something fubared in PR

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Re: something fubared in PR

Post by zumwalt »

Would it be a safe assumption that over the course of the next two patches, that if they touch every zone, this will become the defacto state for harvesting?
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Re: something fubared in PR

Post by overide1 »

sydius wrote:Is leveling the only reason you play the game?

Besides, just because you max out in something doesn’t mean you can’t then use what you gain at that maxed-out state to help level other areas.

I’m pretty much neutral to this whole issue since I’m no forager, but I do think that the best armor is something that should be hard to get until you are maxed out in at least one skill tree or close to it.
if i didn't like leveling then i would be playing a FPS. but to level for the sake of leveling is stupid. i believe anyone should be able to have and use the best gear at any level if they put the time and effort into it. reward skill and detirmination not level.

it is hard to get. i can not forage nor use q250 supreme. i can however forage q110 PR, q180 lakeland, q100 jungle, q60 desert/forest and wear about q80.
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Re: something fubared in PR

Post by raynes »

overide1 wrote:because it is the best if not only place for supreme materials. if we have to wait till we are level 250 in other areas then what the hell is the point.

are you saying we should have to wait till max level to get materials to make armor and weapons that would help us level?

foragers and crafters support the fighters and magicians. if they have to achieve max level to level another branch to get the best materials and make the beast stuff its going to be a year of crap before we see anything good.
Your asking what the hell is the point of having to wait till you get to high/max level to get the best equipment in the game???????

That is the point, you aren't suppose to be able to get the top quality stuff unless you have made it to top level.
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Re: something fubared in PR

Post by zukor »

zyran wrote:More misinformation. Your level in any tree other than prime roots harvest has no affect on prime roots extracts. If you have 250 in all harvest trees except prime roots and 51 in PR, and you use the apropriate extraction brick (60), you will get the new error message. If you attempt to use a 150 extraction brick with a 51 skill, it will just spam you with fail messages.
That's what I thought when I posted above. I didn't understand raynes reply, and still don't.

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Re: something fubared in PR

Post by wylkroe »

raynes wrote:Your asking what the hell is the point of having to wait till you get to high/max level to get the best equipment in the game???????

That is the point, you aren't suppose to be able to get the top quality stuff unless you have made it to top level.
Raynes beginning to wonder if you rely on intellegence for posting or just to cause waves... #1 the PR tree break is at level 50 if it was intended to be any higher the break should be at a higher range than 50.

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Re: something fubared in PR

Post by zyran »

raynes wrote:Your asking what the hell is the point of having to wait till you get to high/max level to get the best equipment in the game???????

That is the point, you aren't suppose to be able to get the top quality stuff unless you have made it to top level.
I'm curious why they made PR zones of 150, 200, and 250 if no one is supposed to go there til they are level 250. Where did you get this information on the intent of roots zones? Which GM/Dev?
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Re: something fubared in PR

Post by raynes »

zyran wrote:I'm curious why they made PR zones of 150, 200, and 250 if no one is supposed to go there til they are level 250. Where did you get this information on the intent of roots zones? Which GM/Dev?
It's very easy to figure out the intent of the zones, look at the mobs of the zones.
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Re: something fubared in PR

Post by overide1 »

raynes wrote:Your asking what the hell is the point of having to wait till you get to high/max level to get the best equipment in the game???????

That is the point, you aren't suppose to be able to get the top quality stuff unless you have made it to top level.
you forget there is quality and grade. quality is as it should be. i can not harvest nore use items of too high a quality. i will not be able to until i have reached a sufficient level.

grade however can be had at any relatively good level. since these supreme mats produce the best items it should be available to all. it allready has a price. dangerous to harvest and expensive to buy.
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Re: something fubared in PR

Post by zukor »

wylkroe wrote:... #1 the PR tree break is at level 50 if it was intended to be any higher the break should be at a higher range than 50.

I agree with that also.

Doctor Z.
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Re: something fubared in PR

Post by wylkroe »

raynes wrote:It's very easy to figure out the intent of the zones, look at the mobs of the zones.
Windy gate is level 100+ look at the mobs
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