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Re: Awesome game....horrible computer
Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 11:22 am
by bobturke
Unregistered wrote:Thx everyone for your answers, i wanted to be a Zorai but i cant, my PC sux, so imm going for the fyros, lol
Beware of the mainland!
I have the same issue but once on the mainland the only easy spawn point is in Pyr and that is one of the laggest places in the Ryzom world. So Fyros are out for me.
Zorai are generally laggy especially Zora (the one palce guarenteed to crash my PC).
So it was Mantis or Tryker for me. All the vocal people on the US server are playing Mantis so I though I might play a Tryker....
Re: Awesome game....horrible computer
Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 8:33 pm
by Cilar
Apart Pyr, Fyros lands should be the best if you have got a horrible computer. I mean, it's a desert so there aren't many vegetation (trees, etc) in most of the land. The problem will be at high level. Even if you're a fyros, I guess you will want to move and see the other lands and prime roots. I mean, Fyros lands are only 1/6 of the game. ... on_map.jpg
Fyros Lands are the (1) on this ingame map.
Re: Awesome game....horrible computer
Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 8:35 pm
by Nirvy
I have a Athlon 64 3400, 1Gb ram, GF 5900 and 1Mb ADSL. runs smooth as butter for me
Never slowed down for me yet.
Re: Awesome game....horrible computer
Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 8:42 pm
by Cilar
Unregistered wrote:Whats Pyr?
Damn! I wanted to visit the Prime Roots!
My char will be a coward cuz of my PC........he will run away when raids of monsters attack hehe
Pyr is the capital of Fyros Lands. ... on_map.jpg
Fyros Lands are the (1) on this ingame map.