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Re: Patch Today

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 4:50 pm
by keriann
hard/easy balancing comes later, for now the focus should be.. LET PEOPLE DO SOMETHING. since fighting/magic/harvesting was impossible... and crafting was gonna be impossible soon since soon the materials would finish.. and the important is too not make the experience frustrating (like is now.) there is always time to make zones with tougher monsters for players who wants a challenge in groups (whithout forcing everyone, newbies included to group to to merely survive).

I must say I am very pleased to see that ryzom is repatching itself right now... I just pray I will be able to return harvesting/fighting/doing magic/crafting (I do all 4 and I can assure that since I want to take up all the sub trees to 250 is going to take me 8 years to do it all. not speaking about if they extend it to 300 or more adding more options.)

Re: Patch Today

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 4:55 pm
by lazarus
Umm, one quick question - has this patch been applied yet?

I'm a bit lost on what version we should be on now. I didn't get the chance to get patch 1 installed yesterday and I'm patching now.

My client is reporting we're now on version 19. Does this include patch 1 and the harvesting patch, or just patch 1?

Re: Patch Today

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 4:58 pm
by art3an
jaggarot wrote:I just pray that the devs don't listen too much to the playerbase.

I've played too many otherwise fine games that were totally stuffed by the devs being led by the power-leveling diabloesque fans.

On balance, I loved the patch. It needs a few tweaks and that's hopefully all this will be - a few tweaks to make less downtime when harvesting and some aspects of combat less of a "certain death" scenario.

Yes, SoR is a difficult game now which requires you to think carefully about your actions. I like that.

There are plenty of other games out there catering to the click-and-kill/learn the game in 5 mins/PL to master in 5 days crowd. I sincerely hope SoR continues to cater for people like me, who want something a lot deeper :) .
Agree, I hope the patch wont change to much. Challenge is everything in the long run, but, of course, there must be some room for solo players.

Truly amazed by the quick responce from the devs. Have played a couple of mmorpgs, and this is very impressive (assuming the changes are good ;) )

Re: Patch Today

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 5:12 pm
by varna
lazarus wrote:Umm, one quick question - has this patch been applied yet?

I'm a bit lost on what version we should be on now. I didn't get the chance to get patch 1 installed yesterday and I'm patching now.

My client is reporting we're now on version 19. Does this include patch 1 and the harvesting patch, or just patch 1?
Yesterdays version after downloading patch went from 14 to 17. So i presume you have been patched and patched again.

Re: Patch Today

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 5:17 pm
by paradoc
jaggarot wrote:I just pray that the devs don't listen too much to the playerbase.

I've played too many otherwise fine games that were totally stuffed by the devs being led by the power-leveling diabloesque fans.

On balance, I loved the patch. It needs a few tweaks and that's hopefully all this will be - a few tweaks to make less downtime when harvesting and some aspects of combat less of a "certain death" scenario.

Yes, SoR is a difficult game now which requires you to think carefully about your actions. I like that.

There are plenty of other games out there catering to the click-and-kill/learn the game in 5 mins/PL to master in 5 days crowd. I sincerely hope SoR continues to cater for people like me, who want something a lot deeper :) .
let me just make one thing clear here....i hated Diablo...i do not power lvl...i have playing this game since the start of Beta one....i am probably a much lower lvl than most of you and i have been playing since three days or so after release...i love this game...i dont mind a challenge but i do like some thing that is fun...this as it was was not fun for ME...i there fore have the god given right to complain/moan/whine about something i am paying for.
tell me how this game makes you think now? tell me how my thought process has changed post patch (or how YOU think it should)

Re: Patch Today

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 5:27 pm
by keriann
Harvesting has been fixed in patch 19. gives me something to do until the monsters are fixed... something LIMITED to do since I cannot walk up to the places I used to harvest but at least I can harvest around the city safely.. maybe.

The monsters tho, are too overwhelming. I cannot even WALK on the ROAD to arrive to the places I use to harvest.

Re: Patch Today

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 5:32 pm
by tact01
SoulSnatcher, i know you listen. i know all the GM and Guides listen.
hence im not gonna shoot the messanger when i see them pop up next to me to have a chat.

but the developers do not.

it seems with this patch that they have had wrong information from the testers. they seem to have only said that oh healing is too easy, and oh harvesting is too easy, and oh crafting is too easy, and oh meleeing is to easy, and oh grouping against bigger mobs is too easy. and oh the mobs are too easy.

they have taken all these and more, then taken a handfull of the negatives, and changed them.

without even giving us more xp from the monsters! for all our trouble! hell atleast 5k xp now!

there is now a huge inballance in the game.

grouping is supposed to make it easier to kill mobs, especially bigger mobs, as at higher lvls you cannot take the bigger mobs which u need to get the bare minimum of 3k per kill to lvl.

healing: its not easy, against big monsters when there is no re-heal and oh now they lower the ammount of ppl affected by bomb, and reduce the ammount that you can heal with by bomb! so teams of 9 all with a range of 130-160 get raped by even the simplest of monsters!

