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Re: your views on packers as they stand now and a few suggestions
Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 4:05 pm
by zumwalt
I can't vote, the vote makes no sense the way its posted.
What I see though, I lost 1 packer recently, well, not lost as in it died, that would atleast be something, it went bye bye, there is a major bug in the system that is being researched by the GM's at the moment, basically if your packer is out of the stables, next to you, on follow, and you teleport, BAM its gone, i mean literally, gone, you can't teleport back and get it, you can't have it follow you, and you can't put it back in the stable, but its still in your list of packers.
Can or should a packer be allowed to be attacked, yes.
Should a packer be allowed to defend itself, YES.
Why is a mektoub in the forest allowed to defend itself but my domesticated packer not allowed?
Should the packer be allowed to gain experience for killing a creature, sure why not.
Should it be allowed to level, yes, I agree with this also, as it levels, you should be able to add options to it, like greater strength, speed, etc, even special abilities.
What about number of packers owned? Now that the system is changed to be more realistic, which I do agree with, but now it would be good for a person to own up to 3 packers per stable.
On a side note, at current you can stand outside a stable where your packer is housed and craft using the mats on the packer without removing the packer from the stable.
You can't do this from your 1 million dapper appartment, the appartment should be able to hold up to 10 packers worth of items (500 items x 10, total of 5000 slots) which equals the cost of 10 packers.
And you should be able to craft in your appartment with the items in the apartment without moving them to your inventory first, which you can't do.
Packers are no more than purchasable 500 slot banks except that they can't hold cash, and neither can an appartment which it should be like a guild hall and hold the cash.
Anyone here play dungeon siege by microsoft, you know there packers?
How the graphics change and how they can, poorly though, defend themself?
Our packers should do the same, if there empty, just have small sacks on there back, when there full, make them look like over sized packs with junk hanging out.
I know, just graphics, but hey.
Re: your views on packers as they stand now and a few suggestions
Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 4:16 pm
by oddie
helbreat wrote:k i put a few suggestions in for packers today here are what they are
3, make them so they level up with you or make them differ in strength depending on the lvl of your highest skill the same kinda way dp is worked on your highest skill so could the packers ability to take hits of that lvl mob
i like this idea and what about being able to give them some kind of extra protection, be it crafted armour or some form of magic protection?
zumwalt wrote:
Can or should a packer be allowed to be attacked, yes.
Should a packer be allowed to defend itself, YES.
Why is a mektoub in the forest allowed to defend itself but my domesticated packer not allowed?
Ya, they should defend self but I would also think they should be allowed to panic and run for the stables...
Re: your views on packers as they stand now and a few suggestions
Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 6:07 pm
by helbreat
zumwalt wrote:I can't vote, the vote makes no sense the way its posted.
i cant help you there if you cant decide wether yes they need changing or no they dont need changing then youd best go get educated
Re: your views on packers as they stand now and a few suggestions
Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 6:34 pm
by thurgond
helbreat wrote:i cant help you there if you cant decide wether yes they need changing or no they dont need changing then youd best go get educated
We can't help you if you don't know how to phrase a question. You asked "do you think packers should be changed or stay as they are?" The possible responses should have been: change them, stay the same, what's a packer. Instead, the possible responses are yes/no to an A/B question.
If I ask you, do you want your new armor to be red or blue, you'd probably answer "yes."
Re: your views on packers as they stand now and a few suggestions
Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 6:35 pm
by grimjim
helbreat wrote:i cant help you there if you cant decide wether yes they need changing or no they dont need changing then youd best go get educated
Actually, the phrasing is a bit confusing and muddled.
If you answer yes, or no, you could be answering either or both questions contained in one.
'Should packers be changed?' is what I _think_ was intended.
Re: your views on packers as they stand now and a few suggestions
Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 7:08 pm
by gralen
Do you want cake or ice cream?
Now, what will I actually get? Cake or ice cream?
Anyway, packers need to better reflect the game's reality, all of it.
Stables aren't magic so make items available from the packer only when you are in reaching range of the packer, fine.
Packers die if a yubo sneezes on them but they can't be healed, bad bad idea.
The weaknesses of packers need to be offset by either making them healable again (since we can bomb heal ourselves anyway, that "cheat" is gone regardless) or by making them trainable so the wimpy things can defend themselves to some degree or make them smart enough to run away from predators (to the point of returning to the safety of a stable).
