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Re: Please fire the person that made the decisions for Patch 1
Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 8:21 pm
by tleilaxu
evalisa wrote:When you are new to the "proffesion" mistakes are made, its part of the lernign and any respected employer kows that
Nevvy is still new to this, and bar a few things patch ne was fine once adjusted
If people where fired on there first mistake in there jobs there owuld be a lot of legal fights over it.. lol
Nevrax is a relatively small new company. Does that mean everyone working for them is new then? Because that's what your implying. I certainly wouldn't hire anyone with no experience that way. Anyway, your attacks were not appreciated.
Re: Please fire the person that made the decisions for Patch 1
Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 8:27 pm
by bpeay
Someones butt needs to be on the line for this. They lost my subscription and many more. I would appreciate some communication from nevrax concerning their actions, or lack thereof.
Re: Please fire the person that made the decisions for Patch 1
Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 8:34 pm
by gatineau
I do not believe patch 1 problems can be laid at the feet of the programmers. This smacks too much of a policy decision.
Re: Please fire the person that made the decisions for Patch 1
Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 8:35 pm
by elfmatic
tleilaxu wrote:If you don't do your job properly you get fired. That's just how it is. Anyone who couldn't have seen this response coming a mile away doesn't deserve to be getting paid by Nevrax. It's as simple as that. That also wasn't a very creative flame.
Agreed. At least that's how it's been at the jobs I've had. I think this particular issue (the patch and it's hideously bad management) go beyond incompetance. It could almost be considered sabotage. Maybe their poject manager is getting paid by Blizzard on the side?
And Evalisa look. EVERYBODY wants a piece of this big pie called "MMORPG's". It appears to be a a VERY sweet fruit because it's a game that you can sell for the same price as every other game on the market, and THEN get a monthly fee from it. Who wouldn't want a piece of that action? Well, it's not free money and it's not an easy thing to do, and far too many companies don't understand the task they take on. I can make this long or I can make it short. I'm going the short route in hopes that you can properly fill in the blanks. These games have HUGE profit potential and they are consequently held to VERY high standards. Not only that but they are highly competitive with a new one coming out at least every month. They cannot afford to have some yack-off brother of a brother of the secretary running project management and expect to survive as a company. The standards are too high. They need to fire the IDIOT who butchered this project called Patch 1 and go pay top dollar for someone who can do it right.
Re: Please fire the person that made the decisions for Patch 1
Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 8:38 pm
by gatineau
Firing would be too easy. Be truly cruel and make them fix it.
Well, maybe a wee spanking too
Re: Please fire the person that made the decisions for Patch 1
Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 8:55 pm
by jharker
Ok, I was going to stay out of this, but all the backlash against the developers is just uncalled for. You can accuse them of every evil deed in the book and then ask, "Why aren't you defending yourself on this message board?!?!", but don't you realize they cannot defend themselves? And it's very lame to attack someone who cannot defend themselves.
The developers can't get on this message board and say, "Sorry about the patch, guys...our bosses made us do it. They're idiots." Management is ultimately responsible for the released product. However, management is often times more than happy to let the blame fall on the developers when the crap hits the fan, even though they were the ones who told the developers what to change and what to focus on (and what NOT to address).
Cut the developers some slack, unless you truly know that they are the decisionmakers behind the problems. Firing a random developer and blaming the whole mess on him/her is not my idea of a solution, but unfortunately it happens all the time.
Re: Please fire the person that made the decisions for Patch 1
Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 9:14 pm
by bpeay
Then why doesn't nevrax post something on their website addressing policy's and game issues from a dev standpoint. untill then we will flame on.
Communication could save the world.
Re: Please fire the person that made the decisions for Patch 1
Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 9:17 pm
by tleilaxu
jharker wrote:Ok, I was going to stay out of this, but all the backlash against the developers is just uncalled for. You can accuse them of every evil deed in the book and then ask, "Why aren't you defending yourself on this message board?!?!", but don't you realize they cannot defend themselves? And it's very lame to attack someone who cannot defend themselves.
The developers can't get on this message board and say, "Sorry about the patch, guys...our bosses made us do it. They're idiots." Management is ultimately responsible for the released product. However, management is often times more than happy to let the blame fall on the developers when the crap hits the fan, even though they were the ones who told the developers what to change and what to focus on (and what NOT to address).
Cut the developers some slack, unless you truly know that they are the decisionmakers behind the problems. Firing a random developer and blaming the whole mess on him/her is not my idea of a solution, but unfortunately it happens all the time.
At no time in Stig's post did he even mention that it was Devs, we know full well that someone along the chain of command made that decision. Probably at the behest of the PR department who had already announced the Patch. Anywho, it's all academic. This isn't really a serious thread.
Re: Please fire the person that made the decisions for Patch 1
Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 9:43 pm
by borguk
I just cancelled lets leave it at that, I did my little rant on English Euro.
However the title of this thread is right, whatever idiot sanctioned this patch I hope has to explain personally to the investors why they just lost so many customers.
Re: Please fire the person that made the decisions for Patch 1
Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 9:59 pm
by drech
Personally, I blame George W. Bush for this patch. And maybe the cat that lives next door, with his wee beady eyes.