Melee: in groups they die even more due to the power of normal monsters, healers cant heal quick enuf, they end up getting up only to fall down on their feet again (thinks of horned and chuckles)

crafting: i dont kno whats goin on with crafting, but alot of good crafters seem to be leaving/considering to leave which in turn makes the game a hell of a lot harder.

harvesting: more bad news, im a harvester but i dont grasp it, so i cant tell you whats wrong but more inballancing in that area.

looking back the words of wisdom my daddy said after i'd shot my brother in the foot with a air rifle. - "leave well enough alone!"

Re: Patch Today

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 5:32 pm
by grizlly
Thanks for letting us know whats going on. Its very reasuring to know that the gramers are not being ignored. And yes, if you look i liked the new patch but as a low level character (35) i knew itd take me awhileto do anything. So some balancing up would be nice :)

Keep up the good work.

Re: Patch Today

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 5:47 pm
by jaggarot
paradoc wrote:let me just make one thing clear here....i hated Diablo...i do not power lvl...i have playing this game since the start of Beta one....i am probably a much lower lvl than most of you and i have been playing since three days or so after release...i love this game...i dont mind a challenge but i do like some thing that is fun...this as it was was not fun for ME...i there fore have the god given right to complain/moan/whine about something i am paying for.
tell me how this game makes you think now? tell me how my thought process has changed post patch (or how YOU think it should)
Everyone has thier own idea of "fun". I'm not saying people should find the same things "fun" that I do.

What I am saying though is that the biggest thing SoR has going for it ATM is that it is significantly more complex and subtle that all the WoW's and EQ's out there.

If Nevrax compromise on the games complexity and subtlety to bring it more into line with WoW or EQ, to make it more attractive to that section of the gaming community - then they will be in direct competion with SOE and Blizzard, a contest they can never hope to win.

Hopefully there are enough players out there who appreciate a somewhat more challenging game that can keep SoR afloat. Frankly I'm sick of simplistic games catering to the mass of the gaming community. Ultimately all the games look and play the same. SoR both looks and feels different. I personally would like it to remain that way and urge the developers to stick to thier guns.

If I don't like the game, I'll leave for something else - stating my reasons once without vomiting my grievances all over the game forums.

And I'm not about to tell you or anyone else how to play the game - figure it out for yourself. That's one of the fun bits :D .

Re: Patch Today

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 6:10 pm
by paradoc
jaggarot wrote:Everyone has thier own idea of "fun". I'm not saying people should find the same things "fun" that I do.

What I am saying though is that the biggest thing SoR has going for it ATM is that it is significantly more complex and subtle that all the WoW's and EQ's out there.

If Nevrax compromise on the games complexity and subtlety to bring it more into line with WoW or EQ, to make it more attractive to that section of the gaming community - then they will be in direct competion with SOE and Blizzard, a contest they can never hope to win.

Hopefully there are enough players out there who appreciate a somewhat more challenging game that can keep SoR afloat. Frankly I'm sick of simplistic games catering to the mass of the gaming community. Ultimately all the games look and play the same. SoR both looks and feels different. I personally would like it to remain that way and urge the developers to stick to thier guns.

If I don't like the game, I'll leave for something else - stating my reasons once without vomiting my grievances all over the game forums.

And I'm not about to tell you or anyone else how to play the game - figure it out for yourself. That's one of the fun bits :D .
you miss my last point compleatly...i wasnt asking for a walk through... i was asking how someone can be so arrogant to say that ppl dont like the game now coz it makes you think. do they consider that i was not thinking before? coz i was and always have done. some one else hit on a good point by saying that to change all that at once is nucking futs. WoW and EQ2 dont really intrest me that much and this is my first MMORPG so i have NO preconceptions on what to expect. what IS anoying me about some of the answers to ppl getting things off their chests is the "You dont like it you must be stupid" attitude some of the replies have been. i aint stupid i just dont want a boring time. since patch 1 i have found it boring. i will make the effort and try out different things but if it dont grab me then im off. i spent the whole time last night doing the same thing...trying things to see if they worked or not. TBH i couldnt give a ______ if blind has gone or changed as we new it...what i do care about is that i put alot of work into my harvesting before the patch and it doesnt seem to of been worth it. ill end up stopping the digging and do we have a server full of ppl who dont craft and dont harvest...q50 traders armour and weapons anyone?? then it will be a game of kill that this way or kill it that thats fun. i have nothing against areas that are difficult for moer experienced players...but i can now die outside the city. only just outside the city. and if by chance i kill the mob i get pants even more fun. ill give you an example of something that happened last night. my friend had to log so i was alone for a bit...i went up to a vig kipee and taunted him...he came over...two bashes and he was dead...i thought wow that was cool ill have another go of that...i did exactly the same and self heal and 1200HP later i have DP. the same mob...same conditions...thats not "thinking" about what to do that is LUCK. if i want lady luck to shine on me ill go to a cassino.