The Guide to Gingo Fighting

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Re: The Guide to Gingo Fighting

Post by kisedd »

I think this is a great guide. I prefer ragus over gingos for their ease of the kill, but there are better creatures to fight in various areas. Gingos give very good exp, but they can be very dangerous to melee players.
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Joined: Thu Sep 23, 2004 12:26 am

Re: The Guide to Gingo Fighting

Post by paris9 »

I usually melee, and gingos are my favorite critters to go after. Scary Gingos in particular are tasty. I liked this 'guide' alot, but it describes things I have been doing for quite a while now so was nothing new to me. The one thing I do do that is not listed is to pull them back to a safe area. Since my ranged magic attack does not go very far and I have to have at least medium armor (light armor is silly to use when melee'ing) I usually get closer to the 'unsafe' area than I like to be, so I found I could get off an acid attack and turn and run for a little bit back to a safe area, turn and attack. I usually get hit once before I attack, but in a gingo area with lots of them around its better than having an add, which is a slow and painful death.

Once I understand an area (hiding in a middle of bodocs to spy on things really does help), I cull the gingos to the point of them spawning in nice even intervals that make for great solo XP. They are about the only creature I hunt on a regular basis.

Oh, and do make sure you have the best piercing weapon you can buy. :)
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