my eyes are open (must be one of the lucky few to have some form of broadband Isdn cable since hamster speed pc's)borguk wrote:Thanks to the incumbent in the UK, British Telecom. No matter what their advertising says about reaching 90% of the population, there are alot of us that cant get DSL.
I live in Herefordshire, if BT were to publish the figures for that county it would show that only 10% are able to get DSL and thats because the citizens of Ledbury installed there own private broadband system. Even in Hereford if you live on the wrong side of the city you cant get DSL.
The government forced them to enable our county after threatening them with court action, even so it will be throughout 2005 as they go live. My area is June, until then It will continue to cost me £40 a month for my ISDN, the equilavent price to a 2mb DSL connection.
have we been patched?
Re: have we been patched?
Coinneach DeSolis
Cuidich An Rich
Cuidich An Rich