Patch 2 part3 ?

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Re: Patch 2 part3 ?

Post by blogie »

skipster wrote:Wow that was a pretty intelligent answer to this post. Sue Presiden Bush because Nevrax is incompitent and has advertised all these cool things that we should have by next december at the earliest. On the flip side why didnt you say sue the french government for having nevrax in their country. That was a moronic answer to this post and people are just fed up with the fact that we keep getting idle promises about these things we will get and i personally will be leaving ryzom if these are not implemented.
Hemm not bad, realy not bad. And al this comming from somboddy who lives in america? I hope you went to scool m8 cos i see there is a lod of work to be done. Or did your brother lawyer get all papys monny.
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Re: Patch 2 part3 ?

Post by skipster »

blogie wrote:Hemm not bad, realy not bad. And al this comming from somboddy who lives in america? I hope you went to scool m8 cos i see there is a lod of work to be done. Or did your brother lawyer get all papys monny.

well obviously had you gone to school than you would have had something intelligent to say.
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Re: Patch 2 part3 ?

Post by animd »

blogie wrote:lol suw yor persident cos he violats international pece and comerce decrees:
This statement does not deal with the topic at hand which is about wanting the advertised guild outposts operational. Since you brought it up, let us discuss.
blogie wrote:- Iron crice taxes on inport
I assume you are talking about taxes and tariff's on imported iron and imports in general. This is a very valid form of trying to protect our national interests and companies based here in the US. In addition it derives income to cover the costs of processing and monitoring imports and our borders. All countries that have international trade agreements use them in some form or fashion. In addition the US as a country imports more than it exports to the tune of over $480 billion in goods. So we still buy the stuff, we just end up paying a higher price for it, which is acceptable to most.
blogie wrote:- UN decres ext... .
To which UN decrees are you refering? If there is something specific to which you are refering I would be happy to discuss it as it may or may not be valid. A blanket statement as such does not accomplish anything.
blogie wrote:- Anexation of an sovering country
I do not know which sovereign country you are refering to. I will assume that you are refering to Iraq, if you are not then please disregard the following. We are flat out not annexing Iraq. We are actively working to set up a free democratic goverment there. I don't know where you get you information but it is seriously flawed.
blogie wrote:Funny thing is onese more you elect him so the "d'ont generalise american" ppl statment is scruwd. I would informe myself bifore voting but hey thats just me.
I am not sure what you are trying to say here other than that you really dislike President Bush. Yes, we as a country elected him president. I cannot speak for everyone but I was well informed in my decision, as were everyone I know. Your assumption that the american people were not informed is an insult. We were most definately informed and yes we chose Bush for many reasons.
blogie wrote:Ow and the Blizz/Vivendi lads do eaven bether. They promece open beta to the whole world and cant eaven deliver in BeNeLux and some other coutrys.

This is somthing you payd 4 not a stupid expantion you did NOT pay 4.
I cannot understand what you are trying to say here.

I congratulate you on speaking 4 languages but if you would like to get your point across it would be easier if you did spell the words correctly. This is a not an attempt to insult you. I like healthy debate but if there is a language barrier it makes it much more difficult. Seeing as how you are posting on the US - English forum do not get defensive about people wanting to understand you.
blogie wrote:So i think yor lil Euro statment is incorect and minor compaird to what you americans do.
The the statement about the Euro was incorrect, pointed out and acknowledged as such. Insulting all americans for what we do is neither warrented nor does it mean anything.
blogie wrote:PS: Dont give me the WWII coment cos you knowe if you dident stop him you would be dogmeat bifore 1950
I think you have a major chip on your shoulder about this.The US did come and help defend Europe and ourselves from Hitler, just as the French came and helped us during the Revolutionary War. History is full of countires coming together during times of peril. This should not change. The world would be a different place if we had not come to your aid in WWII. To say that we would be dogmeat though might be an overstatement, we did "win" the war.

If you have some legitimate gripes about this country by all means voice them. We will be happy to discus, but this post is not the place to toss blanket statements and insults around.

Out of Cavern
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Re: Patch 2 part3 ?

Post by cerest »

This is me stamping a big "Closed" sign on this thread. Politics and forums do not mix well, ever, and this is no exception.
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