rules, guidelines, and definitions. You can not play a game without them.
I'm sure everyone will agree that when you RP you are acting a part. Well how can you act a part if you have no clue what the basic story is and what the things in it mean? How can you act a part when you have no clue what an of the other actors play?
If we can't do that, then there really is no point in doing any sort of RP.
#1- Take a breath. Clearly you're more accustomed to scripted theater than improvisation. In scripted theater, boundaries are set, you know the full plot, and it's all well and good and tight rules are kept. In improv, more often than not, you're thrown into a scene not knowing more than just who you are, and being able to see the "set" around you.
Roleplay, when taken to an immersive environment such as an MMO is typically a full blown freeform stage for Improvisation.
This is not an easy environment for many people, and for someone new to roleplaying can be quite intimidating, but so long as people have a general feel of the cultures and assorted backgrounds, and have a secure idea of who they want their character to be, there should be no issue.
You play your character. You enter the world, and act, and react accordingly to thier beliefs, ideas, needs, and motivations. If you are a Kami cultist, you simply play a kami cultist. You don't need to know if X-matis is nuetral/jena lover/reformed kami follower etc, whatever to talk with them icly and find out, or even roleplay out a great argument or discussion. You, be your character. You, react as your character would to whatever it is they come across.
and, here's the key- you let the people you are roleplaying and reacting to know that OOC you are just playing, and ensure they are game and want to roleplay with you, be it argue, duel, or even simply hang out in the local pub.
Today I was out IC hunting around pyr, and we came across a great Mage of a clearly upper level. Our group of roleplayers all paused in awe and respect, and talked with him. Before long it was clear he was uncomfortable around the matis in our group, and preferred an od older dialect of Fyros speech. My character, who is forever on her quest for news of her brother, noted the more elder stance of the man and asked for any news. This guy, who OOC of course had no clue who her brother is/was, decided he had heard of him, but had no location to give. Only that her brother had done something nice for him, and he owed her recompense in respect for it. He made her a sword, in honor of this completely fictional deed.
I still have no clear clue what specific bent or background he was trying to play, but because we interacted IC I know he is likely of a more egocentric fyros clan, and one who prefers to revive the old ways of the lands, and doesn't trust Matis. What old ways of the lands? doesn't matter.
If he has a totally different idea of them than any other fyros out there, he still played them well and we had a cool bit of interaction IC.
And that's the point of good roleplay.
The minute you set down "rules that can't be broken" about anything in a creative manner, someone comes along and decides they wanna play thier character in a way that would break them, and it starts wars over something that should never be viewed half as tense.
as far as the basic story, a fast glance over the main website gives more than enough of the basics to set any roleplay environment with no need for more clarification,
because our imaginations are what define the real story we live and play out. not a conference nor the game.
stop thinking inside your box of religious conventions, cannon and rules, and start thinking about the players and roleplayers who are all out there looking for a way in, waiting for that sign that says "go for it" to just start playing thier characters, so the real fun can begin.
Focus on the OOC respect, and the IC fun will flourish, without need for other tight rules of cannon or anything, really. People will play and roleplay it thier own way, and that's a GOOD thing.