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Re: Any planed trips between Zorai and Fyros lands?

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 9:51 am
by neofuzz
One solid team of level 100+ can get through there np. If I hear of anyone doing the trip from Yrk to Fyros I'll be sure to get in touch. Good to hear you've made it so far already!

Re: Any planed trips between Zorai and Fyros lands?

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 12:59 pm
by splatula
A a fellow Fyroan I have to applaud your efforts to return home, and envy your persistant journey through those beautiful and dangerous lands. A tip that may help... use your radar to avoid agro. I don't just mean watch the dots either. Using your scroll wheel you can zoom in and out on the radar, so when you are about to go through a dangerous spot zoom in to 50m at least. When you see a particular creature you want to sneak by, study it for 5-10 minutes to see what it's patrol route is. Left click to target it, and right click the radar and choose target. This will give you an exact reading of how far away the beastie is, and as long as it's 20m or more you are usually OK. That's what I use for the two Great Kinchers at the entrance to Underspring anyway. One hit from them and I'm dead.

Re: Any planed trips between Zorai and Fyros lands?

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 1:38 pm
by jackmor
Thanks to Sanjian,Veertigo and Gfunk I made it to Tryker from Fryos. Now that Im there I noticed somthing. Maby it will help you. When you die and the respawn map comes up if you click the left arrow to bring up the world map it looks like you can respawn anywhere you've been. I havn't tried this yet but, it looks ok.

Re: Any planed trips between Zorai and Fyros lands?

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 1:52 pm
by zzeii
jackmor wrote:Thanks to Sanjian,Veertigo and Gfunk I made it to Tryker from Fryos. Now that Im there I noticed somthing. Maby it will help you. When you die and the respawn map comes up if you click the left arrow to bring up the world map it looks like you can respawn anywhere you've been. I havn't tried this yet but, it looks ok.
Unless they've changed it in recent patches, you can't select other continents to respawn at. I've tried it to no avail /cry.

Re: Any planed trips between Zorai and Fyros lands?

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 2:13 pm
by xcomvic
zzeii wrote:Unless they've changed it in recent patches, you can't select other continents to respawn at. I've tried it to no avail /cry.

i tried it when i died in tryker to get back to matis... dont work.