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Re: Come to Pyr and Meet Your Destiny

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 12:49 am
by Mekos
CP will attend the summit in a show of solidarity with our Kami brothers in the desert. For that matter, we will support all homin no matter their allegiance against the onslought of the kitin hordes.

Re: Come to Pyr and Meet Your Destiny

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 12:59 am
by jdiegel
Mekos wrote:CP will attend the summit in a show of solidarity with our Kami brothers in the desert.
Which is nice but...
gralen wrote:By no means is Comitatus Praetorian a random sampling as so these numbers aren't entirely representative:
...Which is why that concerns me.

Re: Come to Pyr and Meet Your Destiny

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 3:15 am
by loyats
Not all of us Fyros bow blindly to the Kami fiends and their weak tribal allies. I for one would never support a dissident tribe or perform in an act of grace towards one (The Leviers Rescue). I will raise my sword, dirk, and pike to the cause of defending my people and those who wish defense from the Kitin, but those who choose to live outside our accepted customs and laws should reap the consequences of their actions. Honour will be represented at this meeting and welcome all fellow true believers in Jenna despite their race or prejiduce. And i know many guilds have access to teleportation which should grant much safer passage than any Kami lover would.

Re: Come to Pyr and Meet Your Destiny

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 6:05 am
by fynglas
And what of us young bloods not yet strong enough to make it to the mainland? Are we to rush our studies & training for a meeting of our eldars only to be stranded in a new land before our training is over? Perhaps the Kami's and Karavan peoples could simulcast the meeting in the training halls across the land :p

Re: Come to Pyr and Meet Your Destiny

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 6:33 am
by archie
My giuld will be there.
Desert Templars.
fyros giuld.

Re: Come to Pyr and Meet Your Destiny

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 6:45 am
by raynes
I have made the decesion that as it's not possible for me to attend this meeting, nor is it possible for other members of my guild to attend this meeting that in protest I personally will not help in any co-operative effort to fight the Kitin. If you can't work out a way for all of Atys homins to have representation at this meeting, then you can not expect all Homins to join you in your actions. Besides what difference does it make if I'm am asked to go into the PR where there is instant death and sit in the middle of an invasion and do nothing where there is instant death.

Re: Come to Pyr and Meet Your Destiny

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 1:53 pm
by billg1
raynes wrote:I have made the decesion that as it's not possible for me to attend this meeting, nor is it possible for other members of my guild to attend this meeting that in protest I personally will not help in any co-operative effort to fight the Kitin. If you can't work out a way for all of Atys homins to have representation at this meeting, then you can not expect all Homins to join you in your actions. Besides what difference does it make if I'm am asked to go into the PR where there is instant death and sit in the middle of an invasion and do nothing where there is instant death.


Why should anyone make it possible for you to attend a meeting? If your unable to be there thats your fault and your inablity to travel across the lands. It is no ones responsability to make sure you are there for an event but your own. if you had actually taken the time to learn how to travel across the dangerous lands you might have been able to make it.

Now your just giving up without trying. Your not going to be alot of help in the days to come of kitin invasions. And now you are afraid of other guilds leading? You have no right to lead if you cannot even travel to fyros. You show nothing bu weakness with giving up without even really trying. Your voice is that of failure and running away when the going gets hard. Nothing you say is any consequence and should ever listened to. People follow leaders, leaders lead by example.

Try stepping up and being a leader instead of a whiner that wont even take the chance to step up and fail. Lead your guild across the lands, fight and win through and then and only then will anything you have to say be taken seriously. Then and only then will any of us know we can count on you and your guild during the upcoming invasions.

Now seriously raynes if you want to be there do the following - this goes for anyone trying

Get 1 group of 9 - any more than that is simply put stupid and you deserve to die and never make it. It becomes utter chaos and full of useles, mindless failures - to many people mainly mainly because of the roots and BB

3 tanks, 3 Healers, 3 Nukers - You need fears, stuns and blinds - roots help
You want to at least get tank of level 150 for taunt
1 person is a scout - he runs ahead and looks for openings and what to pull to create windowsfor the group to pass thru he is also a puller
1 person (not the scout) is the leader usually the MT.
EVERYONE follow the leader, no one passes the leader EVER
Stay in single file lines
Stay tightly packed and grouped up

Do not fight in packs of heribivores
No AE damage spells EVER you aggro plants
If you see a predator attacking a herbivore in your path help the herbivore with blinds/stuns

Careful of the DOTs on mobs. Mages stay back. Get off there corpses they still hurt after dead.
Die to the DOT at your own risk.

No idle chit chat - pay attention to the task at hand of travelling
This kills groups more then it should
To many people want to hold useless conversations
You have a mission and its not easy
If someone is not paying attention there a liability in the field - kick them

You have to learn to pull singles.
You have to learn to bide your time and have patience on the pulls.
You need to watch your radar not your screen
Learn what mobs to pull to creat a window to pass thru and between the larger groups instead of fighting them
Pull to safe spots and kill them

Try to win thru but Expect failures - you actually want to fail several times before getting thru
Do not worry about DP - Do not expect xp
Suck it up and deal with it, its a learning experience
Do it over and over and over till you get it right
Most of all pay attention and learn what worked and what didnt work on every attempt
You will learn more from your failures then your successes
Failing is a wake up call telling you to try somthing else nothing more
Those that are afraid to fail never succeed
Those that learn from thier failures excel from there successes

I died and failed many times on many tipes and racked up huge DP getting thru the roots/BB/Matis many times.
MY guild has failed many times as well folowing me - but has now suceeded more then failed becuase we took the time
to learn how to do it. we ate the deaths and learned from our failures how to do it. Its called experience

Give it a shot before giving up - good luck

Re: Come to Pyr and Meet Your Destiny

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 2:14 pm
by raynes
billg1 wrote: Then and only then will any of us know we can count on you and your guild during the upcoming invasions.
That's a great one.... How any of US can count on you and your guild in UPCOMING invasions. Tell me would those be Ryzom invasions or WoW invasions? The last time I read you were going on and on about how you were quitting the game and going to play WoW. So your opinion and thoughts on this matter mean nothing as you will not be a part of any of it. Especially since the "we" and "upcoming" doesn't include you.

And as a side note, don't count on me. I'm perfectly happy watching the Kitin come in and wipe out Zora. The way I look at is if the Fryos government and my own government can ask me to go into the Prime Roots, and watch me die with no help, then I have no problem watching them die with no help.

Re: Come to Pyr and Meet Your Destiny

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 2:29 pm
by jdiegel
You know, Varthlokkur, you're going to fit in great amongst the WoW community.

Re: Come to Pyr and Meet Your Destiny

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 6:43 pm
by svayvti
Just because Raynes is amusingly hypocritical:

"1) This thread isn't about whether or not you can make it to Pyr. It's about an invitation to an even't in Pyr and how everyone isn't welcome or can make it. It's my attempt to demonstrate that I beleive it isn't. Billg1 posted real examples of where I how to get there, how many are needed, and what is needed to do it. In otherwords billg1 made an arguement, billg1 gave his reasons, and he supported those reasons with facts. Now the idea is for you (or anyone) to argue the opposite point. Nothing you have said so far even comes close to that. If you can't do that, then you have no real arguement and shouldn't even bother responding.

2) You can not prove that the different races can't make it to Pyr. That is a statement you made up. There is no way you can know exactly how many people have left the game or how many are staying."

Courtesy of Raynes' endless trolling on the forums

The endless whining about getting everything your way and taunting everyone who is different is highly annoying. You are fitting in perfect for a community of a game that is dying out and nobody is left.