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Re: Long time player, love the game

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 8:54 pm
by sprite
Unregistered wrote:So essentially you are saying that the only people potential customers should listen to are the people still playing the game and who absolutely love it?. That way getting a totally biased review/view of the game?.
No; I'm saying that only people who currently play the game, or who recently (ie after the most recent patch) are qualified to say how good/bad it is. Some people (like usinuk for example) are proof that even people who play the game can still dislike some parts of it, but are grown up enough to keep playing it because they believe that it is worth it.

I'm also deeply saddened by the fact that you people can't let one single nice thread exist in this free forum.

Re: Long time player, love the game

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 12:09 am
by sprite
Ok, you guys obviously don't care what anyone who plays the game actually thinks, so I'm not even going to try any more.

Re: Long time player, love the game

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 12:10 am
by sprite
Ok, you guys obviously don't care what anyone who plays the game actually thinks, so I'm not even going to try any more... You can all just stay here and whine 'til your hearts' content; sorry to all those people who actually wanted to know what the game is like from someone who still plays it and thinks its a good game.

Re: Long time player, love the game

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 3:46 pm
by cerest
Thread closed at request of the thread starter.