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Re: New In-Game Contest!!!

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 5:02 pm
by plarfman
cerest wrote:We've run into some issues with the actual announcing of the winners and are still trying to varify the winners as well. We apologize for how long it's taking but we hope to have the winners announced shortly.

Thank you for the info cerest.....making me nervouse but thank you

Re: New In-Game Contest!!!

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 5:11 pm
by jfoxp
Thanks for the info. At least I don't feel so much in the dark about it anymore. :)

Re: New In-Game Contest!!!

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 5:33 pm
by raynes
zumwalt wrote:Bugs in the system.
Last night, in my guild, we had atleast 2 people who the contest tab didn't show up for, it showed up for me.

Last wednesday, it didn't show up for me (granted, I probably didn't stick around online long enough for it to matter, so that doesn't count), I think there are alot of inconsistancies in the system right now, I know you all are doing your best with what you have been given, but it is apparent that at this time the contest is not 'fair' to all players who are on at the time of the contest.

If you are unable to determine the winners via the programmed automated system with its timers, and are unable to announce the winners within a week of each round, then maybe the system is to unstable to be of use right now and needs to be re-programmed to function properly.

Its just a thought, I don't blame the CS team at all, you guys / gals are doing your best under the circumstances and I applaud you for it.
I don't think the issue is with how they pick the winners nor do I think it's a problem that has to do with programming and technical performance issues. I believe it has to do more with the actual questions and answers.

Re: New In-Game Contest!!!

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 10:57 pm
by knitcucumber
I just wanted to point out a small problem that at least one player (me) is having, and others may be having too as I know there were a few people having my problem that is contributing to this problem.

Running my ati 7500 in D3D (hence the desperate need to win a new card), many menus that are supposed to have words in them do not. I have to make my chat boxes no more than about 8 lines of text tall or all the words in the chat box disappear completely until I make it smaller.

My point. I was frantically trying to come up with the correct answer to last night's (2/4) trivia question. The clues were coming up at a nice pace, a sentence or two at a time... very easy to keep up with. Then suddenly, a bunch of small paragraphs plopped into the chat box very rapidly. Which would have been fine if I could have had my chat box open to the full height of the screen. As it was, all of a sudden I had the end of a paragraph that was asking me to answer a question that I had to scroll up to read. As quickly as last night's contest closed down, that extra scrolling time could have, and probably did, cost me a prize position.

I did send in a suggestion about this in-game, but thought I would try to reach as many people that might be able to help with this as possible. So I'm asking here too. Would it be possible to keep the question information in small bunches and maybe give a little bit of time between it for those of us that have problems with the game?

I realize that, being the internet, there's gonna be lag and the people closer to the place the information is headed are probably going to get a small bonus in getting their answers there quicker. It makes me grumpy and I wring my hands together, but I understand it happens. But when so many of us are still having trouble with the game due to unsolved technical problems, anything that can be done to try to even out the chances to all playing people would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for anything.

edit to add:

I do have a question of the way the contest works. Last night's quiz with the math problem and the answer of 9...

It asks the question. It tells me to put in my answer. I put in my answer. It says "you have entered 9" and hell breaks loose. More spewing paragraphs. When I finally scrolled up and figured out what had just happened, it told me I answered 9. Then it said the contest was now closed, all the answers were in. Then it said I had 60 seconds until I could enter again. Then it said the little story/answer part. Within 5-10 seconds of getting the question, it was over.

I'm assuming most of these don't get answered as quickly as this one did. Since the winners list isn't up yet and I haven't recieved that glorious notification that I won anything, I am just curious as to how this all worked.

I was assuming that as I got a message back saying that it got my answer before I got the message saying it had gotten all the correct answers for the night, that my answer was probably in the group of 11 correct answers.

Was it just the split timing of it all? Did the messages get crossed in the little cables and such that the net are constructed of? Is there a mostly sure-fire way of knowing you have a chance of your answer having gotten there in time?

I don't want to sound impatient and over-eager. I think I'm just rambling on, worrying that I may have actually had a chance, only to have a technical problem somewhere... email, anything. There was a point here at one time. heh I just hate not knowing.

Re: New In-Game Contest!!!

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 3:09 pm
by uncus
knitcucumber wrote:the answer of 9...

I was assuming that as I got a message back saying that it got my answer before I got the message saying it had gotten all the correct answers for the night, that my answer was probably in the group of 11 correct answers.
Actually, the correct answer isn't is 9 MONTHS.

I don't want to sound impatient and over-eager. I think I'm just rambling on, worrying that I may have actually had a chance, only to have a technical problem somewhere... email, anything. There was a point here at one time. heh I just hate not knowing.
I agree with ya there!

Re: New In-Game Contest!!!

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 10:37 am
by knitcucumber
Just checking back in... are the contest winners ever gonna be announced? :) For other than the 2 that have been announced? Win or lose, I just want to know. Please.

Re: New In-Game Contest!!!

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 10:43 am
by ackir
knitcucumber wrote:Just checking back in... are the contest winners ever gonna be announced? For other than the 2 that have been announced? Win or lose, I just want to know. Please.

The latest contest results we have are for the Feb. 2nd contest. They were just posted today and can be found here.

Re: New In-Game Contest!!!

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 1:01 am
by knitcucumber
Another question... was the Feb. 2nd quiz the math one? The one that was answered 9 Months? I'm trying to figure out which one is which. :) I'm easy to confuse. :)

Re: New In-Game Contest!!!

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 4:10 pm
by uncus
knitcucumber wrote:Another question... was the Feb. 2nd quiz the math one? The one that was answered 9 Months? I'm trying to figure out which one is which. :) I'm easy to confuse. :)
Nope - the math one was 4 Feb. If you click on the Engish text link to the top right of the winners' list, you can see the text of te question.

Re: New In-Game Contest!!!

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 11:28 pm
by knitcucumber
uncus wrote:Nope - the math one was 4 Feb. If you click on the Engish text link to the top right of the winners' list, you can see the text of te question.
Ooooooo. :) Thank you. Didn't bother to look around enough. Yay.