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Re: Patch 1 - Something Wicked this way comes
Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 8:22 pm
by pipfugl
No personal attacks on eachother just wanting to hear peoples experiences here.
Btw lvl 72 malicious ragus hit me for 1100 hehe
Re: Patch 1 - Something Wicked this way comes
Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 8:25 pm
by keriann
well I am one of the 12 people who voted that, and I confirm the vote.
as for the game longevity... they did start with one premise.... options. and I think they should follow that. 250 levels are too few?. put 500. so far I've seen the skills in the game, how they can be combined, and how they can be put toghether. big variety, it's nice. but, sincerely, came to my mind a good other 100 or so things that could be put in, spell combos in the spell creation, interesting effects, and so on... that haven't been exploited yet.
and... I sincerely doubt even playing 18 hours per day that I will get to 250 in ALL skills. pehaps in one... yes... 250 fighting after 3 months playing alot I could do... maybe.
the point is: making harder to actually do anything, you take away freedom from players, making them end up in... doing nothing or if to do something make a huge amount of effort.. to do little. is this fun? not for me.
Re: Patch 1 - Something Wicked this way comes
Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 8:30 pm
by linkzero
This new bug is also really great - especially for all those with high lvl affliction spells (blind etc).
If you link say blind to a mob (which always is nice when it happens) take a good look at your sap bar. My sap bar is 2k and in less than a minute,after the spell is linked, I'm out of sap. (Tested with blind lvl 9 at lvl 143 affliction)
Wonder how long it will take to fix this ? Probably longer than I'm gonna stick to this game
Re: Patch 1 - Something Wicked this way comes
Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 8:32 pm
by kaleid
I understand what you mean but honestly, at this point there really isnt that much of content or epic quests ig besides leveling your skills, wich was a lot of fun and enough for me atleast.
If the Devs need to nerf us this bad to make the game last longer will just make the grinding unbearable, there really isnt much other stuff to do atm, and how fun is it to try and raise a skill 1 pnt each week
there are better ways to balance games besides nerfing, dont take my word for it but if this patch/changes stays i bet my money atleast that they will loose quite a large hump of their current customers (atleast those, me for instance, who want the oppurtunity to solo when i want and still be able to raise my stats to a noticable level!)
And for a new player like me how fun is it to stay at the beginner island for 6 month killing yubos for 1 xp
Re: Patch 1 - Something Wicked this way comes
Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 8:33 pm
by genod
Well, the lag and short amount of time since the patch went live makes it rather difficult for me to form a proper judgement on this :/ The new merchant system looks promising, and I managed to combine two stacks of materials of the same ql in my packers so I'm quite happy that's fixed.
Hmm, what else? The new magic 'gloves' don't look as bad as I feared, and I think they'll actually grow on me. I think that's about all I can comment on for now. Maybe when I've had a proper go on this thing I'll have a chance to form an opinion on the more controversial changes, but I'll need more than a couple of hours...
Re: Patch 1 - Something Wicked this way comes
Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 8:39 pm
by desolis
keriann wrote:well I am one of the 12 people who voted that, and I confirm the vote.
as for the game longevity... they did start with one premise.... options. and I think they should follow that. 250 levels are too few?. put 500. so far I've seen the skills in the game, how they can be combined, and how they can be put toghether. big variety, it's nice. but, sincerely, came to my mind a good other 100 or so things that could be put in, spell combos in the spell creation, interesting effects, and so on... that haven't been exploited yet.
and... I sincerely doubt even playing 18 hours per day that I will get to 250 in ALL skills. pehaps in one... yes... 250 fighting after 3 months playing alot I could do... maybe.
the point is: making harder to actually do anything, you take away freedom from players, making them end up in... doing nothing or if to do something make a huge amount of effort.. to do little. is this fun? not for me.
There was a patch a few weeks ago were people lost spawn points and everyone also overreacted some people in my guild left cause oof the spawn points. Then a fix was released and an apology for the inconveniance and the spawn points were back and some of my members came back some never but some did and said sorry for teh overreaction. No patch has ever been a perfect patch and i dont think people realy can understand the scale of this game. Even when ive played tiny online games there has been constant patching of some form and bugs. People are just blowing there tops and not reporting the bugs the proper way as they should be.
Re: Patch 1 - Something Wicked this way comes
Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 8:40 pm
by daniel6
Well, I agree people level too fast but...
I'm level 111 2h melee and just got attacked by 1 scowling gingo and 1 vigorous gingo. The scowling blinded me so I couldn't hit them. When I finally killed them I had lost 1700 hp. I was wearing a q80 choice -> supreme heavy armor.
These mobs are about 70-90 levels below me and doesn't give me any xp.
So...bottom line...if this isn't fixed within the next few days Nevrax has lost another customer.
Re: Patch 1 - Something Wicked this way comes
Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 8:44 pm
by keriann
I am not over reacting, I have explained what was wrong. and I didn't said anything about leaving yet. infact I will wait they fix the whole situation, while I posted on several forums possible costructive solutions to make the game live longer instead of the nerf.
A game is fun when you are actually able to play it.
Re: Patch 1 - Something Wicked this way comes
Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 8:44 pm
by oblion
ok download the over sided patch, was happy i was like hey cool new loading

baah... long long... zzz... humm...? ha! im in! cool! i do one step "Please wait"
grrr.. ok lets set skills! setting bla bla... ok i feel power full no mistakes the ultimate warrior! time to slay something.. lets try my new power.. die vulgar kipee! die! ok i miss... oh well heppens.. OUCH wtf 200 dmg? oh well boom its dead.. ok i was alil worried but desided to continue.. wanted to go what i usaly kill lvl 110 mobs.. and before i reach there a poor clopper tries to be a hero..! atlist i think.. i hit 500, it hit 500..( i thought must be a spacial hit) i miss, it hits for another 500 (grrrr) *aaaarrrr now im gonna show him! * i miss ~_~, 1300 dmg im dead... fun fun i cant solo a clopper
then i desided to harvest off my DP.. i pros a mat.. start digging, heh its going to blow up! oh no a 300 dmg blow up.. heh.. BOOM! 1700 dmg god damn it im dead -.- more dp... well no more solo! time to group.. picked up few ppl over lvl 130 and time to go kill something.. we all got slayed by a lvl 130 mob lol.
conclusion: they ruined the game..
something to think about: there is a invesion in a few days! be ready to max out ur DP
Re: Patch 1 - Something Wicked this way comes
Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 8:46 pm
by desolis
kaleid wrote:Desolis:
I understand what you mean but honestly, at this point there really isnt that much of content or epic quests ig besides leveling your skills, wich was a lot of fun and enough for me atleast.
If the Devs need to nerf us this bad to make the game last longer will just make the grinding unbearable, there really isnt much other stuff to do atm, and how fun is it to try and raise a skill 1 pnt each week
there are better ways to balance games besides nerfing, dont take my word for it but if this patch/changes stays i bet my money atleast that they will loose quite a large hump of their current customers (atleast those, me for instance, who want the oppurtunity to solo when i want and still be able to raise my stats to a noticable level!)
And for a new player like me how fun is it to stay at the beginner island for 6 month killing yubos for 1 xp
yes i know but thats the whole point of these patches and future patches to address these issues, I have my problems with the game also but i gotta deal with them and report the bugs i find through the proper channels. to come out with comments like the devs dont care and are of playing wow is totaly ridiculous and childish and it seems liek some one is in a major tizzy liek taking a lollipop from a school kid.