Ok, where to begin.
There are probably an equal amount of good things and bad things.
The trade system.
GOOD: Sell your mats, and you get more money later if someone buys them.
BAD: Mean players will ruin this. For today, i saw a Kitin Larva for sale. This baby is like the Raw Mat you get when you begin with crafting skills, it can be used to craft ANYTHING and its a great mat, 90% level on every bar. But the person who sold it to the vendor, put a resale price of 2.5 million dappers on it for ONE mat. Not sure how you get the Kitin Larva, and not wanting to find out. But surely 2.5 million for one mat is too much for it. And for a suit of heavy armour made from Kitin Larva means that you spend 325,000,000 dappers on making the thing.
Other than that - The trade thing is a good way of making cash, if its used right.
SUGGESTION: Set the resell limit to three times the amount you sold it to vendors? You would still make a profit at a reasonaly price.
GOOD: The creatures have less health. went on a travel and took down Baying Gingos and Hard Kipee in an 8th of the time it used to.
BAD: Everything hits double. What was wrong with the fighting in the first place? Ok, so there were groups of beasts that could be used for power-levelling. Couldnt they have made the difficulty of beasts on an incremental scale? And if its so much harder, why does the XP remain the same?
SUGGESTION: Put fight back to what it was. However, increase the difficulty of some creatures to reflect how they should be. Or rethink the xp. Coz new players are going to have a hard time getting anywhere.
Never liked harvesting so no good points to make about it. However i have to do it for crafting, and can see the frustration the mainstream harvesters will have, and without those, where do the supreme mats come from?
Im presuming, they had planned it this way, for team harvesting, but what about those who dont have, or want to be in a guild. What are they supposed to do?
The problem was that harvesters had mode manipulation. So that could have been removed WITHOUT the overcostly focus use. Why punish all in such a way, because a few used the manipulation thing?
SUGGESTION: ?? dunno, make it like it was without the mode showing or allowing you to change it. At least give a chance to get 1 mat of the quality you are looking for. I had times where there was 3 digs where as soon as my pick touched the ground the forage was destroyed.
Dont know enough about magic to comment on it. But am sure that the same applies, both good and bad.
Apart from that, there are many useful changes to interfaces and stuff and some nifty features, but i think that they do need to look at it again, re-think the difficulty scale, and implement a half way between that will keep the players happy, and allow the progress that the devs are after. Im sure its not that difficult to scale. I mean look at it this way. Theres a dog thing, one person should be able to take it no problem. But a large Kitin, that SHOULD be a team effort and the changes to difficulty should be directed at those big things, not to all the little scrawny beasts.
Just think back to when you started off, the yubo was the only thing you could start off on, anything else meant death to you. Thing now is, a LOT of things means death.
Slow progress through the land is reasonable and expected, but sticking up a 400 foot deep trench filled with lava and broken glass round Yrkanis is not the way.