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Re: Chapter 2 patch schedule and info

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 7:35 pm
by kibsword
We demand Lawrence on hand 26.7 hours a day, 678 days a year!

Why did you not ask everyones permission before taking a break

*eats a calmdown cookie* :D

Re: Chapter 2 patch schedule and info

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 12:00 am
by helbreat
heh if the patch comes to the server with less bugs i am happy :) any chance of knowing if there is a fix for the empty resources in prime roots in this patch lawrence? would be nice to be able to lvl it more than once a reboot >.<

Re: Chapter 2 patch schedule and info

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 3:00 am
by kaetemi
what is patch 40 if 2.3 is delayed?
is it 2.3.1 messed up patch?

Re: Chapter 2 patch schedule and info

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 3:36 am
by catfud
Ummm I myself am a little confused....
Patch 40 will hit the Live Servers tomorrow. We will be taking the Servers down at 12:00 CET (11:00 GMT / UK Time) and we expect them to be back online with the new content around 16:00 CET (15:00 GMT / UK Time).
posted: January 5th, 2005 02:06 PM
Just a quick note to let you know that there is going to be a short delay on Chapter 2.3. As published on

Originally Posted by Nevrax
Thanks to the great work of the team of players on the ATS (Advanced Test Server), we have been able to identify a certain number of issues with mounts and ritual missions that needed to be fixed before the final part of Chapter 2 could be released. The majority of these issues have now been fixed in-house and will be patched to the ATS on Thursday, January the 6th. In just a few days, the joys of riding mounts and the encyclopedia will be available to everyone!
posted :January 5th, 2005 02:11 PM

Posted 5 minutes later, we are getting the patch, we are not getting the patch? So are we getting it on the 6th or not? And if not, why post we are getting it, then a few minutes later tell us we are not? :eek:

*shattered dreams*

Id agree on wanting a fixed product before release, I guess I'm just dissapointed that its says 'YES' then five mins later 'NO' :( I was really excited about this patch...I feel like a kid thats just found out Santa is just a fat man in a suit employed by ASDA :(

Re: Chapter 2 patch schedule and info

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 4:24 am
by helbreat
was looking forward to mounts too =/ when i read that post about the patch being delayed i thought them ment it was delayed till the 6th not delayed further =/

anyone from ats tell me are you able to have 3 packers and a mount or do you need to forfiet a packer?

Re: Chapter 2 patch schedule and info

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 11:28 am
by kaetemi
Retard du Patch 2.3.
Suite à certains problèmes relevés trop récemment sur l'ATS, la sortie du Patch 2.3 est repoussée de quelques jours... il faudra donc attendre probablement jusqu'à la semaine prochaine pour profiter des promenades à dos de Mektoub !

Cependant, un patch aura lieu demain, arrêt serveur de 12 à 16H, avec ceci comme programme :

12 -> 14H : mise à jour des serveurs Linux.
14 -> 16H : patch

Plus d'informations sur le contenu du patch lors de l'arrêt serveur demain.

Bonne journée à tous, et à bientôt sur Atys ! __________________
Senior Community Liaison - France.
Event Manager - France.
Blah blah important bugs, blah patch 2.3 delayed a few days, blah blah wait for mount, blah blah next week.

Blah blah patch tomorrow

12-14 (nevrax time) management of linux servers
14-16 (nevrax time) patch

More information blah blah patch blah tomorrow.

Re: Chapter 2 patch schedule and info

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 1:13 pm
by helbreat
Retard du patch..... 2.3 well i guess its another retarded patch =/ expect many problems and lots of dribbling

Re: Chapter 2 patch schedule and info

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 1:40 pm
by kaetemi
helbreat wrote:Retard du patch..... 2.3 well i guess its another retarded patch =/ expect many problems and lots of dribbling
lol lol lol :p

Re: Chapter 2 patch schedule and info

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 2:14 pm
by kris10an
Hahahaha!!! :D

Re: Chapter 2 patch schedule and info

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 3:00 pm
by lawrence
Chapter 2 and Patch #40 have nothing to do with each other. ;)

"Chapters" are major content patches, which contain primarily new major features. They occur approximately every 6-8 weeks, as they take some time to be developed and tested thoroughly. Regular patches (which are always numerized, i.e. #39,#40,#41) usually occur on a weekly basis and mainly contain bugfixes and smaller new features.

You may be familiar with simple "monthly update" systems from other online games. We decided to go with this dual-system, in order to be able to deliver bug fixes more frequently and be able to react to feedback from players and CSR's more effectively. We have different developers working on our weekly patches and the chapters.

Hope this clears things up. ;)