Re: your views on packers as they stand now and a few suggestions
Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 7:32 pm
by zumwalt
Education yields you asking a question like:
do you think packers should be changed or stay as they are?
Well thank god i went to college or I might be insulted.
Sure made perfect sence, I should run out now and go back to school asap.
*rolls his eyes in amazement*
This reminds me of those Jerry Springer episodes of the fat men and the spam from the redneck trailor parks.
If u don't underspand what I am speak then you need to grocrieside yourself some spam.
Sorry but blatently telling me I need to:
Originally Posted by helbreat
i cant help you there if you cant decide wether yes they need changing or no they dont need changing then youd best go get educated
Based on its lack of capitolization, punctuation, spelling (youd?), let alone its a blatent insult, makes me glad I didn't get 'educated' where you did.
Back to topic at hand, packers need adjusting, but there functional for there initial purpose, the game is going to go through months of tuning, and then more tuning after that, so this is not to much of a pain to endure.
Re: your views on packers as they stand now and a few suggestions
Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 8:34 pm
by ixils
dazman76 wrote:
Stop and think about people like Atanna - she obviously uses her mek for foraging and crafting, which are probably first-choice important skills for her. So she logs in, to find the tools she paid 300K for, and cannot work properly without, are in a foreign land for no reason.
And we shouldn't be discussing this?
In case you have not read the other thread I started on this issue, the GM met me this morning and helped me teleport my packers back to Matis.
I do agree with much of this thread about us having the ability to use meks much like the trailers that attracted me to Ryzom. Making them harder to kill, able to be healed and rezed, OR making them less expensive would be good. The expense thing is very doable immediately.
And yes, I would like to be able to teleport with a mek to Thesos. I chose to work my craft on Fryos weapons after I first lost my meks to Pyr. On the day of patch 1 after speaking with a guide and being told that we now could access them from any part of Atys (I just rationalized this as the stable boys having Kami or Karavan helpers who do the teleporting of mats or equipment) I expected that it was a permanent change. After the last patch I am a bit mystified about the intention since after all, while you can not swap things between them, you can still craft from them no matter where they are................................... *boggle*
Anyway... just wanted to be sure that my recovery of my meks was noted in this thread.
Re: your views on packers as they stand now and a few suggestions
Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 8:46 pm
by zumwalt
Congrads ixils on getting the mek transferred, I went through 5 GM on the NA server who all said the same thing, they are forbidden from transporting misplaced meks.
Was told that all I needed to do was stand next to my Mek and use a teleport ticket to get it home, so I tried that.
Low and behold, the Mek ended up lost in never never land, not in a stable, not in Fyros (where he was misplaced to) not in Yrkanis (where he originally was), and none of the GM's are able to get to him or get him home.
Imagine having a full Mek in outerspace where no one can touch him, including the items on him (yea he is full of mats).
Big Bug, and I know atleast the NA GM's are researching a solution, come saturday he will be gone a week.
Not targetable, but still on my packer list.
Re: your views on packers as they stand now and a few suggestions
Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 9:38 pm
by Lukati
dazman76 wrote:Lukati, you've missed the point of the topic by a mile then
As I see it, there are two driving issues behind this topic:
Packers have changed several times with recent patches, without much warning
Some people have been caught out by a Dev cock-up, teleporting packers to other places/continents
There would probably not be a discussion on packers if the two things above hadn't occurred. When a part of the game changes several times like this, it usually sways from one side of the fence to the other. This feels a bit like wandering around in the dark, and feels nothing like a 'problem fixed'.
The Devs have blatantly cocked up with these patches, as several people have found their meks teleported to other continents to be by their side, miles away from home, with no *realistic* way of getting them back. (No, several hours trekking through hostile territory with high chances of death, to move several mek packers back home when you didn't ask them to follow you, is not a realistic demand).
Stop and think about people like Atanna - she obviously uses her mek for foraging and crafting, which are probably first-choice important skills for her. So she logs in, to find the tools she paid 300K for, and cannot work properly without, are in a foreign land for no reason.
And we shouldn't be discussing this?
Well, those people who suffered such pains should be compensated for. Another 'revelation' the devs should have no problem coming up with.
I'm not saying anything other than that's how the Packers should be. Some of these 'ideas' people have to 'improve' the packers sound more like glorified loopholes just to make their gaming experience that much easier.